
Pro Bowler
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Like I said last time, he probably got high the last time he failed a test to make himself feel better. Then they tested him the next day so he failed his last test as a DALLAS Cowboy


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suspending guys for weed only hurts the nfl image. Its just bad press. when's goodell just gonna let that shit go


High Plains Drifter
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suspending guys for weed only hurts the nfl image. Its just bad press. when's goodell just gonna let that shit go
Only hurts the NFL image with whom exactly, Hillary voters? That's half the country, the other half thinks yeah, weed is illegal in most states and should be banned for professional athletes. Your argument holds true for Olympians as well, right? NBA? MLB? NHL? It's not just a NFL thing.

Welcome to The U by the way.


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you can't send players into schools with a "Just say no to drugs" message and let them smoke weed


Draft Pick
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you can't send players into schools with a "Just say no to drugs" message and let them smoke weed

So don't send them in to schools. What parent would allow their kids to look up to a Pro athlete? One that hasn't been paying attention to pro athletes the last couple of decades.

Bob Sacamano

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I don't buy the argument that any back can run behind this line. The difference between Zeke and Morris is night and day.
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Jerry Jones: 'I’m not giving up on' Randy Gregory

PITTSBURGH — Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says he'll continue to support Randy Gregory in the face of a report that the troubled defensive end is facing banishment under the substance abuse policy.

"I’m not giving up on him for the Cowboys and certainly not giving up on him as a person in life, at all," Jones said after Sunday's 35-30 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Gregory, 23, hasn't played this season while serving consecutive four- and 10-game drug suspensions. The latter expires after Week 15, but NFL Media reported Friday that Gregory is appealing discipline for another violation, which would result in indefinite banishment of at least one year.

Jones said he knows details of Gregory's situation but didn't reveal any. He said Gregory, who did a stint in a rehab center earlier this year, continues to receive treatment for his issues.

Those issues were known to teams prior to the 2015 NFL draft, causing Gregory to slide to the Cowboys late in the second round. He has appeared in 12 NFL games but has yet to record a sack.


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He doesn't count much against the cap and isn't eating up a roster spot, but still. The guy is worthless to us if he cant be on the field and flunks this many tests.

Year one was a waste with the high ankle injury and this year and next year are lost due to drug suspensions. He'll have one yr left on his deal if/when he ever does make it back out there.

I'm more concerned with the message it sends the rest of the team though. You cant have a guy that has this utter lack of commitment to the team and obvious extreme drug issues stick around. I think they'll get rid of him after the season.
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I was done with this guy after the 10 game suspension. Now tho? If Jerry is dumb enough for allow him in here with the team chemistry at an all time high, then Jerry needs to be drug tested too. Look, I'm all for the legalization of pot. It's stupid that it is a banned substance. It's stupid that it is a Schedule I drug and listed with the likes of Meth, LSD, and Ecstasy. It's a fucking weed folks. It literally will grow anywhere their is sun, water, and soil. The fact that in 2016, that any Country has an issue with it after looking at the History of the plant and how it came to be illegal to begin with (Tobacco, Racism, and a whole host of textile manufacturers) needs to be looked into and it set free. The benefits for helping to recover from pain alone give it a leg up over all other pain medications that have adverse side effects that are manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry which again is yet another reason it isn't legal yet. Acetaminophen ruins your liver. Ibuprofen thins your blood. Aspirin thins your blood and eats the lining of your stomach away. Then you get into the heavy hitters of Benzos and Opiates that are so highly addictive that pharmacies are robbed for the sole purpose of stealing just those drugs.

Bottom line is it is illegal by Federal law, even if states are one by one legalizing it (the very people that sell, even in the states that have legalized it, it can't even have bank accounts to put their proceeds, because it's still illegal.) So until it changes Federally and is taken off the Schedule of drugs, it will stay banned in sports period. Gregory knows this, but does not care, because he has huge issues that the pot helps him control. It is really a shame, the kid had potential, but he needs to go.
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