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Board didnt accept his retirement idea, they canned him last night along with the Pres.
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Rightfully so.

Life is hard when people do stuff to you. You know, those victims, or whatever you want to call them. Anyway, you all have been great!

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Rightfully so.

Life is hard when people do stuff to you. You know, those victims, or whatever you want to call them. Anyway, you all have been great!


Not rightfully so. The man who lied to Joe about what they were doing with the information he gave them and initiated one of the biggest cover ups in history and then lied in his grand jury testimony as well and is being charged with perjury and failing to report.. is still employed by PSU. That's sickening.. and it shows the board was more concerned with distinguishing the PR nightmare and satisfying the media's appetite than the welfare of the children who were hurt.

..and how about the eye witness? The 28 year old man who saw this taking place and not only failed to stop it, but called his daddy to ask what he should do, and didn't go to police right away either?

Well.. he'll be coaching for PSU this Saturday folks!


Pro Bowler
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Everyone involved in this should be shown the door today and never be allowed to work for the NCAA, in any function, ever again.

The fact that he (Sandusky) had incident after incident and was working out in the Penn State gym last week shows how incredibly arrogant and clueless the University is/was.


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I live about 45 minutes away. . . People are going nuts right now. Even around here.

The support for JoePa is unbelievable.
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Are you suggesting that Joe Pa should've retained his job?

I am not. Im suggesting he shouldn't have been the first one let go as there are people still employed by the university that did less to try and stop that sick fuck Sandusky.

Joe knew he had to go, and was prepared to do so. Yet out of the 100 or more people who could have and should have "done more" Joe was one of the handful to actually go right to his superiors in the workplace and to the local police force with the information he had, yet he is the media's scapegoat now. By firing him first and leaving some of these other stupid fucks employed and on salary at the university, it shows me the board was much more concerned with distinguishing all the bad press they were getting and fighting the PR battle than they were with the welfare of the children that were hurt.
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I am not. Im suggesting he shouldn't have been the first one let go as there are people still employed by the university that did less to try and stop that sick fuck Sandusky.

Joe knew he had to go, and was prepared to do so. Yet out of the 100 or more people who could have and should have "done more" Joe was one of the handful to actually go right to his superiors in the workplace and to the local police force with the information he had, yet he is the media's scapegoat now. By firing him first and leaving some of these other stupid fucks employed and on salary at the university, it shows me the board was much more concerned with distinguishing all the bad press they were getting and fighting the PR battle than they were with the welfare of the children that were hurt.
Totally disagree...Paterno should have been the first to go. Taking the info he had and just walking it into the ADs office is just passing the buck. That is his program and his hire. As a leader he should have taken it upon himself to do more. There are allegations of sexual assault and all he does is tell the AD? Ridiculous...he should have followed up daily until it was resolved. Either his friend would be exonerated or he would have been guilty of child rape. That is not something you just sit back and wait on...he should have been proactive. It shows me how little he cares when Sandusky was on campus last week...clearly he did not grasp the gravity of what went on.
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Totally disagree...Paterno should have been the first to go. Taking the info he had and just walking it into the ADs office is just passing the buck. That is his program and his hire. As a leader he should have taken it upon himself to do more. There are allegations of sexual assault and all he does is tell the AD? Ridiculous...he should have followed up daily until it was resolved. Either his friend would be exonerated or he would have been guilty of child rape. That is not something you just sit back and wait on...he should have been proactive. It shows me how little he cares when Sandusky was on campus last week...clearly he did not grasp the gravity of what went on.

No one grasped the gravity of what was going on. Did you read all the reactions to this by former players, coaches, etc.. who were close to Joe and Jerry? Everyone said this is a complete COMPLETE shock and Sandusky was always a great man, who was always willing to help out and would be the first one there if you needed him, etc, etc..

Joe knew of one incident in this entire grand "scheme" and with the info he got he went immediately to the AD and scheduled a meeting with the head of campus police and AD where they were informed of everything the GA had told Joe. They chose to do nothing and initiate a massive cover up, lying to Joe in the process about what was done multiple times. Joe's only mistake was not going to a higher authority than the campus police. He should have gone to child services.. yet if the people he told had done their jobs, we'd be talking about how courageous Joe was right now.

Those involved in the cover up and the eye witness McQueary are much more responsible in my eyes, and there are many many others who could have done more to prevent this and didn't.. yet Curley and McQueary arn't even fired? You have to be kidding me.

I also don't believe Joe and Sandusky were friends at the time of this incident either.. after what happened in 98 it sounded like Joe wanted little to do with the guy.


Pro Bowler
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No one grasped the gravity of what was going on. Did you read all the reactions to this by former players, coaches, etc.. who were close to Joe and Jerry? Everyone said this is a complete COMPLETE shock and Sandusky was always a great man, who was always willing to help out and would be the first one there if you needed him, etc, etc..

Joe knew of one incident in this entire grand "scheme" and with the info he got he went immediately to the AD and scheduled a meeting with the head of campus police and AD where they were informed of everything the GA had told Joe. They chose to do nothing and initiate a massive cover up, lying to Joe in the process about what was done multiple times. Joe's only mistake was not going to a higher authority than the campus police. He should have gone to child services.. yet if the people he told had done their jobs, we'd be talking about how courageous Joe was right now.

Those involved in the cover up and the eye witness McQueary are much more responsible in my eyes, and there are many many others who could have done more to prevent this and didn't.. yet Curley and McQueary arn't even fired? You have to be kidding me.

I also don't believe Joe and Sandusky were friends at the time of this incident either.. after what happened in 98 it sounded like Joe wanted little to do with the guy.

A guy the legendary Joe Paterno wanted nothing to do with was working out in the Penn State weight room last week? Not a regular student gym/weight room. The athlete's weight room. Doesn't sound right.
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Roythehammer said:
Sandusky was always a great man, who was always willing to help out and would be the first one there if you needed him, etc, etc..

I believe you're mistaken, RTH... from all accounts, it sounds as if Sandusky would only come quickly for young boys.

Get it?

Get it?


Get it?

Thanks, I'll be here all week.


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Read this one on someone's FB today:

What do you call an old lady that likes young boys? A cougar.

What do you call an old man that likes young boys? A nittany lion.
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