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It would be great if fast food joints could pay a "living wage" (whatever that may be). But it all comes down to productivity. Does the productivity of a fast food worker warrant a "living wage".

Recently, Elizabeth "Cherokee" Warren threw out a $22/hour figure, citing average productivity growth as her basis. This figure is nonsense because, even if we set wages according to productivity theory, it's marginal productivity that determines wage rates, not average productivity. It's highly unlikely that the lowest productivity workers perform $22 an hour worth of productivity.

If you arbitrarily set minimum wage to be a "living wage", something else would have to give. You would see fewer workers hired and/or an increase in prices. And once prices increase, this "living wage" will increase as well.
I'm not suggesting that but I have no issue with people taking a risk to demand one.


In the Rotation
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:lol You mad Bro?

They are taking a risk too.

i gotta admit, if you're comparing me busting my ass and investing in myself to someone saying "hey, double my money cause i have issues" then yea, i got a bit torqued.

so let me ask you this, when they get tossed out on their ass and have no income now, where do they go? again, they pay what the position is worth, not what a person needs for their own lifestyle. i wanted a better lifestyle, i worked for it, not demanded my employer give it to me w/o any advancement on my part.

the mentality they have is what the issue is. they don't want to work for more, they just want more.


In the Rotation
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Maybe we should sprinkle a little Socialism/Communism into out democracy. Does a company really need to make a billion $$$ even after they pay all the higher ups salary. They could easily pay there staff 10$/hr and not really miss the money. Obviously this will never happen though.


In the Rotation
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Maybe we should sprinkle a little Socialism/Communism into out democracy. Does a company really need to make a billion $$$ even after they pay all the higher ups salary. They could easily pay there staff 10$/hr and not really miss the money. Obviously this will never happen though.

Stupidest post ever.


Practice Squad
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Maybe we should sprinkle a little Socialism/Communism into out democracy. Does a company really need to make a billion $$$ even after they pay all the higher ups salary. They could easily pay there staff 10$/hr and not really miss the money. Obviously this will never happen though.

To what end?

Try as they might, socialism and communism don't negate economic fundamentals. I mean, communism is great if you like four hour bread lines.
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Maybe we should sprinkle a little Socialism/Communism into out democracy. Does a company really need to make a billion $$$ even after they pay all the higher ups salary. They could easily pay there staff 10$/hr and not really miss the money. Obviously this will never happen though.

Socialism/communism isn't necessary in a Democracy, it's only necessary for a lazy ass society that has no will power.

If anyone gave a crap about how companies run and expand profits on cheap shit, they'd simply stop buying the product and force the companies to alter their model. As it stands, we have a gluttonous consumer generation that on one hand will not refrain from feeding itself junk food and junk entertainment, and out of the other side of it's slobbering mouth demanding someone make that company they buy said junk from pay for it's prosperity.


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SP and 2233 just blow my mind every single time I open a thread. It's like they don't live on the same planet I do. Where hard work, experience, and the will to better yourself can open doors that they've no concept of. No one with any self respect would demand 15 an hour to ask someone if they wanted to upsize their combo.

Seriously, sit down restaurants get away with paying those same people 2.13 an hour. When I started working shit jobs in high school, minimum wage was 3.25 an hour. I knew then, you can't live on this. It isn't supposed to be something you live off of. It's supposed to be what you pay teens and college kids to help them pay for things while others are paying for the bulk of their lives. And to teach them the value of a buck. Or for retirement folks that want something to do part time.

Minimum wage jobs were never (In my life time so far) meant to be the top out of your life. To demand more money for digging a ditch, flinging burgers, detailing a car, etc etc... Who are you? Man up.
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i gotta admit, if you're comparing me busting my ass and investing in myself to someone saying "hey, double my money cause i have issues" then yea, i got a bit torqued.

so let me ask you this, when they get tossed out on their ass and have no income now, where do they go? again, they pay what the position is worth, not what a person needs for their own lifestyle. i wanted a better lifestyle, i worked for it, not demanded my employer give it to me w/o any advancement on my part.

the mentality they have is what the issue is. they don't want to work for more, they just want more.

If they get fired that's the consequence for their strike. They feel they are worth more, why shouldn't the try to fight for more money.


Super Moderator
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If they get fired that's the consequence for their strike. They feel they are worth more, why shouldn't the try to fight for more money.

Because they took a job knowing darn well what it paid. It's not a surprise. Some jobs pay minimum wage; it is what it is. If you want more money, get into another field or do some manual labor that may pay you more.
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Because they took a job knowing darn well what it paid. It's not a surprise. Some jobs pay minimum wage; it is what it is. If you want more money, get into another field or do some manual labor that may pay you more.

So we can assume that you will never accept or ask for a raise? After all you knew what the wage was when you took the job.
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