
High Plains Drifter
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None of our what, 20 unrestricted free agents are being pursued. First-round pick Claiborne - will he be the lowest paid corner in the league counting rookies, next season since we signed him to his little $3 million one-year deal? Nobody wanted Hanna? What does our management braintrust know that the rest of the league doesn't?

What does it mean when the rest of the league doesn't want any of your unrestricted players? What other conclusion(s) can we draw other than they all suck and the rest of the league knows it?


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Well, to be fair, two teams were after Hanna, and Bernadeau signed with the Jags.


Pro Bowler
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He did meet with the Chargers. We signed him after the Chargers did NOT make him an offer


Pro Bowler
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What does it say about our scouting and overall player evaluation when no other team wants any of our players other than our o line guy which is the only thing we have done right since Garret got here


We resign every damn body even after no one wants them
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So other teams have to sign the players you let go to prove that your players don't suck?

Patriots have lost one free agent, have 11 remaining unsigned.

Panthers have re-signed 4 of their own, brought one in, lost their punter to Jacksonville, and have 11 remaining unsigned.

Cardinals have lost 2, signed 1 new player, and have 12 left unsigned.

Buffalo has lost 6 and Cleveland has lost 4 though. They must be the best teams.


High Plains Drifter
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So other teams have to sign the players you let go to prove that your players don't suck?
Not at all. Where's that asserted? The meter is, no one is pursuing our FA's.

Patriots have lost one free agent, have 11 remaining unsigned.

Panthers have re-signed 4 of their own, brought one in, lost their punter to Jacksonville, and have 11 remaining unsigned.

Cardinals have lost 2, signed 1 new player, and have 12 left unsigned.

Buffalo has lost 6 and Cleveland has lost 4 though. They must be the best teams.
Might have the best value for the players vs. the cost?

You don't think that for the most part, our player personnel sucks?
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Not at all. Where's that asserted? The meter is, no one is pursuing our FA's.
That's just not true. Bernadeau signed with JAX, Cassell signed with Tennessee, Dunbar is flirting with SF, Hanna had a visit with SD, Efe Obada signed with KC... that's not to mention we just got 4 compensatory picks for guys we lost last year. Don't get myopic and only look at what has happened in all of 2-3 days of free agency as some sort of league referendum on the state of our talent.

Might have the best value for the players vs. the cost?
You're qualifying the statement now... which is fine. Your original point is way too broad. But I would generally claim that the best teams would be the ones with the best personnel. I wouldn't argue that the teams who lose the most free agents (or have the most pursued free agents) have the best personnel.

You don't think that for the most part, our player personnel sucks?
I think our depth generally sucks, because I watched them. That doesn't mean that other teams don't see some type of value in them though. They are being pursued... and there may be a ton of reasons why. Other teams may feel like they can put these players in a better position to succeed than our coaches can. And they may think that they can get them cheaper than other options.

What I'm not going to do, is say our personnel sucks because we haven't had more guys leave. That argument doesn't have the data to back it up.


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None of our what, 20 unrestricted free agents are being pursued. First-round pick Claiborne - will he be the lowest paid corner in the league counting rookies, next season since we signed him to his little $3 million one-year deal? Nobody wanted Hanna? What does our management braintrust know that the rest of the league doesn't?

What does it mean when the rest of the league doesn't want any of way your unrestricted players? What other conclusion(s) can we draw other than they all suck and the rest of the league knows it?

This isn't true by the way. Do you read the news at all?


High Plains Drifter
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What I'm not going to do, is say our personnel sucks because we haven't had more guys leave.
Me either. And didn't.
You're qualifying the statement now...
Noooo... I was answering only your example of Cleveland and Buffalo.
Other teams may feel like they can put these players in a better position to succeed than our coaches can.
That's very likely.
This isn't true by the way. Do you read the news at all?
No, Man. I just read here.
Chargers and Vikes
As pointed out earlier, neither made a offer.
4-12 had a lot more to do with the coaching IMO
That's right - all told, injuries and all, we should have been more like 8-8.

And we are 8-8, because our player personnel sucks.


High Plains Drifter
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You literally said our players suck because no one else wants them.
Right. But you keep asserting I said, "our personnel sucks because we haven't had more guys leave."

I haven't said anything about guys actually leaving.

I also haven't seen one fucking thing showing any or our players were MADE OFFERS by any other team. (Besides the ones actually signed away.)

The entire league knows that for the most part, our player personnel including our free agents, suck.


High Plains Drifter
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I think we suck, Jerry and his lackeys think they're sitting on a pat hand, and reality is somewhere in the middle. Just like our .500 results the last 20 years.

And I'm not above some good ole hyperbole to express my disdain.
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