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  • Hey. Just dropped in to say hello to dbair and wish him a happy holiday season. Since you said something, I hope you have one too of course.

    Happy Holidays.
    Hello! Trying to navigate this site, have a couple questions if you don't mind:

    Where is the Main Forums link? All I can find is the New Posts link. Thanks!

    Also, how do you know if your PM has been sent? I went to both, Sent Mail, as well as the three Inbox folders that came with the PMs that I received. My sent messages where in neither location.

    Thanks in advance, brother.
    Can you add this smiley to the collection

    Yeah man I was on CowboysZone and I hate how they run things over there. I'm glad to be over here!
    Accidentally made my skin the phone skin and I hate it but can't change it back. Please make it the Dez skin. Thanks.
    I hope you dont mind me sharing that Herschel Walker article over at CZ. It reminded me of why its necessary to keep exercising even in our later years. Keep up the great posting. :hellyeah
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