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And the rich get richer. I wish I could hate NE more than I do but then I think back to the fact that my G-men whooped their asses not once, but 2x in the SB & ruined their perfect season with 1 GIANT loss & a big smile crosses my face. Think I'm gonna pop in my 2 Giants SB videos of them whooping NE again.

Seriously though, the NFL has to do something about this. It's obvious that from the start, AB had no intentions of playing in Oakland as he knew this was a last place team & would not be able to get payback on Pittsburgh in the playoffs this yr or any yr while stuck in Oak, his agent probably gave BB a call a few days ago & told him that if AB could get his whiny bitch ass kicked outta Oak, would NE sign him, once BB said "hells to the yeah", it was on. This just set a bad precedent to other players that get traded to "bad" teams & want out, all they gotta do is be a buncha whiny brats & they'll get cut/released & then they can sign with the team they actually wanted to go to in the 1st place. Both Oak & Pitt got played by this assclown. Might as well start sizing up the rings for NE's 7th SB title in the B&B era cuz barring a ton of injuries to key players in NE, I see that team going 14-2, if not better & winning the SB...again!


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friggin Patriots tend to start slow as I think they use the first 4-6 games to test out players, concepts, etc and yet, they're smoking the Steelers and still have Antonio Brown to add to Bradys weapons

oy, only thing I see stopping the Patriots from ring #7 is injuries


Practice Squad
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friggin Patriots tend to start slow as I think they use the first 4-6 games to test out players, concepts, etc and yet, they're smoking the Steelers and still have Antonio Brown to add to Bradys weapons

oy, only thing I see stopping the Patriots from ring #7 is injuries

Exactly. And the rest of the league and the fans know it too.


Practice Squad
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friggin Patriots tend to start slow as I think they use the first 4-6 games to test out players, concepts, etc and yet, they're smoking the Steelers and still have Antonio Brown to add to Bradys weapons

oy, only thing I see stopping the Patriots from ring #7 is injuries
Fingers crossed this is the one signing where the pact they sign with the devil, the devil comes to collect before the Super Bowl (you know like accusations of rape, torn ACLs that sort of stuff)...


Quality Starter
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Fingers crossed this is the one signing where the pact they sign with the devil, the devil comes to collect before the Super Bowl (you know like accusations of rape, torn ACLs that sort of stuff)...

maybe so but I just don't think the Patriots wrote a contract without plenty of safety valves so they can cut and run any time they need to, only hope I see for the rest of the league is Belichiks retirement but I think he'll carry on after Brady to show he can win without him which I believe he can


High Plains Drifter
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Fingers crossed this is the one signing where the pact they sign with the devil, the devil comes to collect before the Super Bowl (you know like accusations of rape, torn ACLs that sort of stuff)...
My train of thought exactly. Through all the years of BeliBrady and the Pats dynasty, I've never found cause to hate them or feel negative about their success - quite the opposite. In fact I've always viewed their haters as no different than Cowboys haters were during our Landry dynasty. Just infantile weenies who for whatever reason are jealous of a non-division non-rival team. I still view them that way today.

But now I find myself wishing the worst for them not out of childish envy or jealousy but for this bullshit of signing this saboteur, this mega diva who orchestrated his exit from Pissburg through malfeasance, then didn't like the team he was traded to and instead of just telling them no, proceeded to sabotage his way out of the Raiders.

This incident does prove one thing though - if ever there were going to be "collusion" to blackball a player, this would be the guy not Kaepernick. Difference being, actual talent and ability of which Kaep has neither.

So now I gleefully and lustily howl at this rape bit, it serves them right for rewarding this shithead's machinations. I now fervently hope all bad for NE up to and including catastrophic injuries, more rape allegations, and hell yes even a plane wreck or two.

May the football Gods smite them.
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