
Reaction score
Dak was a pure luck lottery ticket that hit. No other team thought highly enough of him to pick him in 4 rounds. Most of the analysts predraft didnt even think he would be an NFL QB. It was pure blind luck and nothing more.


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Dak was a pure luck lottery ticket that hit. No other team thought highly enough of him to pick him in 4 rounds. Most of the analysts predraft didnt even think he would be an NFL QB. It was pure blind luck and nothing more.



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How confident is GM Jerry that they got a decent QB of the future in Dak fucking Prescott?

He apparently is already admitting he should have overpaid to ensure they got the deal done to get Paxton Lynch.

Lost in the hoopla the other night was the little tidbit that apparently they first tried to get the Bills to trade down from 19 (am assuming they thought like many that the Jets would take Lynch). The Bills were apparently holding out for something more in the 2017 draft. We said no, and didn't make the move.

I have been so frustrated the past several years. Jerry has made me hate the draft. I wonder what it would take for me to stop caring and I'm pretty sure a Dak Prescott-led Cowboys could do it.

So, I guess my only complaint is possibly not getting your QB of the future when you were that high.

Elliott is a great player, I just think we drafted him too high. 4 is too high for a RB in today's NFL.

Jaylon Smith is a huge gamble and completely destroys the win now mentality the team pretends to be in.

Collins is an almost guy the same way Anthony Spencer was. He almost makes a play, almost makes a sack.

Tapper is one of those players who can look dominant and has great tools. Those types of players require coaching. We don't have the atmosphere to get the most out of players. Jerry tells them all he loves them, Garrett slaps them on the butt, Marinelli might give you a cool nickname, but as far as actual accountability? None.

Prescott is a disaster. Slow release, athletic but not fast. Strong arm but not accurate. Again, we don't have the coaching to maximize what limited talents he has.

Anthony Brown is a JAG CB, the Safety is a JAG. The RB from Eastern Michigan is actually solid but there's no space for him on the roster. The basketball player is intriguing but it's another example of the team wanting to seem clever and innovative.

We did not get better this off-season with the exception of Elliott being a homerun back. If Romo gets hurt, we're a 2-12 team.

It's over

At least we got Elliott

If it wasn't for that pick of be very unhappy with the entire draft

Still not convinced Moore is the primary backup when the season starts. They may be trying to wait out the situations with Foles or McCown, to see if they can sign them after being cut.

I don't want to see Prescott on the field in anything other than a preseason game. If we do, we're sunk as bad as last yr, if not worse.

He probably didn't want a number that was that much higher than his IQ
- yep, I was referring to Prescott

NFL rules I think, you can't give a RB a number that low. I think 20 is the bottom.
- referring to Prescott


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These are from the Prescott DUI thread:

Just came across crawl on ESPN.

Really stupid kid. We better not waste a pick on this guy.

Some zoners saying this is great news, now we can get him a round later. :facepalm :lol

Some zoners are fucking retards

I never wanted us to draft him anyway, now I'm even more against him.

If we don't get Wentz or Goff early, or maybe Lynch after a trade down there's really only two other guys I'm interested in.

Unlike some, I still haven't completely closed the door on Connor Cook. Am definitely curious to see if he throws with more velocity at the Mich St pro day (reportedly lacked velocity at combine, probably due to the lingering shoulder injury. Their pro day is Wednesday this week)

The only other QB I like is Arkansas' Brandon Allen. I know about the small hands thing, but he throws it extremely well and was EXTREMELY productive in a great conference. Last yr getting nearly 66% comp %, 30 tds, only 8 picks and over 9.3 yds per attempt. The prior yr he was at 56% comp %, 20 tds and only 5 picks. He also looked good at the Senior Bowl and in throwing drills at the combine.

I hated Dak too, but only because Booze poisoned my mind against him.

I like my crow well done please
-posted midseason last yr


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Dak Prescott will not be Romo's eventual replacement, at least not long term. I still think that with Jerry missing out on Lynch, that if Lynch has any success this year Jerry is going to go hard after a 1st round QB next year.

my fear is that the team will feel Prescott is the heir apparent and ignore the QB position the next couple of drafts.

If every time a QB were drafted in the 4th or later round, you could get an even money bet that the QB in question would not develop into a quality NFL starter, you'd become a wealthy person betting against the QBs. You wouldn't win all of the time, but you'd win almost all of the time. So yeah, chances are against Prescott and if I were to bet on whether or not he'll make it, I'd bet against.

He does have a number of talents, but to play to his strengths, you can't expect him to play like Romo in a scheme that favors Romo's talents. You'd have to run something that looks more like what the Panthers do with Newton. You'd have to let him run the ball sometimes.

He's got some of that moxy that Parcells used to talk about. He's got leadership ability, he's developed some touch on his passes, he has a strong arm, he's a strong running threat when plays break down, and he can be accurate (although not as consistently as you'd hope ... at least for now). I think his biggest challenge will be adjusting to the speed of the game. He'll have to learn how to process information and react almost instantaneously ... and that'll be tough because he was more careful and deliberate (slower) as a college QB.

As an SEC college football fan who has seen almost all of Prescott's games, I'd like to see him succeed. He's been given a great situation ..... an outstanding OL, a top notch RB, Dez. If he can't make it in Dallas, he probably couldn't make it anywhere else. Again, I wouldn't bet on him making it.

Please I hope he gets jersey #17.

I had to laugh at the headline using "develop QB" when regarding a dud pick and Wade Wilson who is batting .000 to train him. Prescott won't even be in the NFL in 5 years.

True. MrB. In all likelihood if there are any questions about the QB situation going into next year Jerry will loudly and probably clumsily pursue the most accessible QB in his range. The question will be: What is his range? Will he do what the Rams and Eagles did or more like what the Raiders did.

I sincerely doubt that there is any other plan than Romo, Dak, and maybe Little Kellen. But wishfully, maybe they have a contingency plan for a Petty or an AJ McCarron. P

If Romo plays 4 games or less, 3-13 and Garrett is gone. Jerry knows his time (on Earth) is limited.

I just don't get it. There were pure passers and experienced QBs in the draft and for some reason this athlete who is still learning in the position was fated to go to Dallas in this draft. So it's still Kellen Moore without any concern for Dak being ready or having to worry about being well versed in the offense.

Dak is a great kid, but he doesn't have the natural talent. If you could take the best trait from Dsk and Johnny Football , you would really have a great QB.

I meant a franchise caliber QB not Quincy part 2

I'm still so puzzled about why Dak was so linked to Dallas before the draft and then why they took him. There were so many more polished and overall physically skilled QBs. Was it the character thing? I get the feeling that Jason would pass on Favre, Brady, Rothlisberger, Flacco or even Russell Wilson if he had the chance to draft them and instead find some baptist bible college QB who is running for a Connecticut Senate seat and has the endorsement of his dad and Geep Chryst.


High Plains Drifter
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dbair, I stand in respect to you. Amazing what a little motivation can do. I congratulate you, for digging all this shit up, it's very revealing. You are The Man at DCU. I've rewarded you accordingly not just for that, but for always sticking up for your beliefs and always being here, your commitment to the board.


High Plains Drifter
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Dak was a pure luck lottery ticket that hit. No other team thought highly enough of him to pick him in 4 rounds. Most of the analysts predraft didnt even think he would be an NFL QB. It was pure blind luck and nothing more.
Props. Exactly right. Dallas never, ever, in it's wildest fondelest dreams ever thought they were drafting a starting QB, and neither did anyone else except Scot!


Pro Bowler
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Makes for some interesting reading
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High Plains Drifter
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I honestly don't remember hating on him like that.

I sure as fuck was wrong about him, 100% wrong and happy as can be about that fact!
Dude, where did you hate on him? I saw this:

We just drafted our future!
Dak Prescott your future is now, Romo has just Been placed on IR and you will be starting game one!


Pro Bowler
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There was a post earlier in the thread that I guess I posted as soon as he was drafted

It looks like that post was after Romo was injured and not on draft day


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
There was a post earlier in the thread that I guess I posted as soon as he was drafted

It looks like that post was after Romo was injured and not on draft day
I didn't see any post where you hated on him. Please copy and paste.


Pro Bowler
Reaction score

I believe I posted this right after we picked Dak and I was still pissed that Denver jumped up a couple spots to take Lynch before we could

Then im guessing this other post had to be at a separate time after Romo was injured



High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
I believe I posted this right after we picked Dak and I was still pissed that Denver jumped up a couple spots to take Lynch before we could
Actual date on that is found here.



Pro Bowler
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Apparently so. LOL

But at least I was willing to get behind him when Humpty Dumpty fell down
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And most of all the Great Red Fraud.

Because if this team had Connor Cook like it wanted

Actually even if Connor Cook, still would have been Helen Moore first - not because he should be an NFL player, but because he knows the system - Jason's system.
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Linehan's system.

It's not. It's Linehan calling Jason's plays and according to Linehan he runs everything by Jason because it is his system. If you want to see Linehans system go back to the 2013 Lions. Stafford had the second fastest snap to release in the league (I think Brady was first). Now Linehan did use some of the high percentage play calling in the first 11 games (especially the first 7) but when the Empty backfield, distance routes based on a 2:00 offense look happened after the Minnesota game and a large part of the Green Bay playoff game, that's Garrett's system. Linehan wants to run the ball and use multiple running backs in running and passing game. The only time that the Dallas running game got emphasized during the Garrett years was when Callahan and Linehan started calling the plays. In fact Linehan said that he was responsible for designing the run game after Callahan left. The run scheme went through Sparano, Garrett (which was virtually nonexistent but somehow with a weak O-line Romo is throwing 648 times with sustained blocks) barely had any running success. Blamed other factors why he couldn't run. He said "pass deep to run underneath" and then changed to "run balanced but pass aggressive". He just wants his passing system to persist because he had been developing it since the Aikman years and changing to a successful scheme at this point would be indicting of his coaching judgment.

But while the run game has gone through several changes, it is secondary to the 3-digit Coryell system that Garrett insists on certain philosophies (which is a large part of why Linehan can only have limited success). Garrett's passing scheme is not to be touched other than some formations (which was not Garrett's forte so he just pretended "vanilla" was a strength). His philosophies are based on a few naive presumptions:
1- the run game is separate from the effects on the passing game.
2- 5 receivers is a mismatch even without speed - but the presumption is 5 recovers will force a defense into a prevent look which he believes (erroneously) draws pressure from the LoS and gives more time to the QB with secondary and tertiary routes. Despite Jim Haslett demonstrating in Washington that overloading the Oline beats the 5 wide.
3- there are certain scenarios which trigger (what Garrett calls - Stolen from a Belichick interview during the Patriot Moss years - "aggressive passing downfield"):::running the ball for more than 7-10 yards, a turnover between the 40s, and on third and short.
He thinks all of these are novel and trick thinking but generally speaking the Cowboys success in 2014 and 2016 were the work of two experienced OCs who managed the series, first downs and manipulated the defense. In 2010-2012 Jonathan Bales tracked the tendencies of Garrett to use play action primarily on third and long (which makes no sense) and his passing gains were based on mop yards in the last two minutes of each half.
4- incompletions are meaningless. Don Coryell said it first but the lofty expectation is that the defense will make a stop and the offense will get another chance.
5- downfield is better than first downs. The defense will soften because with downfield completions.
6- height at WR is more important than speed or play design creating separation.
7- throwing the ball when the team is ahead by more than a TD with under 5 minutes in the 4th quarter is aggressive and unexpected despite incompletions stopping the clock and the ball getting back to the other team is stupid.
8- running the ball as a game plan is like an appetizer fulfilling a Thankagiving meal.
9- running the same pass play sequence over and over actually tricks the defense because who does that? And after a while, something needs to work.
10- If the plays fail it's not that the defense figured out the simple logic or the Garrett plays are repetitive, it's that the WRs need to play better and the O-line needs to hold blocks longer so the pass plays can eventually work.
11-Garrett gets to approve of the Linehan plays.
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