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  1. Hoofbite

    The Torture Report

    Shits insane. Absolutely embarrassing. Forced enemas? 180 hours of sleep deprivation. One dude was waterboarfed 183 times?
  2. Hoofbite

    Journalist Beheadings

    Guess another one came out. 3rd I can remember, maybe not all beheadings or media guys but flat out executions. Nick Berg, Daniel Pearl, and now this guy. That war is never going to end.
  3. Hoofbite

    John Oliver & Payday Loans

    I never knew their interest rates were that ridiculous. I'm actually surprised it's legal and 500% to 1900% APR seems more like indentured servitude than any sort of service. I think Oliver's show is easily one of the best shows on TV right now. This episode not...
  4. Hoofbite

    John Oliver's Call to Action on Net Neutrality

    John Oliver's Call to Action on Net Neutrality (Question For Pep Update) The video as a whole is damn good but the ending where he calls upon the internet trolls of the world to harass the fuck out of the FCC is great. Pep, gotta question. A buddy of mine brought...
  5. Hoofbite

    Good News: The Sex Was Consensual

    For those who have been waiting and hoping to get confirmation, Monica Lewinski says that her relationship with Bill Clinton was consensual. Good thing we can finally lay that mystery to rest. Was it really necessary to say this? You sucked his dick and didn't bite it off. Dead giveaway that...
  6. Hoofbite

    Upskirting Unsuspecting Women Is Legal Jokes aside, this is just fucking odd. The legal system is really reminding me more and more of the NFLs instant replay system. Rather than be used to correct errors the instant replay system is...
  7. Hoofbite

    Eminem's Wedding Gift To Elton John

    I saw this in a YouTube video about I cam across and didn't believe it. WTF?
  8. Hoofbite

    Anyone Know Scott Hall Killed A Guy?

    Holy shit. I didn't know he fucking killed a dude once. pretty crazy story.
  9. Hoofbite

    "I Am Your Worst Nightmare"

    This is great. He can't even get his words out at first because he's so pissed off. "Not to mention I go ballistic and come over there with a machine gun. I don't have one but I'll go try to acquire one".
  10. Hoofbite

    Rep Shames "Disabled Vet"

    Saw this on another site. Not sure how recent, posted the other day, but always nice to see someone who's gaming the system get slapped down.
  11. Hoofbite

    Due Has Giant Breast-Looking Cyst On His Back Drained

    This is gross. How the hell do you let something like that get that big? And how do you just let someone go at it in the backyard?
  12. Hoofbite

    Jon Jones' Busted Toe, Didn't Know

    Kicked the shit out of Sonnen and won by TKO....didn't even know his toe was fucking damn near twisted off until Joe Rogan pointed it out to him. Look at that fucking thing.
  13. Hoofbite

    FBI Releases Marathon Suspect Pictures

    Doesn't look to be any of the 4 chan guys. Not that I remember them all but don't think any had backwards hats.
  14. Hoofbite

    Internet Sleuths Rooting Out Marathon Bombers

    Kind of an interesting site. For anyone who isn't the bomber, they're probably fucked. Although it looks like they've singled out a handful of guys. Edit: Just saw another link. I guess some guys as 4chan were the one's who came up with all these.
  15. Hoofbite

    CISPA: New Support Comes After Convenient Visit

    I wonder what kind of talks they had......
  16. Hoofbite

    Legislative Process At Work

    Here it is. The well-oiled machine lubing up and getting a running start on this bent over Democracy. I know some don't like Stewart but I would hope you would watch it anyway.
  17. Hoofbite

    Up To $32 Trillion Dollars Eluding World's Tax Systems Damn, that's a shit ton of money. Possibly 120,000 accounts from all over the world. Guess 30 Americans are in deep shit now. What's to stop the people who run these offshore banks from fucking these...
  18. Hoofbite

    Get Your Knives Ready, TSA Say's They Can Fly

    So they can focus on larger threats like bombs. These people are fucking retarded. How about you just find the bombs and the knives. Can't be that hard. You have metal detectors, you have overweight sweaty women with facial hair and beach ball fupas. Find that shit. I'm not really concerned...
  19. Hoofbite

    How Wealth Is ACTUALLY Distributed In The US

    I saw SP post this in another thread: And then it reminded me of a video I watched just last night. Enjoy.
  20. Hoofbite

    Donald Trump: Now An Expert Film Critic.......And Stage Design Aficionado

    This one's for you, dbair. Django Unchained was racist and boring. How anyone can expect a QT movie without ridiculous deaths at this point is questionable itself. Kill Bill, Death Proof...
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