
Super Moderator
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Again, does he mentally check out because he is frustrated in general or does the system allow him to get frustrated.

When someone can't just beat their man in this offensive design, it is probably easy to get all frustrated.

Used to see the same thing from Terrell Owens.

I'm sure it's both but Dez doesn't help his cause. You can almost tell when it's a run play by just keying on Dez coming out of the huddle and it appears he's just disinterested and gives a half ass effort. I guess when the team is losing we can be overly critical and look for reasons why. For an idiot HC that preaches fundamentals, I just don't see it on the field.


Quality Starter
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It doesn't help that he is coddled and told how great he is all the time.

Yep. But of course it's always going to be that way with Jerry and Garrett.

My fear is that Dez's game isn't going to age that well. Doesn't seem like it, but next year will be his seventh year in the league. He never had great speed to begin with, and he won't be able to outleap DBs forever. He should always have great hands, but I wonder if he's going to be able to get much separation for that much longer, because he never has been and probably never will be a technician.

But I guess he only needs to be any good for the two or three more years Romo has left anyway.
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High Plains Drifter
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When I didn't want us to re-sign Dez, people thought I was crazy. I'd brought out many of the points I am now seeing posted here in this thread. I simply didn't want to get married to him, long term. He is not a Michael Irvin, he is not a Drew Pearson. He's not even a Terrel Owens. His mentality is unstable, much moreso than even Owens was. You don't need to be a premier, shut down corner to take Dez out of large parts of games, you just have to be a fair to middling shit talker. Because obviously it is more important for Dez to win the street cred talking part, than to win the fucking game.


Quality Starter
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When I didn't want us to re-sign Dez, people thought I was crazy. I'd brought out many of the points I am now seeing posted here in this thread. I simply didn't want to get married to him, long term. He is not a Michael Irvin, he is not a Drew Pearson. He's not even a Terrel Owens. His mentality is unstable, much moreso than even Owens was. You don't need to be a premier, shut down corner to take Dez out of large parts of games, you just have to be a fair to middling shit talker. Because obviously it is more important for Dez to win the street cred talking part, than to win the fucking game.

I felt the same was as you did, he strikes me as this type of player:

Jimmy Johnson on "dumb" players - YouTube

He frustrates the shit out of me, problem is the Dallas front office doesn't have the confidence and expertise to pass on signing him and using the cap room and potential draft picks to get 3 or more players for what it costs to keep Dez thus why they'll be married to him for the next ?? years and excusing everything he says and does in the name of passion.

He might have the passion of Irvin but he doesn't have his brain and that takes a lot a way from the talent he has and why I hate being reliant on him.


High Plains Drifter
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I felt the same was as you did, he strikes me as this type of player:
I even quoted Jimmy, from that very video. "Hit me in the head with a HAMMER.... if I ever sign another dumb player."

Dez's Wonderlic score was 16. He is certified, dumb. There's no debate.

The reason Jerruh ignores Wonderlic scores is he thinks "disadvantaged" players - black players - can't perform well on it regardless of their fucking college degree. It's the soft bigotry of lowered expectations - and he doesn't realize the Wonderlic isn't a knowledge test and isn't a genius detector - it is a dumbass detector..


Quality Starter
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Well that escalated quickly...

But I don't think Dez is dumb so much as way too emotional. A 16 isn't that bad as NFL WRs go.

Now Claiborne's six or whatever? That was a gigantic red flag.


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the contract he signed was essentially a three year deal, so we can say adios after 2017 without too much cap impact


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The problem with Dez is three fold.
He doesn't have elite speed
Secondly the scheme is horrendous
Thirdly. There is zero threat from any other receiver on this team

Throw throw and throw the ball more to this guy


High Plains Drifter
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Secondly the scheme is horrendous
Thirdly. There is zero threat from any other receiver on this team
These are definitely the two biggest problems which if they were corrected, could mitigate the other two, that of him being both dumb and slow..


Pro Bowler
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Dez has been sorry this year, he got paid and went back to being weak-minded scrub that can be taken out the game by words...

The team as a whole has been sorry, Romo included. Perhaps the only bright spot has been Dunbar before he went down. McFadden in spurts


High Plains Drifter
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The team as a whole has been sorry, Romo included. Perhaps the only bright spot has been Dunbar before he went down. McFadden in spurts
Much like when they pulled the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz.... Just a silly man behind it, looked like Jerruh and just as ineffectual.


Pro Bowler
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The reason Jerruh ignores Wonderlic scores is he thinks "disadvantaged" players - black players - can't perform well on it regardless of their fucking college degree. It's the soft bigotry of lowered expectations - and he doesn't realize the Wonderlic isn't a knowledge test and isn't a genius detector - it is a dumbass detector..

You're full of shit. Jerry isn't the only one that ignores Wonderlic scores and that is far from his reasoning. That test isn't the end all-be all. Dez's talent far outweigh some useless score. Dez is far down on the totem pole in terms of problems with the Cowboys. His Wonderlic score isn't the issue. Garrett I'm sure has a high Wonderlic score, and it's neither translated in the pro level as a player and certainly as a HC/OC. I'd rather take an idiot player that is supremely talented as Dez, than an idiot HC that does not know how to use said supremely-talented player.

Dez is the reason why for the Cowboys' success last year. Yeah I know the Cowboys' OL gets a lot of the credit, the OL's job is made a hell of a lot easier when they are not facing 8-9 men fronts. Take a look at Murray over at the Eagles right now. I told people that because they do not have a WR of Dez's caliber over there... Murray was going to be facing a lot more 8-man fronts than what he did when with the Cowboys.

Dez, Romo, and others are doing the best they can and performing better than expected considering of working for an idiot HC, and an even lousier scheme.

It's quite the nice touch to put forth your own bigotry and then try to pawn it off on Jerry. Albeit a bit cowardly as well.


Pro Bowler
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The problem with Dez is three fold.
He doesn't have elite speed --- neither did Irvin nor Jerry Rice.
Secondly the scheme is horrendous --- Agreed. But how is that Dez's problem?
Thirdly. There is zero threat from any other receiver on this team. --- And once again... how is that Dez's problem?

Throw throw and throw the ball more to this guy

I disagree with this throw, throw, and throw more balls to Dez philosophy. Dez would thrive better in a more balanced offense.


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
It's quite the nice touch to put forth your own bigotry and then try to pawn it off on Jerry. Albeit a bit cowardly as well.
There's no bigotry in my posting, and particularly not that post. Pointing out Jerruh's bigotry isn't bigotry on my part. And what I said is true - people of Jerruh's ilk put NO stock in the Wonderlic or any other test score, depending solely on the background and skin color of the person taking the test. It's just a fact.

Wonderlic is NOT a indicator of performance for any particular job, it's merely a dumb detector that knows no skin pigment or race, and works.

Dez, supremely talented? Not particularly fast, does okay catching the ball but also drops his share of them, wins the stupid jump ball thing more times than not, but SUPREMELY talented? I don't go that far at all. Look how he was snuffed out Thursday both physically and mentally.

In his seventh season and still can be stopped and taken out of games by verbal jousting? C'mon now. It's time to admit he's just a dumbass.
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