
In the Rotation
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I could not find a good place to put the snip of the tweet below but it perfectly describes the schizophrenia of leftist. We could use a thread specifically for general leftist hypocrite stupidity.

View attachment 9661

They really are clapping seals aren't they? They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet and their supporters must be morons to not see it.


Super Moderator
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It truly is a disease. I was talking with someone the other day that's still fired up about Trump's grab em by the pussy comment. It's insane....she has kids, gas prices are up, inflation is up, propane prices are up 3 fold from 2020, and the world is in tatters.....but she just can bring herself to think about making a change. I was communicating with a dolt today who said Biden never said he was willing to defund the police. Another dolt told me I have to sacrifice for Ukraine and pay higher energy costs, as if the government pissing away tax dollars isn't enough. Shills....complete shills.

And look...we've had a couple of libs here to. Mr. B hasn't been back and he just can't bring himself to see the shit that's going on and admit he may have been wrong on a few things. And I liked the dude. In my younger years we would have bought a bottle of tequila, found a couple of babes solved the world's problems......


Quality Starter
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It truly is a disease. I was talking with someone the other day that's still fired up about Trump's grab em by the pussy comment. It's insane....she has kids, gas prices are up, inflation is up, propane prices are up 3 fold from 2020, and the world is in tatters.....but she just can bring herself to think about making a change. I was communicating with a dolt today who said Biden never said he was willing to defund the police. Another dolt told me I have to sacrifice for Ukraine and pay higher energy costs, as if the government pissing away tax dollars isn't enough. Shills....complete shills.

And look...we've had a couple of libs here to. Mr. B hasn't been back and he just can't bring himself to see the shit that's going on and admit he may have been wrong on a few things. And I liked the dude. In my younger years we would have bought a bottle of tequila, found a couple of babes solved the world's problems......

I liked Mr B too, it was really disappointing to see his refusal to engage and just claim if we cant see Trump is racist, its not his problem. Come on man, I don't give a shit whether he's racist or not (actually I'd prefer no racists on the planet) but I do care about truth and facts and if its so damn obvious he's a racist, it should be easy to point out, but nah, I just dont get it


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I liked Mr B too, it was really disappointing to see his refusal to engage and just claim if we cant see Trump is racist, its not his problem. Come on man, I don't give a shit whether he's racist or not (actually I'd prefer no racists on the planet) but I do care about truth and facts and if its so damn obvious he's a racist, it should be easy to point out, but nah, I just dont get it

Dems are so dug in with their ideology they just can't change, even when faced with facts. They'll just claim they're not true and that's that......


High Plains Drifter
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Dems are so dug in with their ideology they just can't change, even when faced with facts. They'll just claim they're not true and that's that......
Because "truth" is anything you want it to be. Facts are too rigid. "Truth" goves you moral superiority, so does use of the word "need."

"Why do you need an assault rifle with 30 round magazines?" "How much profit do corporations need?" How many millions do 'rich people' need?" Obama - "They have more money than they need." And who defines what they need? The fucking government, of course.

"Truth" and "Need" are communist bywords. Read Karl Marx. Anytime I see the Internetking's of the world use those words, I know either they are a brainwashed idiot or a committed communist.

It's why you've never seen me use those words.


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Dems are so dug in with their ideology they just can't change, even when faced with facts. They'll just claim they're not true and that's that......


If Schumer or Pelosi told them the sky isn't blue, they'd believe it and argue with anyone who said otherwise. Even if the person they are arguing with is outside and pointing up.


In the Rotation
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Leftists are obsessed with politics. Everyone else worries more about their own lives. Leftists worry about other people's lives. Leftists are hypocrites because their beliefs are based in politics and not personal preferences. When they propose an agenda that means you must sacrifice something, like taxes, wearing masks etc. Their support is based not on what they want for themselves, but what they want for YOU. They want YOU to may more taxes. They want YOU to wear a mask. They want YOU to get vaccinated. Sure, they will do these things themselves, but only to push you to do them first. They would never do them on their own. In all cases the underlying psychology is they know what is best for you. They are driven by a need to control what others do. I have yet to find 1 Democrats who has paid more in taxes than they are obligated by law. They criticize corporations who file legal tax returns and pay nothing based on the laws largely written by Democrats. Yet, they take exactly the same tax breaks and pay the minimum required.

Liberals do not believe in God. They believe in Government and by government they mean themselves. Notice how they turn against government when Republicans are in charge? But when they are in charge they instantly become compliant lemmings.

Stop smoking! Wear a seatbelt! Wear a helmet when you ride a bike! Stop eating sugary foods! Stop using so much salt! get vaccinated, and boosted! These are all things that should be a matter of personal choice. But somewhere along the line the lefties in our society have decided they must force you to do these things for your own good. The first success imposing their will on others has brought us all the other impositions that have been imposed on us. Leftists do not see the difference between making smart personal choices and government compelling you to make those choices. If they think something is the right thing to do, then government should compel you to do it. Unless of course it is something they enjoy for themselves, like illegal drugs. Those should be legal while cigarettes, salt and sugar should be regulated.

Leftists really believe the end justifies the means. Hillary Clinton basically admitted corruption is fine if it is intended to further the leftist agenda. Lefties make up the rules to justify their own bad behavior. They also tend to be narcissists. They also tend to be sociopaths. The deaths of others only matter if they can be exploited to further their agenda. Hence, George Floyd, the criminal drug addict is a hero. Ashlii Babbit, the patriotic 14 year veteran of the Air Force, was a scumbag terrorist. The killing of kids by a sick gunman at Sandy Hook was a horror, but the killing of 2 dozen kids at Waco was just another heroic effort by the FBI and ATF. "What difference does it make now how those 4 people died?" That question answers itself. It doesn't matter to them because those 4 deaths could not be used by the left to promote their own agenda.

The main take-away from all of this is that these people are dangerous and should never be handed the reigns of power. The will abuse it. The will attack our freedoms. They will ignore logic, reason, science, the laws of economics and anything else if those fundamental laws get in the way of their agenda.


In the Rotation
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Because "truth" is anything you want it to be. Facts are too rigid. "Truth" goves you moral superiority, so does use of the word "need."

"Why do you need an assault rifle with 30 round magazines?" "How much profit do corporations need?" How many millions do 'rich people' need?" Obama - "They have more money than they need." And who defines what they need? The fucking government, of course.

"Truth" and "Need" are communist bywords. Read Karl Marx. Anytime I see the Internetking's of the world use those words, I know either they are a brainwashed idiot or a committed communist.

It's why you've never seen me use those words.
Yes! Freedom should never include proof of need. Ask a liberal if he really needs a $5 mocha latte from Starbucks when he can get coffee elsewhere for much less.


Pro Bowler
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Super Moderator
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So this video made me laugh because I experienced something similar recently while on vacation in Florida. Some dude waiting in his car for curbside pick-up at a restaurant we went to eat at went completely ballistic because I was wearing a "Let's Go Brandon" hat which immediately triggered him. He acted EXACTLY like this dude. Completely crazed. My buddy and I were laughing our ass off and this tool never left his car and just went on a tirade from what he believed was the safety of his vehicle. It's a perfect picture of the mind set of these crazed and twisted individuals. I have no doubt these people would lie, cheat and steal in defense of their twisted ideology. And they're cowards to boot.



High Plains Drifter
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went completely ballistic because I was wearing a "Let's Go Brandon" hat which immediately triggered him
Prolly just didn't like seeing that hat on a black guy. Just like your avatar triggered someone here


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So this video made me laugh because I experienced something similar recently while on vacation in Florida. Some dude waiting in his car for curbside pick-up at a restaurant we went to eat at went completely ballistic because I was wearing a "Let's Go Brandon" hat which immediately triggered him. He acted EXACTLY like this dude. Completely crazed. My buddy and I were laughing our ass off and this tool never left his car and just went on a tirade from what he believed was the safety of his vehicle. It's a perfect picture of the mind set of these crazed and twisted individuals. I have no doubt these people would lie, cheat and steal in defense of their twisted ideology. And they're cowards to boot.

I really wish one of those cars would have just splattered his crybaby ass all over that street.

What a fucking lunatic.


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Republicans suck. It's why young guns like Lauren Boebert appeal to conservatives. They're fighters and their message is on point. The party needs to clean house of these old RINO's and bring in young blood/fighters and appeal to all Americans and bring them into the fold.

But Republicans aren't fighters. They want to play nice int he sandbox. Fuck that. Take the House and Senate and impeach Biden for his back door dealings with his son.
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