
Pro Bowler
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Considering he averaged a sack a game and we have no pass rush any help in that department is appreciated

The Patriots will have to game plan for him for what he is "capable" of doing

They don't care that he hasn't played in 14 months. They still have to account for him and will dbl team him. Which will free up other guys on D. I don't care if he doesn't get a sack on Sunday. But I do care that he will help our D which has been a joke lately

I'm sure he won't have a break out game on Sunday but he does and will make our D better


High Plains Drifter
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The Patriots will have to game plan for him for what he is "capable" of doing

They don't care that he hasn't played in 14 months. They still have to account for him and will dbl team him. Which will free up other guys on D.
Please. This is Belechick. He's made this guy irrelevant before when they've played Carolina, without any game planning or double teaming.


Pro Bowler
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Our lack of pass rush is what's killing is. It allows the opposing QB to stay in the pocket where he is most comfortable, plant his feet, pick his target, and make his throw

Disrupting that is what causes turnovers which is another main area we have been lacking

Didn't we lead the league in takeaways last year?

What are we this year? Last?

Putting pressure on the QB helps with that. Even if he doesn't get the sack it still gets the QB out of his comfort zone which makes him more apt to make bad throws, or have to throw it away

No pass rush equals shitty defense

And that's where we have struggled in the past

So a big time pass rusher coming into our D is something to get excited about

26 sacks in two seasons for one guy is amazing! I don't know our team numbers but I would guess he alone has had more sacks than our entire D in two years!


High Plains Drifter
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Didn't we lead the league in takeaways last year?

What are we this year? Last?
And had, NO detectable pass rush last year.

A secondary of absolute dullards is why we get shredded.
So a big time pass rusher coming into our D is something to get excited about
Little kids get excited about new toys all the time. Adults stay skeptical and wait to see if the fucking thing actually works.


Pro Bowler
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Please. This is Belechick. He's made this guy irrelevant before when they've played Carolina, without any game planning or double teaming.

I'm not excited about him just coming into this game. I'm excited for him to be part of our D and what he brings to the team as a whole

Dallas had 28 sacks the entire season last year. Hardy averaged 13 sacks a year for the last two years. That's nearly half of what our entire team accomplished. And you tell me that's not impressive? Come on now

Give the man some credit


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
I'm excited for him to be part of our D and what he brings to the team as a whole
But, you don't know nor can you know, what he will actually bring. You ASSUME maybe sorta some of the same production he's done on another team in another division.

I'll remain skeptical until I see some of that.
And you tell me that's not impressive?
Who told you that? Nobody I've seen here.
Give the man some credit
I don't give the wife beater credit for jack shit, until I see him actually do some of it while wearing a Cowboys uniform.


Quality Starter
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I don't expect much out of either of them the first week of work. They're gonna be sucking air and looking for that IV on the bench by mid 2nd quarter.
David Moore was saying tonight that McClain was bent over with his hands on his knees even in the lame first part of practice they get to watch, which is mostly stretching and a little running around.

Also, I didn't think Hardy was impressive at all in preseason. Maybe it's because he's a vet and doesn't care about it, who knows. But I thought Gregory was far more impressive than he was.


High Plains Drifter
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David Moore was saying tonight that McClain was bent over with his hands on his knees even in the lame first part of practice they get to watch, which is mostly stretching and a little running around.
Nobody taught him it is much more effective from a cardio standpoint, to put your hands behind your head and stand up straight when winded. Learned that in 7th grade football for fuck's sake.

Or, they did teach him that and he's just dumb.


Reaction score
This guy is going to be a huge disappointment to some people.

I agree. Some fans need to curb their enthusiasm a little.

Realistic expectations. Hardy and McClain bring some nasty to our desperately lacking defense. 2 more bodies with actual talent to add to the front seven to prevent our guys from wearing out late in games. Outside pass rush so Crawfords efforts aren't wasted up the gut. Run stuffers.
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Reaction score
Curb enthusiasm? How about not proclaiming utter disaster in every post?

Don't do that.

I didn't quote any of that from Sheik when I responded in my last post. I quoted and agreed to when Sheik said some people are going to be disappointed in Hardy. As for the rest, I never quoted and agreed to that. To me that's just Sheik being Sheik. You've been here since 2011 and that's just now bothering you? Man that 12-4 season really did a number on you, huh?

But look, some fans are already claiming he'll have the impact of a Haley or Ware. I don't want to be the one to tell you this but Santa is not real. Hardy will not be as good as those two for us.

Don't twist that into me saying he's gonna suck. I'm not saying that because I don't think that. I think Hardy adds an element we desparetly need right now. I'm excitied to have him and McClain in the fold. I'd love to see our defense become a dominating unit because of it. But it's like I said earlier... realistic expectations. People who are expecting Hardy to be that pro bowler he was a couple years ago right out of the gate are going to be sadly disappointed. Plain and simple.
Reaction score
Don't do that.

I didn't quote any of that from Sheik when I responded in my last post. I quoted and agreed to when Sheik said some people are going to be disappointed in Hardy. As for the rest, I never quoted and agreed to that. To me that's just Sheik being Sheik. You've been here since 2011 and that's just now bothering you? Man that 12-4 season really did a number on you, huh?

You really had to dig deep to find something you could agree with Sheik about. His idea was to shit in the thread and he did it a number of times. Heaven forbid we a member start a thread saying he is excited to have two players back. BTW, please stop with the cheap shots and insults. I am not doing that to you.

But look, some fans are already claiming he'll have the impact of a Haley or Ware. I don't want to be the one to tell you this but Santa is not real. Hardy will not be as good as those two for us.

I haven’t seen that in this thread. Maybe you are reading that on other forums.

Don't twist that into me saying he's gonna suck. I'm not saying that because I don't think that. I think Hardy adds an element we desparetly need right now. I'm excitied to have him and McClain in the fold. I'd love to see our defense become a dominating unit because of it. But it's like I said earlier... realistic expectations. People who are expecting Hardy to be that pro bowler he was a couple years ago right out of the gate are going to be sadly disappointed. Plain and simple.

No disagreement here. Anything is better than the 1.5 sacks that Hitchens leads the team with.
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Pro Bowler
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It's more than just his sacks. It's what he bring to to the team. He will make those around him better. While he is being double teamed that opens space for others to get to the QB. Plus he brings an attitude to our D which we have been missing.

You talk about him being out of shape. He's only missed one month. He was still at training camp and still played in the preseason games. So I doubt Hardy is going to be that far out of shape.

McClain on the other hand missed all of camp because of his knee being scoped so I'm pretty sure he will have a more difficult time getting into game shape

I assume we will lose to the Pats so I'm not worried about them in this game. Even if they were both in peak condition I don't think they would be able to help enough to get us a win.

we have a bye next week which gives them even more time to get back into shape. Then we have the Giants and an opportunity to gain more ground in the division. This is the game I hope to see them perform and help the D enough to make a difference
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High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
It's more than just his sacks. It's what he bring to to the team. He will make those around him better.
This is just optimistic speculation. You don't and can't possibly, know what's actually going to happen. Just like the little kid with the new toy analogy posted earlier.


High Plains Drifter
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Heaven forbid we a member start a thread saying he is excited to have two players back.
Right, we should all just ignore those threads, either that or pick up the pom poms too and all be mindless cheerleaders! That's the ticket!

Waaaah. Boo fucking Hoo. Change your diaper.


Pro Bowler
Reaction score
You are absolutely correct. It is optimistic speculation.

Unlike you DD I tend to give ppl the Benefit of the doubt until they prove they no longer deserve it. When the Cowboys acquire a star player I'm not going to just shit on him until he does something in a Cowboy Uniform to prove he's worthy.

He has already proven himself worthy. It's not like we are picking up an aging player who is no longer in his prime.

Now if he turns out to be a bust or flames out then I'll be the first to admit it.

Maybe it's my lack of bitter disappointment in life that keeps me optimistic. But I chose to be grateful that he's on our team with the possibility of making it better.

We have very little this season to be happy about with our team. I believe Hardy gives us something to look forward to on D this season. Which is where we have had some of our biggest struggles. He have had next to zero success in the pass rush this year and this guy is a big time pass rusher. He has been a stud pass rusher up until his last game. There is zero reason to believe he will not have that kind of success in the near future.


High Plains Drifter
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Maybe it's my lack of bitter disappointment in life that keeps me optimistic.
Nobody I know around here is disappointed in his life. We're merely disappointed in 20 years since we saw a successful season in Dallas. And we know not to expect anything to get any better until some years after Jerry fucking DIES.

Stop projecting - the truly bitter disappointed people are ones such as yourself, who bitterly cling to anything they can twist into a good thing, because they have nothing else.

After 14 months off, Hardy is basically starting over and hasn't done jack shit. He was far less than impressive in preseason. Once again - little kids get all excited about every new toy, and adults remain skeptical until they see if it fucking works.

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
As long as da Kraken gives QBs something to look out for. That's my expectations for him right now. I don't think he's going to get double digit sacks for us this year, but I think he definitely ups Mincey's team-leading 6 from last year.

8 or 9 is my guess. Could be more with Crawford already there, Gregory returning to pre-injury form (a big maybe) and D-Law continuing to build on Sunday night (another maybe, though when D-Law turns it on, he can go for a bit).

BTW, Broaddus was saying that D-Law was finally playing with both power and athleticism at the Saints. So hopefully that continues from here on out.

Having that Richards guy in there could give our pass-rush a boost too. Broaddus was saying that at his last stop he was asked to do a lot of 2-gapping. So here's to hoping that he can finally supplant golden dick for the majority of playing time at the nose; because he does add an element to the pass-rush already.

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
It's more than just his sacks. It's what he bring to to the team. He will make those around him better. While he is being double teamed that opens space for others to get to the QB. Plus he brings an attitude to our D which we have been missing.

Or the other way around. Having Charles Johnson as his bookend really helped him out me thinks. You can see in some of those highlights, Johnson simply beasting it. Johnson was probably the main attention getter on that Carolina line when Hardy was there.
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