
Super Moderator
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damn, why the hate?

No Hate Yimmy. I like cml. It's funny because we're all very similar and our stories are almost identical. Athletes in great shape in our younger years, followed by some event that lead to gaining weight....not a few pounds here or there, mind you, but serious weight. And it gets tougher to lose as we get older.

Now, I didn't pussy out like cml and forego alcohol. Any weight loss will have to come with an understanding that I won't stop drinking and occasionally get shit faced with a few buddies. It happens very infrequently but I won't give up something that gives me a little pleasure as me and my buddies get older. It's the only escape from our crazy wives that we're left with after our kids leave the house and/or go back to college.


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No Hate Yimmy. I like cml. It's funny because we're all very similar and our stories are almost identical. Athletes in great shape in our younger years, followed by some event that lead to gaining weight....not a few pounds here or there, mind you, but serious weight. And it gets tougher to lose as we get older.

Now, I didn't pussy out like cml and forego alcohol. Any weight loss will have to come with an understanding that I won't stop drinking and occasionally get shit faced with a few buddies. It happens very infrequently but I won't give up something that gives me a little pleasure as me and my buddies get older. It's the only escape from our crazy wives that we're left with after our kids leave the house and/or go back to college.
I was drinking pretty heavy every afternoon for a few years. Once I started the daily steps goals for a while I got to the point where I would only drink after I met my step goal for the day but it seemed any time I drank I felt like absolute crap the next day even after a few beers. It made it harder to get my steps in so I just quit. I still like it and would drink for special occasions if the need ever came up but I do not miss it.


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I was drinking pretty heavy every afternoon for a few years. Once I started the daily steps goals for a while I got to the point where I would only drink after I met my step goal for the day but it seemed any time I drank I felt like absolute crap the next day even after a few beers. It made it harder to get my steps in so I just quit. I still like it and would drink for special occasions if the need ever came up but I do not miss it.

I hear you. I don't really drink unless I have company. Drinking alone sucks so I'm a very social drinker. My family started drinking wine with dinner during the early stages of the lockdown. But that got old as the lockdown dragged on.

I do respect folks that have the will power to work out at our age. But I also think that could lead to bad knees and bad backs. I try to not overexert my body and not deny what it craves. So if I'm watching TV and I get an it's for Scotch, Bourbon or beer, then my body is telling me something and I make it healthy. Worked so far......


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What the fuck is going on here? How can this be? Completely outrageous........

FOX 35 Investigation Reveals Inflated Florida Coronavirus Numbers

Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 found that testing sites like Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.


High Plains Drifter
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I hear you. I don't really drink unless I have company
I only drink if I'm alone or with somebody.

But seriously, my drinking is severely curbed by my daily 80mg dose of atorvastatin. It taxes the liver to the point it can't deal with much alcohol.

I might have a beer or three but only after 9pm, I can tolerate it then since it's about 12 hours after the dose. But not before. Hard liquor is totally out of the question.


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Well California dun fucked up

What else is new

The Governor opened up the state a couple weeks ago to allow some indoor interaction which included regular stores, restaurants for indoor dining with restrictions such as having 50% less indoor tables for diners and so on...

Well we just had a number of consecutive days with record COVID infection increases

So now the governor has shut down ALL indoor activities and dining once again. As of right now some outdoor dining is still allowed. But I suspect that won’t last long. Plus who the fuck wants to sit outside for a meal in 100 degree heat.

We had 3155 new cases right here in Los Angeles County yesterday and 5782 new cases in the entire state of CA yesterday.

We have had more cases recorded yesterday in LA county than 6 entire state’s have had since the beginning of the Pandemic

Shut down everything, except the protesters


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What the fuck is going on here? How can this be? Completely outrageous........

FOX 35 Investigation Reveals Inflated Florida Coronavirus Numbers

Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 found that testing sites like Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.

Gee, what a shock


High Plains Drifter
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Shut down everything, except the protesters
Right, because what you knuckle-draggers don't understand is this is a 21st Century SMART virus! You heard of smart phones, smart TVs and smart cars, Einstein?

THIS virus is smart, it is also socially conscious. It doesn't infect people wearing masks, or people who are at leftist protest events. It doesn't infect people who are busy rioting and looting. It ONLY infects people who don't respect it by not wearing a mask, and infects people at church gatherings, bars, restaurants, barber shops and beauty salons. And who patronize any other business that helps the economy! Oh and Trump Rallies - ESPECIALLY at Trump rallies!

This virus goes around looking for dumbfucks to infect. You signal you are not a dumbfuck by COMPLYING and wearing your fucking mask! And staying the fuck out of churches! And FAR AWAY from any Trump rallies!

As soon as you anti-science mother fuckers figure this out, we'll have this virus beaten! Hell, here's how fucking intelligent and socially conscious this new, smart virus is - on fucking November 6th if Biden wins, this mother fucker will know its job is done and will magically fucking vanish!

It ain't asking much. But if Trump wins, look out! You're gonna piss it off and it will NEVER fucking go away and will launch wave after wave of attacks until a Democrat gets elected as President!


Quality Starter
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I was drinking pretty heavy every afternoon for a few years. Once I started the daily steps goals for a while I got to the point where I would only drink after I met my step goal for the day but it seemed any time I drank I felt like absolute crap the next day even after a few beers. It made it harder to get my steps in so I just quit. I still like it and would drink for special occasions if the need ever came up but I do not miss it.

I feel ya, I quit drinking for the most part when I was 19 (I was absolutely out of control prior to that starting at age 14)

So I've managed to get fat without all the fun (although I have enjoyed the hell out of the food I overate to get me here)

Hell, I cant even drink a full 7 oz Corona without getting a headache and throwing in the towel by switching to water


Quality Starter
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But I also think that could lead to bad knees and bad backs.

I'm positive getting fat leads to bad knees and back, 5 years ago my back never had pain, I could do a standing jump on 48" box, no prob, do upside down pushups, chin-ups with a 65 lb vest and I felt great all over. All I did was lift heavy 3 days a week on the big 6 and walk every day (and control my diet with a lot of lean protein).

I was 49

The last two days I've walked and merely stepping on a small rock or an unlevel surface caused my ankle to roll on one leg and the knee buckle on the other sending me and my phone flying in opposite directions while onlookers offer help for my pitiful situation as I curse myself in disgust

I think heavy weights, walking and a good diet is the closest thing to the fountain of youth we've ever discovered

gawd, I hope I can get back on that horse and stay there


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Right, because what you knuckle-draggers don't understand is this is a 21st Century SMART virus! You heard of smart phones, smart TVs and smart cars, Einstein?

THIS virus is smart, it is also socially conscious. It doesn't infect people wearing masks, or people who are at leftist protest events. It doesn't infect people who are busy rioting and looting. It ONLY infects people who don't respect it by not wearing a mask, and infects people at church gatherings, bars, restaurants, barber shops and beauty salons. And who patronize any other business that helps the economy! Oh and Trump Rallies - ESPECIALLY at Trump rallies!

This virus goes around looking for dumbfucks to infect. You signal you are not a dumbfuck by COMPLYING and wearing your fucking mask! And staying the fuck out of churches! And FAR AWAY from any Trump rallies!

As soon as you anti-science mother fuckers figure this out, we'll have this virus beaten! Hell, here's how fucking intelligent and socially conscious this new, smart virus is - on fucking November 6th if Biden wins, this mother fucker will know its job is done and will magically fucking vanish!

It ain't asking much. But if Trump wins, look out! You're gonna piss it off and it will NEVER fucking go away and will launch wave after wave of attacks until a Democrat gets elected as President!

This absolutely sums it up perfectly.


Defense Wins Championships
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Award winning journalist Simone Gao, who hosts the program "Zooming In", goes for a detailed and in depth expose of the Covid-19 outbreak and initial cover-ups, from China and the CCP in this documentary, "The Coverup of the Century."



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For all the criticisms of the current administration, the fact they deregulated so many road blocks and allowed for these companies the opportunity to (possibly) bring a vaccine to market so quickly is incredible. It doesn't fir with the left wing talking points but Obama/Biden fucked up H1N1, allowed 60 plus million Americans to get infected and no one discusses it.

US secures 100 million doses of Pfizer, BioNTech experimental coronavirus vaccine

The U.S. government has reached a $1.95 billion deal with Pfizer and BioNTech for 100 million doses of their experimental COVID-19 vaccine once it obtains Food and Drug Administration approval.

An additional 500 million doses can be acquired, and U.S. citizens would receive the vaccine for free, according to the agreement.

A Phase 2b/3 trial of the vaccine, with human subjects, is scheduled to start later this month and will be subject to regulatory review as early as October 2020. If successful, 100 million doses would be manufactured by the end of this year and possibly more than 1.3 billion would be produced in 2021.

"Adding a vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech" to the government's Operation Warp Speed inoculation-development program "increases the odds that we will have a safe, effective vaccine as soon as the end of this year,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.

Operation Warp Speed aims to deliver 300 million doses of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. The initiative accelerates the development, production and distribution of tests, treatments and vaccines for the disease, which has reached pandemic proportions worldwide, infecting more than 3 million people in the U.S. and killing 142,000.
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