
Pro Bowler
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~claims it takes 2 second to debunk~

~prefers to debate with nothing more than witty one liners instead of actually backing up claims that it takes 2 seconds to debunk~

Explain WTC 7.

No. I've been in these discussions too many times to know that once someone's been hooked with the youtube bait no amount of reason is going to sway them. It's like fucking religion. You looked this shit up, do that on your own, if you're actually interested. Tell me more about how Beyonce is illuminati.


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You're right, the fact that he didn't immediately run out of there like a lunatic with a dozen uzi-wielding secret service men means it was an inside job.

It matters because I watched it all live (beyond the second tower) and there was plenty of coverage of Bush's reaction. It wasn't unusual at all. This isn't some Hollywood action movie -- there is such a thing as keeping your cool under pressure, not overreacting like a panicked teenage girl. It's part of being the President.

So what's the truther theory on 93 being shot down? Just to make the coverup look more credible or what?

You're the guy in charge, get up and fucking do something. You don't have to run, but go back to your plane and get on the phone.

As far as Flight 93, I don't think anything crashed there. There was no debris. I'm not sure how the crater shaped like a plane got there. Possibly a missile. I know Cheney slipped up one time in an interview and said they shot it down, but there would have been at least some debris. All there was was a hole in the ground. I'm not buying that story either.


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I don't know who's worse: Truthers or Birthers. And by "birthers" I mean people who think Obama was born in Hawaii.
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No. I've been in these discussions too many times to know that once someone's been hooked with the youtube bait no amount of reason is going to sway them. It's like fucking religion. You looked this shit up, do that on your own, if you're actually interested. Tell me more about how Beyonce is illuminati.

I'll take that as a concession.


Pro Bowler
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He's just done this too many times before. Religion. Beyoncé.

You know.
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It's like a religion? Maybe with other people. I'm not a truther. I'm not saying the government plotted and executed the whole thing.

I just don't know how WTC 7 fell. It literally makes no sense.


Pro Bowler
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They interviewed the Jew who owned WTC 7. He said they "pulled it" which is the same thing as saying they blew it up in the demolition industry.


Quality Starter
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Off topic, I am not a 9/11 conspiracy believer...

but that jessie ventura clip reminded me of something I find absolutely fascinating.

He talked about how the golf of tonkin event which put us into vietnam was false and they have since admitted it did not happen, the torpedoes shot at our boats.

Jim morrison's father, yes from the doors, was in command of the carrier division and was at the golf of tonkin, he was commander of the USS_Bon_Homme_Richard_(CVA-31).

How amazing is that. His dad a commander in the navy, commanding a ship that was part of the golf of tonkin event that led the president to sending the country to vietnam, meanwhile his son ended up being one of the leading voices of the counter culture and the anti war movement.....

i dont know I find that fascinating. His dad helped in some way with this event that did not actually happen to get the country into war and his son a year later stayed up for five days and took a bunch of drugs when he was drafted and he just put on a show and they made him leave....I forget what they deemed him, but it was something crazy because of how nuts he acted.

just find it fascinating. I just read jim morrison Life, Death, Legend by stephen davis a few weeks ago and that is one of the things that stands out to me, this crazy tidbit.
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WTC 7 above the 7th floor was supported by "perimeter moment frames", which even a dummy like me reads to mean most of the load of it's 47 floors was supported by the outside of the structure, which sustained heavy damage when WTC 1 fell.

From wiki: "As the North Tower collapsed on September 11, 2001, heavy debris hit 7 World Trade Center, damaging the south face of the building and starting fires that continued to burn throughout the afternoon. The collapse also caused damage to the southwest corner between Floors 7 and 17 and on the south face between Floor 44 and the roof; other possible structural damage included a large vertical gash near the center of the south face between Floors 24 and 41. The building was equipped with a sprinkler system, but had many single-point vulnerabilities for failure: the sprinkler system required manual initiation of the electrical fire pumps, rather than being a fully automatic system; the floor-level controls had a single connection to the sprinkler water riser; and the sprinkler system required some power for the fire pump to deliver water. Also, water pressure was low, with little or no water to feed sprinklers."

Quick Jon, tell us how the g-man was seen standing at the hydrant with a monkey wrench turning down the water pressure real clandestine-like.

Heavy damage to it's supporting structure along with a fire burning for hours is more than enough to cause it's collapse, IMO.

Jesse Ventura is a moron when it comes to this stuff. There's a reason why his show was outlasted by Hardcore Pawn on TruTV of all places.


Pro Bowler
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There's no way a fire and heavy damage causes anything to collapse like that. There was a building across the street that sustained even more damage from debris and fire and it was still standing months later until they...demolished it.
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"The NIST report found no evidence supporting conspiracy theories that 7 World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition. Specifically, the window breakage pattern and blast sounds that would have resulted from the use of explosives were not observed. The suggestion that an incendiary material such as thermite was used instead of explosives was considered unlikely by NIST because of observations of the fire and the building's structural response to the fire, and because it is unlikely the necessary quantity of material could have been planted without discovery."

The NIST... that's a lot of scientists you'd have to coddle to get them to keep quiet about bringing down a building with thermite. This isn't like the JFK assassination where you could just rub a few people out if you needed to to keep your story strong. Now you're talking thousands and thousands of professionals that you would have to either kill or compensate forever. I see that as just as likely as some schlubs putting on a maintenance uniform and being told to plant explosives on all the load-supporting steel in three buildings, and in the case of two of them, the planes, being flown by crazed morons, hitting a spot just close enough to where those explosives were planted so they could "pull it" when the jew told them to. Not buying it.
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Did you watch the video I posted? Had plenty of structural engineers and demolition experts who refute the official story.
I'm at work right now, youtube is extremely slow... but I'd venture to guess these structural engineers and demolition experts had about the same amount of access to the actual evidence as Jon has... am I right?


Pro Bowler
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"Spurred by conspiracy theorists' questions, investigators did look specifically at the possibility that explosives were involved. "Hypothetical blast events did not play a role in the collapse of WTC 7," the report states, adding that investigators "found no evidence whose explanation required invocation of a blast event." Moreover, the smallest charge capable of initiating column failure "would have resulted in a sound level of 130 dB [decibels] to 140 dB at a distance of at least half a mile." Witnesses did not report hearing such a loud noise, nor is one audible on recordings of the collapse.

Read more: World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest - Popular Mechanics "
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