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Some people were made to make a lot of money while others like superpunk are made to check the irrigation for Irving Cowboy's massive plumbing.

Probably should have aimed for that A in biology, punk, as opposed to settling for a B-.

Bob are you still doing temp work for the census bureau or have you actually been able to hold down a job at Bob's Big Boy bussing tables?


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Jobs are an investment, IMO.

I would invest in people if I saw a possible return down the road. That's my opinion.

Another thing is, hiring those guys back, if everyone started doing that, would increase demand. But, "we're" not doing that until taxes are relaxed.

Don't expect me to stimulate the economy AND take care of the poor.

That's what I think a lot of BIG business has said. Basically "Fuck me? No. Fuck you." type of attitude. And rightfully so, IMO.

Well fuck them for forgetting how they got where they are. On the backs of the middle class and on the infrastructure of their country.


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Another thing is, hiring those guys back, if everyone started doing that, would increase demand. But, "we're" not doing that until taxes are relaxed.

And wouldn't do it even if taxes were relaxed if there was no demand. You'd just pocket the extra.


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Beyond politics ... I've been wondering if/how much the Tropical Storm/Hurricane situation has hurt the Republicans.

The storm has 1. cut the convention back by a day and 2. been a major story that distracts the populace from the convention.

I assume the effect isn't huge, but then this looks to be a close election ....

I don't know. I think that if the GOP still gets their message out there, I don't know how one day could damage their chances.

Back to the political side. What's going to hurt is, them not talking about their ideas and solutions.

Ann Romney did her job last night. Chris Christie was good, but his speech was too much about himself.

Bob Sacamano

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Bob are you still doing temp work for the census bureau or have you actually been able to hold down a job at Bob's Big Boy bussing tables?

lol I would tell you guys what I do, but I'm afraid dbair may spaz out and start stalking me, trying to re-educate me with the Fox News.
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God damn. The last 4 years beat the shit out of McCains' wife's face.


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Pawlenty: "it's understandable that President Obama has failed. . . A lot of people fail at their first job."

lol lol lol


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Rice and Ryan were outstanding.

Portman and Pawlenty were meh. I didn't watch the others closely, just had it on in the background.


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I taped them, will watch them in the morning

I didnt expect Pawlenty to light it up, but he had a nice zinger on the Marxist in Chief


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a friend of mine is at the RNC, texted me and said Ryan rocked it big time


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McCain was forgettable too. But had a good message if you could stay awake.


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Paul Ryan fails -- the truth
By Jonathan Bernstein

It was, by any reasonable standards, a staggering, staggering lie. Here’s Paul Ryan about Barack Obama:

He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.

“They.” “Them.” “Them.” Those words are lies. Because Paul Ryan was on that commission. “Came back with an urgent report.” That is a lie. The commission never made any recommendations for Barack Obama to support or oppose. Why not? Because the commission voted down its own recommendations. Why? Because Paul Ryan, a member of the commission, voted it down and successfully convinced the other House Republicans on the commission to vote it down.

That wasn’t the only bit of mendacity – lazy mendacity, incredibly lazy mendacity – in Ryan’s speech. Twitter lit up as soon as he started telling the story of the Janesville auto plant that Barack Obama didn’t save – a plant that, it turns out, closed before Obama was president. And of course there’s the infamous cuts to Medicare that Ryan lambasted Obama for without happening to mention that those very same cuts were in Paul Ryan’s own budget. Yes: absolutely everything in Obamacare is an abomination, says Paul Ryan, except for (as he forgets to mention) the cuts to Medicare that he supports – and yet he still singles that part out to use as an attack.

It isn’t even true in some symbolic or abstract way. The real truth is that Paul Ryan completely rejects the approach of that commission – because it includes tax increases along with spending cuts – while Barack Obama has, while not endorsing the exact plan that Ryan shot down, basically endorsed the commission’s approach. Nor was this a side point; Ryan's complaint about Obama on the deficit was absolutely central to his case against the president.

And then there’s the logic of the whole thing. As Seth Masket said, it all comes down to arguing “we must cut entitlements! Obama cutting entitlements is un-American.” There’s also, as many were pointing out, the plain fact that until January 2009 Paul Ryan faithfully supported all the tax cuts and spending increases which created the deficit problem he’s been so concerned about since January 2009.

But really, the proper response to a speech like this isn’t to carefully analyze the logic, or to find instances of hypocracy; it’s to call the speaker out for telling flat-out lies to the American people. Paul Ryan has had what I’ve long thought was an undeserved good reputation among many in the press and in Washington. It shouldn’t survive tonight’s speech.


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I'll explain it the way I understand it as a small business owner(who's getting out, btw).

Businesses will create more jobs when it's not counterproductive. If I can employ 20 guys full time, and make worthwhile money, I'm going to do that. When I can employ 6 guys full time, and make the same amount as I am employing 20 guys(with the way it is right now) I'm going to stick with my 6 guys.

Businesses will create jobs and stimulate the economy when it's in their best interest. Not just for the hell of it. You make it worth their while by not penalizing them for being successful.

Demand will come back when the Goverment figures that out. Relax the tax laws all across the board. Lift the dumbshit regulations that only exist to drive businesses away. Then watch the economy turn around.

You put people back to work. That's the solution. You don't redistribute wealth. There's no do-overs. The people that have the money will invest in people if it's worth it.

Right now, it's not.
I'm right now breaking my long-standing vow to never talk politics on the internet... lol :awkward

But yeah.

I'm shocked at how many people do not have one clue about how business and the economy work.

It's really a shame how many people believe that "business" mean a bunch of huge, greedy, evil corporations with printing presses in their basements.

Scary, really.
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