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BREAKING: People are fucking stupid

10 yrs ago, disney released a cgi movie called tangled. its the story about rapunzel (chick w/ long ass hair). rapunzel is locked away in a castle and essentially, "quarantined." the name of the kingdom in the disney version is called corona.

now, goobers online have pointed the alex jones finger of conspiracy at disney for predicting or possibly creating the entire pandemic.

the rapunzel story itself is over 200 yrs old. i dont remember or cannot find any reference to the name of the kingdom in the original versions.


Super Moderator
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yim i understand you dont agree with the topic but damn if that thumbs down dont always hurt my feelings


Super Moderator
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yim i understand you dont agree with the topic but damn if that thumbs down dont always hurt my feelings

Yeah.....those pricks are shooting the messenger. That would bother me too.


Quality Starter
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yim i understand you dont agree with the topic but damn if that thumbs down dont always hurt my feelings

Lol, I was afraid you'd think that amigo.

The thumbs down wasn't for you, it was for the conspiracy idiots, I love your posts man so in the rare instance you see a thumbs down from me, know that its always directed at whatever idiot you're highlighting in your post, not you


The Elite :-P
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Virus news update from a email:

Here are a number of major victories from the Pandemic line. I’ve had my team fact-check these wins
with links you can follow up on."

(1) Vaccine development: An experimental vaccine developed by Moderna Inc. began the first stage of a clinical trial on Monday, with testing on 45 healthy adults in Seattle. [link]

(2) China's new cases plummet: China has now closed down its last temporary hospital built to handle COVID-19. Not enough new cases to warrant them. [link]

(3) Drugs that work: Doctors in India have successfully treated two Italian patients with COVID-19,
administering a combination of drugs — principally Lopinavir and Ritonavir, alongside Oseltamivir and
Chloroquine. Several are now suggesting the same medical treatment, on a case-by-case basis, globally.
[link] [link]

(4) Antibodies to the rescue: Researchers at the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody that can fend off infection by COVID-19. [link]

(5) 103-year-old recovery: A 103-year-old Chinese woman has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China, becoming the oldest patient to beat the disease. [link]

(6) Stores re-opening: Apple has reopened all 42 of its Apple retail stores in China. [link]

(7) Test results in 2 hours: Cleveland’s MetroHealth Medical Center has developed a COVID-19 test that can now deliver results in just two hours, rather than in a matter of days. [link]

(8) South Korea's dramatic drop in new cases: After its peak of 909 newly reported COVID-19 cases on February 29th, South Korea has now seen a dramatic drop in the number of new cases reported daily. [link]

(9) Mortality rates inflated? Experts predict that Italy has seen a higher mortality rate of COVID-19 given its significant aging population, as well as its higher percentage of COVID-19 patients with pre-existing health conditions. This might suggest that COVID-19’s fatality rate may have been slightly more inflated than previously thought for the general population. [link]

(10) Israeli vaccine development: More than 50 scientists in Israel are now working to develop a vaccine and antibody for COVID-19, having reported significant breakthroughs in understanding the biological mechanism and characteristics of the novel coronavirus. [link]

(11) Full recoveries: Three patients in Maryland who tested positive for COVID-19 have now been reported to have “fully recovered.” [link]

(12) Isolated virus: A network of Canadian scientists isolated the COVID-19 virus, which can now be
replicated to test diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines. [link]

(13) Yet another vaccine in the works: San Diego biotech company Arcturus Therapeutics is developing a COVID-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore. [link]

(14) Treatment protocols: Seven patients who were treated for COVID-19 at Jaipur’s Sawai Man Singh (SFS) Hospital and Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital in India have recovered. The treatment protocol will be widely scaled to other hospitals. [link]

(15) Another treatment: Plasma from newly recovered COVID-19 patients (involving the harvesting of virus-fighting antibodies) holds promise for treating others infected by the virus. [link]

Some of COVID-19’s hardest hit nation victims are already emerging strong after peak infection, and
bio-medical innovators are tackling the virus at unprecedented speeds.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER… While everyone is concerned about the super-high mortality rate of
this virus — which is calculated by the “number dead” divided by “the number who have tested positive” (currently ~8,000/200,000) — the denominator, i.e. the number infected is actually VERY hard to know because so few people have been tested.

It may well be that 10x more are infected but subclinical. So is the mortality rate 4% or 0.4%?

We will find out as large scale-testing comes reliably online.

Wishing you the best. Remember that our most important tool during times of panic and crisis is our mindset.


The Elite :-P
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ORCA Business Passport
Dear Business Passport Customers,

Please see latest news release below regarding temporary service reductions as well as the planned Spring Service Change. This release provides more detailed information than what was sent yesterday. The information can also be found at the Metro Matters blog.

We understand these are difficult and challenging times for all of us as we move to mitigate the pandemic in the community. Metro’s primary focus is on ensuring the safety of both our customers and our workforce. Ridership is down considerably across the system. These service reductions are also designed to maintain a resilient and sustainable transit system that’s able to keep our region moving every day and to ramp back up when this chapter closes. Again, at this point we are not experiencing any shortages in our workforce or the availability of coaches, but this may be a factor in reducing service further.

We are working to protect equity by providing service throughout our entire service area as frequently as possible, spread throughout the time span our riders need each day.
Metro is:​
  • using current estimates of ridership from the last two weeks – a good indicator of where needs are greatest as much of the region has embraced guidance from public health to telework and limit social interactions,​
  • focusing reductions on trips – so buses still come, but less often and remain reliable​
  • reducing peak service where there is a local alternative, and​
  • maintaining all-day, two-way routes​
  • maintaining access to the existing network best serves people who rely on transit and will need to continue to work in hospitals, service, and other industries where teleworking is not an option​

The response to this pandemic is rapidly evolving. Metro pledges to keep in communication with you on a regular basis as decisions are made to the best of our ability.

In addition, the King County Executive has directed Metro to discontinue their fare collection program for the fixed-route service as well as the Access and Water Taxi services. Riders will also be directed to board and exit at the rear doors of buses, reserving front-door access for customers using mobility devices or who require use of the boarding ramp. This change is aimed at minimizing the interaction between the operator and passengers in an effort to promote social distancing for everyone on the bus.

Metro will begin this practice on Saturday, March 21st and it will last until further notice. We are working closely with our partners at the City of Seattle and Sound Transit to determine impacts for the Streetcar, as well as Sound Transit service.

Please see below for specific changes coming to your community temporarily. You can also direct folks to the website or the Metro Matters blog for current information related to the service reduction as well as the fare collection suspension.
We will soon be rolling out customer communications associated with these changes. We are happy to work with you and your colleagues to help route and respond to questions that arise, from your employees and community members.​


The Elite :-P
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032020_Mayoral directive to stay home_202003201942505851_Page_1.jpg

(see after below document for directive)

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2020-03 20 Directive_FINAL_202003201919261351_Page_2.jpg

2020-03 20 Directive_FINAL_202003201919261351_Page_3.jpg



Super Moderator
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We just got our first presumptive case in my city, population of about 100,000 ppl


Super Moderator
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(Note: Im prob already going to hell)

Are we 100% sure that the people who’ve passed from coronavirus will not come back as zombies ?


Pro Bowler
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Get ready for a 1 week mandatory country wide lockdown/quarantine coming soon

Could last up to 30 days


High Plains Drifter
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We just got our first presumptive case in my city, population of about 100,000 ppl
First ones here in the very sparsely populated Texas Panhandle. Two in MY county!
Are we 100% sure that the people who’ve passed from coronavirus will not come back as zombies ?
LOL Yes we are. Zombies are a fictional construct.
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