
Pro Bowler
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I'm sure it's both but Dez doesn't help his cause. You can almost tell when it's a run play by just keying on Dez coming out of the huddle and it appears he's just disinterested and gives a half ass effort. I guess when the team is losing we can be overly critical and look for reasons why. For an idiot HC that preaches fundamentals, I just don't see it on the field.

I've noticed that the last few games. He is the first one out of the huddle on run plays. It's like he hears the call for a run and says I don't need to hear anymore and he is the first to leave and leaves the rest of the team there to call/discuss the rest of the play.


Pro Bowler
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So basically 1600+ yds is the norm for a # 1 WR?

Why not respond to the facts I posted and add something other than rah rah shit? Do you not think a 100 yard receiving game should be expected of Dez or a quality #1 WR, especially when he's considered elite?

Well here's some more "rah rah shit" for you.

Dez's first 50 games... only two WRs have better numbers in their first 50 games than Dez: Jerry Rice and Randy Moss.

That's some fucking good company there. And speaking of headcases... Moss would definitely give Dez a run for his money; hell Moss was even more a headcase. Dez to his credit is a team player, and will not mope about if he doesn't get the ball. But Moss... talking about a guy disappearing. And throw Cris Carter in the mix, and that's after he was sober. Just imagine being a QB and you have both Moss and Carter in your ear at the same time both wanting the ball. LOL. But I digress.

Point is... how many people on this board were pissed that we passed up on Moss?


Super Moderator
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It's quite the nice touch to put forth your own bigotry and then try to pawn it off on Jerry. Albeit a bit cowardly as well.

What is this about and since when did bigotry enter the picture? There are some good points being made that are certainly reasonable to discuss. Or is it every time we question a player's intellect it's a sign of bigotry if he's black?


High Plains Drifter
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Laz - just get back to us please when you can defend and justify Dez the "team player" not bothering to try to chase down and maybe tackle the intercepting Coleman and instead standing there still doing dick measurements with Josh Norman.

"Me and him were having choice words," Norman said of the play, "then I pointed at Kurt as he scored and I said, 'Look at that, Now take that back to your huddle and come back again.'"

Indefensible - and NOT representative of a team player at all. And remember - this is his seventh year.


Super Moderator
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Dez's first 50 games... only two WRs have better numbers in their first 50 games than Dez: Jerry Rice and Randy Moss.

Moss had 6 straight 1000 yard seasons. Dez has 3 out of 6. I'm not arguing that Dez can't be a supreme talent. But he's just not consistent and can be taken out of games if an opposing player gets in his head. I mean, as was mentioned before, this is year #7. Debate it all you want. It is what it is.


Draft Pick
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Well here's some more "rah rah shit" for you.

Dez's first 50 games... only two WRs have better numbers in their first 50 games than Dez: Jerry Rice and Randy Moss.

That's some fucking good company there. And speaking of headcases... Moss would definitely give Dez a run for his money; hell Moss was even more a headcase. Dez to his credit is a team player, and will not mope about if he doesn't get the ball. But Moss... talking about a guy disappearing. And throw Cris Carter in the mix, and that's after he was sober. Just imagine being a QB and you have both Moss and Carter in your ear at the same time both wanting the ball. LOL. But I digress.

Point is... how many people on this board were pissed that we passed up on Moss?

Wait. Are you really comparing Bryant to Moss in terms of impact?

And if you are using numbers, just stop it. You are embarassing yourself.


Pro Bowler
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Wait. Are you really comparing Bryant to Moss in terms of impact?

And if you are using numbers, just stop it. You are embarassing yourself.

Yeah idiot. I can say I've watched more of Moss in his earlier years than anyone on this board. As for Moss's impact, it didn't hurt him a bit being the understudy and playing opposite of a guy named Cris Carter, something that Dez didn't have.

Fact is, only two WRs have better numbers in their first 50 games than Dez.


Draft Pick
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Yeah idiot. I can say I've watched more of Moss in his earlier years than anyone on this board. As for Moss's impact, it didn't hurt him a bit being the understudy and playing opposite of a guy named Cris Carter, something that Dez didn't have.

Fact is, only two WRs have better numbers in their first 50 games than Dez.

Moss in his first six years had seasons of 17, 11, 15, 10, 7 and 17 TDs.

He had over 1000 yards receiving in all of them, including three of over 1400 yards.

In other words, numbers, don't bother.

In fact, don't even mention Moss or even Rice if you want to talk about impact to start their careers.

You decided to, why I have no fucking idea.

Oh yeah, to make yourself feel better.

I don't give a flying fuck how much you say you watched of Moss in his earlier years.

The numbers are right there.

Would it be nice if Bryant had a Hall of Fame WR opposite him to pad numbers? Sure.

I can tell you, right now, Bryant will never achieve what Moss did in his career. Sorry. The lil' dude just don't have it in him.

And that's sad because Moss left a lot on the field.


Draft Pick
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Laz - just get back to us please when you can defend and justify Dez the "team player" not bothering to try to chase down and maybe tackle the intercepting Coleman and instead standing there still doing dick measurements with Josh Norman.

"Me and him were having choice words," Norman said of the play, "then I pointed at Kurt as he scored and I said, 'Look at that, Now take that back to your huddle and come back again.'".
Hey, if Cris Carter were on the other side of the field, he might have tried harder.

And stuff.


Pro Bowler
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READING. IS. FUNDAMENTAL. Lay off the booze.

Nowhere have I stated that Dez was better than Moss. You were being dismissive about Dez's numbers. All I pointed out that was that the numbers for Dez's first 50 games is THIRD ALL TIME. Did you get that?

You go on to type up Moss's numbers --- to which I don't see the point, this was never a debate between either Dez's and Moss's numbers. You creating a weak-ass straw man argument. Fact is, Moss was more a headcase than what Dez is.

I didn't bother about the numbers in the first place idiot.

Take some Midol or get on birth control --- it'll take the edge off your PMS.


Pro Bowler
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Laz - just get back to us please when you can defend and justify Dez the "team player" not bothering to try to chase down and maybe tackle the intercepting Coleman and instead standing there still doing dick measurements with Josh Norman.

How about you get back to me, when you can show more than one instance of that?


Pro Bowler
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if Laz and dbair had a battle rap it would end hip hop music forever.


Draft Pick
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Nowhere have I stated that Dez was better than Moss. You were being dismissive about Dez's numbers. All I pointed out that was that the numbers for Dez's first 50 games is THIRD ALL TIME. Did you get that?

Yeah, and I didn't give a shit about it until you started name dropping to make him look better and say "he could give him", meaning Moss, a "run for his money".

Actually, no, no he couldn't.

You go on to type up Moss's numbers --- to which I don't see the point, this was never a debate between either Dez's and Moss's numbers. You creating a weak-ass straw man argument. Fact is, Moss was more a headcase than what Dez is.

Huh? You are the ****** who even bothered to bring Moss into the discussion in order to prop up Bryant, when the two are not even comparable.

Now, that is weak ass shit.

I didn't bother about the numbers in the first place idiot.

Right, because you had no fucking idea what the numbers were, but said you watched more of Moss than anyone in here.

Well, you lied or you have no idea what the hell you were talking about. Or both.
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