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He wants to legalize marijuana. So what? You want alcohol and cigarettes banned to? You want the government telling you what you can and can't put into your body? You didn't strike me as the type who wanted the nanny-state.

National defense isn't an issue with Johnson. He doesn't want to intervene in foreign countries unless absolutely necessary, save money, stem the tide of terrorism against the US, and have a strong domestic defense. That's bad?

It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see cigs banned. I hate the smoke.
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Please identify the tweets where he shows he is racist and offensive.
I'm not going to go through his entire twitter timeline. Dude tweets more than a 14 year old girl.

But are you going to pretend insulting the looks of other candidates wives isn't offensive. How about his insults against Megyn Kelly? Talking about her period and calling her a bimbo? Not offensive?

That's just the tip of the iceberg.
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For someone who loathes victim mentality, Trump sure plays the victim a lot. Everyone's unfair to him. But if he offends people? Oh well, toughen up. He's a hypocrite.


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It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see cigs banned. I hate the smoke.

I am offended. I am a consideate smoker and I go outside to smoke. You want believe the people that will come stand beside me and say my smoke is bothering them. They are so silly. They act like the smoke is nuclear fallout.


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I'm not going to go through his entire twitter timeline. Dude tweets more than a 14 year old girl.

But are you going to pretend insulting the looks of other candidates wives isn't offensive. How about his insults against Megyn Kelly? Talking about her period and calling her a bimbo? Not offensive?

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

All I ask for is direct quotes. Trump has reasons to talk about these people. They have asked him offensive questions that no other candidate has ever been asked.


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For someone who loathes victim mentality, Trump sure plays the victim a lot. Everyone's unfair to him. But if he offends people? Oh well, toughen up. He's a hypocrite.

He has been the gusting of unfair attacks from the mediia, republicans and democrats, but he is still standing and gaining supporters.


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I'm not going to go through his entire twitter timeline. Dude tweets more than a 14 year old girl.

But are you going to pretend insulting the looks of other candidates wives isn't offensive. How about his insults against Megyn Kelly? Talking about her period and calling her a bimbo? Not offensive?

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

So basically, you have nothing

You're acting like the epitome of the PC crowd with this stuff Pep


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I am offended. I am a consideate smoker and I go outside to smoke. You want believe the people that will come stand beside me and say my smoke is bothering them. They are so silly. They act like the smoke is nuclear fallout.

I care about you man. Cigs are bad for your health.
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All I ask for is direct quotes. Trump has reasons to talk about these people. They have asked him offensive questions that no other candidate has ever been asked.
Oh noes!! Offensive questions were asked of him that no one else was asked!! Maybe because the other candidates don't have a history of insulting anyone and everyone who he has an issue with. Really guys, you sound like 4 year olds... THEY STARTED IT!! That's about the development level of Trump anyway.

As for what he said...

He retweeted an unflattering picture of Cruz's wife next to his wife's modeling headshot.

He called Megyn Kelly a bimbo and said, "She had blood coming out of her eyes, she had blood coming out of her wherever.".

He said about Carly Fiorina, "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!" The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"

And there's a ton more. The fact that you guys would pretend that he's not insulting of other people is embarrassing. Of course, he is going to be the Repub nominee, so you guys have to defend him to the death. You're like a bunch of Jerry/Garrett homers on CZ.
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I hate everything about government control. I just hate cigs and cig smoke too though.
So you don't hate everything about government control when it benefits you. You like the government controlling other people's lives to make yours better. This is the mentality of most Democrat/Republican shills. The government I want is best for everyone, but especially, best for me. You want to impose your beliefs on everyone else, but don't like it when the other sides beliefs are imposed on you. Again, hypocritical.


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This is a circular argument. The only reason you don't think he's a legit candidate is because you're short-sighted enough to think you can only vote for one of two choices. You're perpetuating the two party system by saying a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary. Some polls have him in the double digits, and some have him drawing more from Hillary than from Trump. Uneducated voters are the problem. They either don't know there are other options, or they think that the other options aren't realistic. I got news for you, if they're on the ballot, then they're realistic options... if the educated voters will actually do something other than live in fear that not voting for one of two awful choices were a wasted vote. The two parties WANT you to beleve you're wasting votes by voting for someone else. Right now, they don't have to field the best candidate, they only have to field a candidate better than one other party.

It's like the old saying, when two people are being chased by a lion, you don't have to be faster than the lion, you only have to be faster than the other guy. Well, when it comes to this country, I don't want just the better of two shit options. More options breeds better options. But until people get over the two parties, the system will continue just as it has, whether it's Trump or Hillary.

And Trump's not going to expose corruption. It's just more pandering. He's been corrupt in his business dealings, why would you think he's going to expose corruption when his administration is running things.

Plenty of people voted for Ross Perot, but not enough. They voted for him because he was the best candidate and because they didnt care about the 2 parties. They cared about who was the best choice. Sadly, not enough people had enough judgment or discernment back then and its only gotten worse.


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Oh noes!! Offensive questions were asked of him that no one else was asked!! Maybe because the other candidates don't have a history of insulting anyone and everyone who he has an issue with. Really guys, you sound like 4 year olds... THEY STARTED IT!! That's about the development level of Trump anyway.

As for what he said...

He retweeted an unflattering picture of Cruz's wife next to his wife's modeling headshot.

He called Megyn Kelly a bimbo and said, "She had blood coming out of her eyes, she had blood coming out of her wherever.".

He said about Carly Fiorina, "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!" The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"

And there's a ton more. The fact that you guys would pretend that he's not insulting of other people is embarrassing. Of course, he is going to be the Repub nominee, so you guys have to defend him to the death. You're like a bunch of Jerry/Garrett homers on CZ.

No, Trump has said plenty of those things that make him look bad IMO. However, its not like these people didnt start the crap with him first. I think he has looked rather childish with many remarks, but I like the fact that he doesnt just take crap from other people. And I like everything he says with few exceptions, while I hate EVERYTHING Hillary and Bernie have said.

Anybody that would willingly vote for Hillary over Trump is a complete idiot!


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Lots of things are bad for your health, but I like them anyway. Why should the government be able to tell me that I can't do what I want with my body?

When YOUR smoke is affecting others it goes beyond what you want to do with your body. You are now imposing your cancer causing health risk smoke on others who dont want it.
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