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We've established from the defense that trayvon was intimidating and could run a 4 minute mile but how did it play out after trayvon initially threw a slab of concrete at his head out of nowhere
Now you're just purposely trying to be obtuse. It really does not serve you or your position well.
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Dershowitz: 'Prosecutorial Tyrant' Violated Zimmerman's Rights
Sunday, 14 Jul 2013 05:21 PM
By David A. Patten

Famed defense lawyer and Harvard law professor Alan M. Dershowitz is calling for a federal investigation into civil rights violations stemming from the George Zimmerman case — but he says the probe should focus on prosecutorial misconduct rather than on allegations of racial profiling and bias.

Speaking Sunday in an exclusive Newsmax interview, Dershowitz said the jury’s finding that Zimmerman was not guilty of either second-degree murder or manslaughter was “the right verdict.”

He added, “There was reasonable doubt all over the place.”

Immediately after the verdict was announced, however, the NAACP and outspoken activist Al Sharpton called on the Justice Department to launch a federal civil-rights probe, charging that the case had been racially tainted.

Dershowitz is calling for a civil-rights probe as well. But he contends the person whose rights were violated was Zimmerman.

“I think there were violations of civil rights and civil liberties — by the prosecutor,” said the criminal-law expert. “The prosecutor sent this case to a judge, and willfully, deliberately, and in my view criminally withheld exculpatory evidence.”

He added: “They denied the judge the right to see pictures that showed Zimmerman with his nose broken and his head bashed in. The prosecution should be investigated for civil rights violations, and civil liberty violations.”

Dershowitz said the second-degree murder case should never have gone to trial considering the flimsy evidence against Zimmerman. He also does not believe it was strong enough to be submitted to a jury for deliberation.

“If the judge had any courage in applying the law, she never would have allowed the case to go to the jury,” Dershowitz told Newsmax. “She should have entered a verdict based on reasonable doubt.”

Dershowitz singled out special prosecutor Angela Corey for “disciplinary action.”

He criticized the state’s probable-cause affidavit for not including evidence indicating Zimmerman could have been acting in self-defense, including graphic images of blood streaming from his scalp and nose.

“The prosecutor had in her possession photographs that would definitely show a judge that this was not an appropriate case for second-degree murder,” the Harvard professor told Newsmax. “She deliberately withheld and suppressed those photographs, refused to show them to the judge, got the judge to rule erroneously this was a second-degree murder case.

“That violated a whole range of ethical, professional, and legal obligations that prosecutors have. Moreover, they withheld other evidence in the course of the pretrial and trial proceedings, as has been documented by the defense team,” he said.

Dershowitz described the prosecution’s attempt late in the case to add a third-degree murder charge by asserting the shooting constituted child abuse “so professionally irresponsible as to warrant sanctions and investigations.”

Dershowitz said various legal and bar association organizations could investigate how the state handled the prosecution. He added it could warrant a federal investigation as well.

“I think people’s rights have been violated,” the famed attorney told Newsmax, “but it was the rights of the defendant and the defense team, by utterly unprofessional, irresponsible, and in my view criminal actions by the prosecutor,” he said.

Dershowitz went on to express his opinion that Corey is “basically a prosecutorial tyrant, and well known for that in Florida.”

Dershowitz and Corey have had run-ins before. She contacted Harvard Law School demanding that he be disciplined for voicing his opinion that she had improperly omitted information that could have exonerated Zimmerman.

“Of course, the Harvard Law School laughed at [her complaint],” he said.

As of Sunday evening Newsmax had not received a response to a request for Corey’s reaction to Dershowitz’s remarks. Even after the verdict was rendered Saturday, Corey continued to defend her decision to charge Zimmerman with second-degree murder.

“We charge what we believe we can prove,” she told the media. “That’s why we charged second-degree murder. We truly believe that the mindset of George Zimmerman and the words that he used and the reason he was out doing what he was doing fit the bill for second-degree murder.”

Corey said the case “has never been about race,” but also said there was “no doubt” young Trayvon Martin had been “profiled to be a criminal.”

Although Zimmerman was cleared of all charges, Corey told the media: “This case was about boundaries and George Zimmerman exceeded those boundaries.

Dershowitz tells Newsmax he expects there will probably be a lawsuit filed against Zimmerman for civil damages. He said civil-damage cases require a lower standard of proof that a wrong has been committed, and Zimmerman would not be able to avoid testifying.

But Dershowitz adds: “I don’t know where you’ll find a lawyer who is prepared to bring it, because it has very little chance of success.”

Asked if he expects Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department to launch a civil-rights investigation targeting Zimmerman, Dershowitz stated: “I don’t think that’s going to happen, and if it happens, I don’t think it would succeed.”

Dershowitz told Newsmax the prosecutor overcharged the case, and never should have sought a second-degree murder conviction.

“The theory was clearly to charge second-degree murder, and hope for a compromise verdict of manslaughter,” he said.

Dershowitz was careful to add that the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin exposes a need to reform Florida laws.

Editor's Note: Should ObamaCare Be Repealed? Vote in Urgent National Poll

He believes the Stand Your Ground law should be changed because it "elevates macho over the need to preserve life."

He also stated that racial profiling “has to be addressed.”

“I think these vigilante community groups have to be disarmed,” he said. “I don’t think Zimmerman should have been allowed to have a gun.

“He should have been walking around with a walkie-talkie and calling the police,” he said. “It’s the job of the police to investigate and apprehend suspects based on their professional training.”

But the need for future legal reforms had no bearing on the Zimmerman trial, Dershowitz said, and insisted the case should never have reached a jury.

Bob Sacamano

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Stevie Wonder now boycotting Florida.

There's nothing worse than lying to a blind man. How on Earth is he going to find out differently?? I mean, c'mon, he's BLIND!


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There are so many fools out there. Nearly every article I read references the stand your ground law. Writers and the people they interview are clueless that it was not a part of this trial. So much misinformation and propaganda being spread by the media and race mongers.


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This is a response to something that was posted on TM's FB page:



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Not until, and unless, the number of white kids die that approximate the numbers of black and other kids who die, will America see.
Lol, you watch what happens if that sh1t starts happening. Whites have a tendency to radicalize quite fast.


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[h=1]911 call says man attacked by youths 'because he's Mexican'[/h][h=2]Police continue to investigate if verdict in George Zimmerman case played a part in beating[/h]
By Justin George and Scott Dance, The Baltimore Sun 8:40 p.m. EDT, July 16, 2013

The Mexican man beaten by a group of teens in Patterson Park this weekend said Tuesday that he remembers few details of what happened, as police continue to investigate whether he was targeted because of his ethnicity.

Emergency dispatch tapes released Tuesday describe racial motivations for the attack, which police say was perpetrated by a group of black youths. None of them refer to the Florida murder trial of George Zimmerman, though a witness later told investigators she heard the assailants say the beating was "for Trayvon."

Melvin Garcia, 37, said he doesn't know why he was targeted on Sunday while walking near Patterson Park.

"People stupid, you know?" Garcia said. "This area over here is too hard."

Garcia said he doesn't remember anything the youths said while he was beaten. He suffered abrasions in the attack and declined medical treatment. The suspects didn't take his cell phone or wallet, he said.

After interviewing Garcia twice Sunday, police didn't believe that either Trayvon Martin or Zimmerman's name had been invoked in the assault. It wasn't until Christina Dudley, a real-estate agent, posted her personal account of the attack on Facebook that investigators decided to re-interview Garcia.

Zimmerman, acquitted in the death of Martin, a black teenager, is Hispanic.

Almost 24 hours after the verdict, Garcia walked past the group of black males when he said he heard one ask, "What's up?"
Feeling threatened, he said, he pulled out his cell phone to call police when one of the males flashed a gun. Garcia ran but the teens caught him, one grabbing him by the neck of his shirt and throwing him to the pavement.

At least three calls were made to police reporting the incident, according to 911 dispatch records released Tuesday.

"We just saw a bunch of teenage African Americans," a woman parked on the side of the road reported. "One of them has a gun. I guess they were chasing some Hispanic."

Another dispatch call described the assault.

"A bunch of black kids just tried to beat up a Mexican guy and was throwing him down into the street because he's Mexican," the caller told a dispatcher. "It was probably about a dozen kids and they all had him and I saw them lift him up and throw him down into the street and then go running away when I came after them and asked them what they were doing."

Police spokesman Sgt. Eric Kowalczyk said investigators do not know what prompted the attack. No suspects have been identified.
"We don't want to speculate about a motive at this time," Kowalczyk said. "Any crime of violence is unacceptable and we will make sure we do everything and all that we can to bring anybody to justice."


I am confused here.

Were the assailants were smart enough to figure out Zimmerman was Hispanic, or where they just going with the White Hispanic angle?


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So the race mongers want to do away with a law that actually protects African Americans. Big shock. I wonder how many of the moronic sheep that continue to parrot misinformation are aware of this.

Blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ law at disproportionate rate

African Americans benefit from Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law at a rate far out of proportion to their presence in the state’s population, despite an assertion by Attorney General Eric Holder that repealing “Stand Your Ground” would help African Americans.

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Nonetheless, prominent African Americans including Holder and “Ebony and Ivory” singer Stevie Wonder, who has vowed not to perform in the Sunshine State until the law is revoked, have made “Stand Your Ground” a central part of the Trayvon Martin controversy.

Holder, who was pressured by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and other progressive groups to open a civil rights case against acquitted neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Martin, criticized Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law in a speech Tuesday before the NAACP.

The law was not invoked by Zimmerman’s defense team but was included in instructions to the jury.

“We must confront the underlying attitudes, the mistaken beliefs and the unfortunate stereotypes that serve too often as the basis for police action and private judgments. Separate and apart from the case that has drawn the nation’s attention, it’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhood,” Holder said to applause in his speech before the NAACP Tuesday.

“These laws try to fix something that was never broken. There has always been a legal defense for using deadly force if — and the ‘if’ is important — if no safe retreat is available. But we must examine laws that take this further by eliminating the common-sense and age-old requirement that people who feel threatened have a duty to retreat, outside their home, if they can do so safely. By allowing and perhaps encouraging violent situations to escalate in public, such laws undermine public safety,” Holder said.

“The list of resulting tragedies is long and, unfortunately, has victimized too many who are innocent. It is our collective obligation; we must stand OUR ground to ensure — (cheers, applause, music) — we must stand our ground to ensure that our laws reduce violence, and take a hard look at laws that contribute to more violence than they prevent,” Holder said.

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I was looking at violent crime rates published by the FBI from 2011 and they lump Latinos (including illegals) and whites together as one category. I guess the government is the one that started the white Hispanic trend.

White Hispanic or Latino has been around for years, fill out a job application or a census.


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My problem with the trayvon Martin thing is I can concede that trayvon might be alive today if he wasn't black, I think his death has more to do with him attacking a neighborhood watch volunteer, but if he was a different color maybe he wouldn't have been followed.

While Zimmerman absolutely wouldn't have been charged except that he had white skin.

And in my mind, flat out government sanctioned prejudice is a much larger threat to everyone in a society that has steadily put more and more power in the hands of officials.


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Take My Sovereignty, please.

Go away Jesse. And take your son with you.

We need a national investigation of the racial context that led to Trayvon Martin’s slaying. Congress must act. And it’s time to call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for an in-depth investigation of whether the U.S. is upholding its obligations under international human rights laws and treaties. Trayvon Martin’s death demands much more than a jury’s verdict on George Zimmerman. It calls for us to hear the evidence and render a verdict on the racial reality that never had its day in court at the trial.

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