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SP's finally gone off the deep end.

SP and reality parted ways many years ago. The lynch mob that is going after GZ has their own little special view of the world. They must continually make crap up to fit their pet narrative. They are ruled by emotion and never allow facts to derail their agenda.
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Except it was, according to witness testimony. Plus Trayvons own dad saying it wasn't his son.

John Good was the closest witness - called by the prosection - testified it was the man on the bottom yelling help.
The guy couldn't even testify that he saw fists hitting "the man on bottom," but he could pick out who was yelling?


And if you're being attacked, and your head is being bashed against the concrete, you're not going to be yelling help as clearly and loudly as the voice that was heard.

People need to use some common sense. I know it's surprising a defendant would lie.
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That's what this whole thread is about. The OP is asking why there haven't been Justice for Darryl Green campaigns, trying to hypothesize that the only reason there would be Justice for Trayvon campaigns was because of race.


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The guy couldn't even testify that he saw fists hitting "the man on bottom," but he could pick out who was yelling?


And if you're being attacked, and your head is being bashed against the concrete, you're not going to be yelling help as clearly and loudly as the voice that was heard.

People need to use some common sense. I know it's surprising a defendant would lie.

Making up more random crap in an effort to support what you wish happened is not helping your position. I say wish counselor, because you have been wrong time and again and continue to ignore the facts. Maybe you are just an old fashioned racist and hate Jews. For a man that claims to be a practitioner of law and a officer of the court, your endless speculation concerns me. Why do you and others insist on making wild accusations with no evidence to support it. Where did you get your degree?


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And if you're being attacked, and your head is being bashed against the concrete, you're not going to be yelling help as clearly and loudly as the voice that was heard.

A medical degree, too? Impressive.

If you ever actually catch an ambulance, you could give the EMTs pointers while soliciting the patient.
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The guy couldn't even testify that he saw fists hitting "the man on bottom," but he could pick out who was yelling?


And if you're being attacked, and your head is being bashed against the concrete, you're not going to be yelling help as clearly and loudly as the voice that was heard.

People need to use some common sense. I know it's surprising a defendant would lie.

So now Zimmerman and John Good was lying?

John Good, a prosecution witness, of course. He was lying when he said it was the man in the bottom yelling for help?

And you glossed over how Trayvons dad told cops - more prosecution witnesses mind you - that it was not his son yelling for help.

Its not even a question who was screaming. It was George Zimmerman.


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So now Zimmerman and John Good was lying?

John Good, a prosecution witness, of course. He was lying when he said it was the man in the bottom yelling for help?

And you glossed over how Trayvons dad told cops - more prosecution witnesses mind you - that it was not his son yelling for help.

Its not even a question who was screaming. It was George Zimmerman.

Just wanted to make that bold


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Eb-o-nee and I-vo-reeee...

On Sunday, a 34-year-old Wisconsin man received a beating by several black teens. According to Christopher Simpson, the victim, and another witness present at the scene, Simpson was attacked at approximately 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, punched in the back of the head, and then punched and kicked when he fell to the ground. White said that one of the black teens shouted at him, “This is for Trayvon Martin.” Another witness confirmed White’s story. The beating only stopped when a black passerby intervened.



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But it's a good thing one of those self-loathing black folk showed up to help the white guy, eh?


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Fucking people... Call him white, white people cry, "he ain't white!!" Call him hispanic, hispanic people cry, "no esta Latino!" What's incorrect about calling him what he is?

Shit. It doesn't matter anyway. I shouldn't even respond to it, because I'm giving credence to the fucking deflection.

An adult of one race shot and killed an unarmed minor of another race. The adult wasn't arrested for weeks. Simply put, that is why there was an outcry from facebook/twitter, then the media picked up on it and it took off.

If the exact same thing happened in another case and it wasn't protested, it wouldn't make the protests in this case wrong.

The investigators didn't believe what happened warranted an arrest which was clearly backed up by the verdict in the case

Anything else?


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MSNBC Contributor: More White Kids Must Die Before We Understand Racism

It's about rationality... I wonder if his math includes the black kids murdered by other blacks?

So now we get more approximate to the truth of what race is in this country. As for Eric Holder, look: the reality is you gotta act now. The president, you won the second term. You’re in office. You are ensconced. Do something courageous, bold, and helpful. Not only to African American people but to America. Because unless we do this, white Americans and others will feel that this was a justifiable verdict, this is how things happen.

Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see. It’s beyond logic. It’s about rationality. It’s about let’s get something done. I think the attorney general will look at this and I think it’s time for him to act.”



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I was looking at violent crime rates published by the FBI from 2011 and they lump Latinos (including illegals) and whites together as one category. I guess the government is the one that started the white Hispanic trend.
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Juror says Zimmerman went 'above and beyond' but that race was not an issue

Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo! News 19 hours ago .

A juror in the George Zimmerman trial made her first public appearances since the jury reached its verdict on Saturday, saying race did not play a role in the jury’s decision, but she admitted she believes Zimmerman went "above and beyond" his role as a neighborhood watch member.

Juror B37, who asked to remain anonymous, said she did not find the prosecution’s witnesses to be credible and that race did not play a role in the jury’s decision.

However, she also acknowledged her belief that Zimmerman went "above and beyond" in his decision to ignore police direction by confronting Trayvon Martin.

Appearing on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” she said neither she nor any of the other jurors discussed race when reviewing the case.

“I don’t think it did. If there was another person, Spanish, white, Asian; if they came in the same situation as Trayvon did, I think George would have reacted the same way,” she said.

“I think all of us thought race did not play a role. We never had that discussion. I think he just profiled him because he was the neighborhood watch and he profiled anyone that was acting strange.”

However, she did acknowledge that the jury was initially split on the decision, saying that two jurors initially pushed for a manslaughter charge and a third pushed for a second-degree murder conviction. Eventually, all settled on the not guilty verdict.

And in a revealing moment, the juror said Zimmerman went “above and beyond” acceptable action by confronting Martin.

“[Zimmerman] got displaced by the vandalism in the neighborhood and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he should have,” she said. “It just went terribly wrong. I think he’s guilty of not using good judgment. When he was in the car and called 911, he shouldn’t have gotten out of that car.”

Juror B37 says she wants to maintain her anonymity, but she has been willing to speak out on the case. As reported earlier on Monday, Juror B37 announced plans to write a tell-all book about her experiences on the jury in the Zimmerman trial .

“Nobody knew exactly what happened,” Juror B37 said when asked about the specific details of the case. “I don’t think anybody knows.”

When asked if she feels sorry for the death of Trayvon Martin, she responded, “I feel sorry for both of them.”

“I think both of them were responsible for the situation they got themselves into,” she added. “I think they each could have made the decision to walk away.”

And in another revealing exchange, the juror said that while she agrees with the decision to return Zimmerman’s gun, she at first appeared hesitant when asked if she would want him serving in neighborhood watch in her own neighborhood.

“I think he has every right to carry a gun. I think everyone has a right to carry a gun.”

But Juror B37 paused for several seconds when Cooper asked about serving on a neighborhood watch in her own community.

“If he didn’t go too far,” she said. “He didn’t stop at the limitations he should have stopped at. I would feel comfortable having George, but I think he’s learned a good lesson. I think he didn’t know when to stop.”

Juror B37 said she never wants to serve on a jury again. And she admitted she has concerns about her own safety following the verdict.

“I’m not really scared, but I want to be cautious,” she said. “We cried over it afterwards. I don’t think any of us could ever do anything like that again
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Can a Zimmerman fan explain to me exactly how they think the confrontation/struggle took place? It doesn't add up.

We've established from the defense that trayvon was intimidating and could run a 4 minute mile but how did it play out after trayvon initially threw a slab of concrete at his head out of nowhere

Bob Sacamano

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I think it's wrong to say that Zimmerman didn't racially profile this kid. Still, that isn't grounds to get your shit pushed in though.
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