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Start at home cleaning this shit up.

1. Moratorium on immigration. You don't have to call it a Muslim ban if it upsets your stomach.

2. Surveillance on any and all mosques. Find and eliminate the breeding grounds of homegrown terrorists.

3. Anyone found to be in agreement with sharia law, punishable by deportation at the least. The teachings don't jive with America or its values. Even the most docile sharia pimp believes being gay is punishable by death, among other radical, barbaric beliefs.

4. Monitor social media. Anyone sympathizing or promoting sharia law should be put in prison or deported to live amongst the trash.

I could go on.

The goal should be to root it out of the U.S. as much as possible, then figure out how to defeat it abroad with mostly rich Arabic countries financing the housecleaning.

It won't happen, though. This Country has gone extremely soft. I suspect the current approach of killing them with kindness will continue.


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The terrible part is, at some point I think you become one of two things when you encounter this type of senseless tragedy time and time again.

1. You just become numb to it.

Almost accept it, because after all, how can we stop it without killing innocent people in the process? These attacks are becoming wayyyyy too common. What, four or five separate attacks within the last 30 or so days worldwide?

2. You get pissed off.

It no longer matters how they do it, as long as they try to do something to kill these people. It's highly likely that you'd have to wipe out entire families, little kids even, but it just doesn't matter in the scheme of things. That little 7 year old kid you just blew up because his dad was a terrorist, well, you pretty much killed a 7 year old terrorist in training.


Pro Bowler
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No, wipe out the radicalized ones. The people within the Muslim world know where and who those people are, and have for years.

Yeah, they wear ID badges. Easy to spot.

How do people with no military background come up with this stuff? Then you criticize Obama for using drone attacks and at the same time criticize him for not hunting down the oh-so-easy-to-find bad guys.


High Plains Drifter
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Isn't that action going to radicalize more? Isn't that what has been going on in the Middle East since like the 1800s?

Drop all aid to them. Pull out completely. Trade with them. Let them have their country without foreign involvement. The radicals would disappear pretty quickly.
Yes, the "weeb dem awone" theory. That when carried to its most basic level will lead to us fighting them here instead of overseas eventually. It's the "blame America first" syndrome.

There's a school of "thought" that we caused the entire Jihadist problem in 1946, when the UN created for the first time in history, the Israeli state. Never mind that the Arab Muslims for the most part backed and helped Germany, sharing its goal to eradicate all Jews, the UN stepped in after the war and said 'This is the Jewish State' and the US has backed that play ever since. Annnnnd.... the problems started.

How far do you take this "disengagement" deal? Stop backing Israel? If we just weeb dem awone, completely disengage and pull out all support for Israel too, what then - will the Jihadists suddenly love us? Or will they, after running out most Jews and slaughtering the rest, start coming after them in Europe and the main place they will flee to, the US?

There's no amount of appeasement which will bring about any decent solution, other than total capitulation.

The essential problem I think I see is, people counting these extremists thoughts and ideas as the same as the people we interact with on a daily basis. They're not, not by a long way. If we completely "cut and run" they won't think they have won, they will think they need to step up their tactics even more. They will quadruple their recruitment, and multiply their training centers exponentially. In five years you'll be dealing with a near unstoppable foe.

I advocate hitting them were it will really hurt them, economically and financially. Embargo their oil, impose trade sanctions for all countries harboring Jihadists. The reason we won't do that is China and Russia won't join in, neither will the Saudis or the Pakistanis, and we also have this fear of hurting the innocent people in those regions, economically.

Targeted drone strikes and surgical special ops missions seem to be taking their toll on ISIS leadership, communication and command/control. I think this should continue and be stepped up but only along with what we stopped doing, intelligence gathering. I agree that putting lots of troops in there isn't smart use of our resources.

We can't completely disengage. So it just becomes a matter of degrees of engagement.

This is why when folks blame the US for these problems, I cringe. It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorize, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left in their endless capacity for masochism and self-loathing have attempted to shift blame inwardly on themselves, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.

It's like a bad Monty Python sketch:

Terrorist: "We did this because our holy texts exhort us to to do it."

Self Loathers: "No you didn't."

T: "Wait, what? Yes we did..."

SL: "No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons."

T: "WHAT!? Did you even read our official statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, blasphemers, and disbelievers."

SL: "No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so."

T: "Huh!? Who are you to tell us we're not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being."

SL: "Nope. We created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that's why you did this. We're sorry."

T: "What? Why are you apologizing? We just slaughtered you mercilessly in the streets. We targeted unwitting civilians - disenfranchisement doesn't even enter into it!"

SL: "Listen, it's our fault. We don't blame you for feeling unwelcome and lashing out."

T: "Seriously, stop taking credit for this! We worked really hard to pull this off, and we're not going to let you take it away from us."

SL: "No, we nourished your extremism. We accept full blame."

T: "OMG, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?"

The truth is, Islamic leadership at the highest levels - the Mullahs and such - have called for the death of all non-believers for centuries. It's not a recent thing.

A Muslim is someone who reads Mohammad, a Islamo-Terrorist is someone who understands Mohammad.


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Isn't a conservative mantra small government? Fiscal conservatism?

Those wars will cost $4-6 TRILLION when all said and done. For what exactly?

And I noticed you couldn't really rebut it...except at a third grade level.

Eh. The problem is people like yourself don't UNDERSTAND the problem, therefore arnt able to take measures to correct it.

The problem isn't our success as a country or our "warmongering". The problem is they are commanded to make everyone in the world accept their belief system, or die. That's their cause. That's why they do the horrible things they do. You cant reason with that type of mentality, you have to exterminate it. Not ALL Muslims are bad, but the one's that are radicalized and have this deep belief in Sharia law and that all should submit to it is WRONG.

In the case of your fearless leader Obumma, I suspect he totally understands it but chooses to ignore it because privately he condones what these people do. He agrees with their cause because deep down inside he IS one of them.
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Yeah, they wear ID badges. Easy to spot.

How do people with no military background come up with this stuff? Then you criticize Obama for using drone attacks and at the same time criticize him for not hunting down the oh-so-easy-to-find bad guys.

I've never once criticized him for using drones. Not once. Kill the bad people by any means necessary.

As for your other statement, yes those countries know where these camps are within. They know who is bankrolling those people. They know who their leaders are. They know their methods of recruitment. This is all common sense shit dude.


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France leaves everyone in the world alone and runs at the sight of their own shadow. Yet somehow those misunderstood jihadis still go to their country and blow shit up and kill people in droves.

Europe cow tows to Mooselims more than anyone else and look at all the ridiculous violence there.

The UN condemns the US this week for racism, yet when stuff like these terror attacks happen all you hear from them is crickets.


High Plains Drifter
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France leaves everyone in the world alone and runs at the sight of their own shadow. Yet somehow those misunderstood jihadis still go to their country and blow shit up and kill people in droves.
France is by far the most hated country by Jihadis - it is representative of the Great Satan West - freely allowing Jews and most especially, Homosexuals free reign, and it dares to be a Christian nation. Plus, the Jihad has zero respect for France, because it is weak and stays weak. Appeasement never works.


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Eh. The problem is people like yourself don't UNDERSTAND the problem, therefore arnt able to take measures to correct it.

The problem isn't our success as a country or our "warmongering". The problem is they are commanded to make everyone in the world accept their belief system, or die. That's their cause. That's why they do the horrible things they do. You cant reason with that type of mentality, you have to exterminate it. Not ALL Muslims are bad, but the one's that are radicalized and have this deep belief in Sharia law and that all should submit to it is WRONG.

In the case of your fearless leader Obumma, I suspect he totally understands it but chooses to ignore it because privately he condones what these people do. He agrees with their cause because deep down inside he IS one of them.

This should be nominated for post of the year!

Im glad you understand it the muslims and why we have such a limp dick president when it comes to condemning and acting against this garbage.

I would disagree with one thing you said. ALL muslims are bad. There is no such thing as a good muslim. The very fact that they adhere to islam makes them bad. Even the "good" muslims that dont take part in the killing and destruction are in support of the jihad.


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France leaves everyone in the world alone and runs at the sight of their own shadow. Yet somehow those misunderstood jihadis still go to their country and blow shit up and kill people in droves.

Europe cow tows to Mooselims more than anyone else and look at all the ridiculous violence there.

The UN condemns the US this week for racism, yet when stuff like these terror attacks happen all you hear from them is crickets.

Europe has been ruined. Its their own fault no doubt, but it is changed forever.


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I agree with this but countries (ie: in Europe, Russia, China, etc.) step into the void and trade with them in our absence. Folks have to realize this is a world wide problem and now Europe is paying for their ignorance. And, if you haven't taken notice, our government is now opening doors to these countries like Iran. It's a failed policy.

I never said not to trade with them. Don't give them aid. We give billions to Pakistan and they hid Bin Laden for years. We sell the Saudis tons of military equipment

And you can't tell me we can't exert financial pressure on these guys. Look what OPEC did when we ramped up oil production.

Put the onus on these governments to take care of the problem. Or let them scrabble around in the sand. I don't care. Just stop dropping trillions of dollars over there just to paint a target on our backs.


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Yeah, they wear ID badges. Easy to spot.

How do people with no military background come up with this stuff? Then you criticize Obama for using drone attacks and at the same time criticize him for not hunting down the oh-so-easy-to-find bad guys.

That's why it was so easy to get Bin Laden. A mere 10 years after 9/11 we were able to track down the global face of terrorism.


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I've never once criticized him for using drones. Not once. Kill the bad people by any means necessary.

As for your other statement, yes those countries know where these camps are within. They know who is bankrolling those people. They know who their leaders are. They know their methods of recruitment. This is all common sense shit dude.

So why it'd take 10 years to find Bin Laden?


In the Rotation
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So why it'd take 10 years to find Bin Laden?

we knew where he was in 2001 and 2002 but screwed up getting to him. After that we screwed up by listening to the experts on his pcyche eval about what he would do. We were looking in all the wrong places and it was pure luck we found out he had been living quietly in Islamabad for years. Totally aganst his evaluation by the so called experts. We were not smart enough to think of the possibility that he would be smart enough to do what he did


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How far do you take this "disengagement" deal? Stop backing Israel? If we just weeb dem awone, completely disengage and pull out all support for Israel too, what then - will the Jihadists suddenly love us? Or will they, after running out most Jews and slaughtering the rest, start coming after them in Europe and the main place they will flee to, the US?
Why do we need to defend Israel? Those guys are armed to the teeth and tough as nails.

I'm not too worried about the fight. We could go in and kick the shit out of any of those countries in the middle east and really not break a sweat. So, it isn't a "cut and run".....we never really had enemies in Iraq in the first place. But, what do we gain from it? $4-6 TRILLION for the wars over there for what? Terrorism isn't gone. We're not any safer. Wouldn't that money be better spent on homeland defense, vetting of immigrants or even improving the capabilities of our military?

There's no amount of appeasement which will bring about any decent solution, other than total capitulation.
How do you propose doing that?

The essential problem I think I see is, people counting these extremists thoughts and ideas as the same as the people we interact with on a daily basis. They're not, not by a long way. If we completely "cut and run" they won't think they have won, they will think they need to step up their tactics even more. They will quadruple their recruitment, and multiply their training centers exponentially. In five years you'll be dealing with a near unstoppable foe.
In five years, ISIS/Al Qaeda will be an unstoppable foe? :facepalm

I advocate hitting them were it will really hurt them, economically and financially. Embargo their oil, impose trade sanctions for all countries harboring Jihadists. The reason we won't do that is China and Russia won't join in, neither will the Saudis or the Pakistanis, and we also have this fear of hurting the innocent people in those regions, economically.
Ah, you're catching on. Like I said earlier, look at what OPEC did when we ramped up oil production in the U.S. Let's cut out the Saudis and Pakistanis out too. We give them billions in aid and arms. Threaten to cut that off unless their governments cooperate with the problems being created in their countries.

Targeted drone strikes and surgical special ops missions seem to be taking their toll on ISIS leadership, communication and command/control. I think this should continue and be stepped up but only along with what we stopped doing, intelligence gathering. I agree that putting lots of troops in there isn't smart use of our resources.
Has this worked at all though? Serious question. We crippled Al Qaeda after years on the ground. ISIS rose out of the mess that was made in Iraq. Terrorism seems to be ramping up, not dying down.

This is why when folks blame the US for these problems, I cringe. It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorize, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left in their endless capacity for masochism and self-loathing have attempted to shift blame inwardly on themselves, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.
Simple questions: Have we, as well as France and England, been injecting ourselves in the Middle East for the better part of this century? How would you, as a U.S. citizen, react if a foreign country installed military bases in your country and were overthrowing governments left and right? What would you do if you lost families when this happened?

There is no guilt. It is simple common sense.

The truth is, Islamic leadership at the highest levels - the Mullahs and such - have called for the death of all non-believers for centuries. It's not a recent thing.
Some perhaps. But there those that are more pragmatic.

If they are calling for the deaths of all non-believers, why is the battle only being fought on certain fronts? Haven't seen much news about Islamic terrorism in China.....


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France leaves everyone in the world alone and runs at the sight of their own shadow. Yet somehow those misunderstood jihadis still go to their country and blow shit up and kill people in droves.

Europe cow tows to Mooselims more than anyone else and look at all the ridiculous violence there.

The UN condemns the US this week for racism, yet when stuff like these terror attacks happen all you hear from them is crickets.


You really don't have any idea what you're talking about, do you?

France has been dropping bombs and in Iraq for the last couple of years. The Syrian president even claimed French involvement in the Syrian civil war triggered the Paris attacks.
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