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The AP poll has Obama’s approval rating hitting 60 percent! And 53 percent say he deserves to be reelected!

And on the economy, 52 percent approve of the way Obama’s handling it, and only 47 percent disapprove! He’s up 54–46 on approval of how he’s handling health care! On unemployment, 52 percent approval, 47 percent disapproval! 57 percent approval on handling Libya! Even on the deficit, he’s at 47 percent approval, 52 percent disapproval!

It is a poll of adults, which isn’t surprising; as I mentioned yesterday, you don’t have to be a registered or likely voter to have an opinion on the president.

But then you get to the party ID: 46 percent identify as Democrat or leaning Democrat, 29 percent identify as Republican or leaning Republican, 4 percent identify as purely independent leaning towards neither party, and 20 percent answered, “I don’t know.”

For contrast, the AP’s immediate preceding poll was 45 percent Democrat, 33 percent Republican; the likely-voter pool in October 2010 was 43 percent Democrat, 48 percent Republican. The poll’s total sample in October 2010 split 43 percent Democrat, 40 percent Republican.

With a poll sample that has a 17-percentage-point margin in favor of the Democrats, is anyone surprised that these results look like a David Axelrod dream?


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The AP poll has Obama’s approval rating hitting 60 percent! And 53 percent say he deserves to be reelected!

And on the economy, 52 percent approve of the way Obama’s handling it, and only 47 percent disapprove! He’s up 54–46 on approval of how he’s handling health care! On unemployment, 52 percent approval, 47 percent disapproval! 57 percent approval on handling Libya! Even on the deficit, he’s at 47 percent approval, 52 percent disapproval!

It is a poll of adults, which isn’t surprising; as I mentioned yesterday, you don’t have to be a registered or likely voter to have an opinion on the president.

But then you get to the party ID: 46 percent identify as Democrat or leaning Democrat, 29 percent identify as Republican or leaning Republican, 4 percent identify as purely independent leaning towards neither party, and 20 percent answered, “I don’t know.”

For contrast, the AP’s immediate preceding poll was 45 percent Democrat, 33 percent Republican; the likely-voter pool in October 2010 was 43 percent Democrat, 48 percent Republican. The poll’s total sample in October 2010 split 43 percent Democrat, 40 percent Republican.

With a poll sample that has a 17-percentage-point margin in favor of the Democrats, is anyone surprised that these results look like a David Axelrod dream?

Dont confuse liberals by offering facts VA
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He might. I don't see a republican candidate that really stands out.

If someone like Palin gets the nomination, as much as I agree with the Tea Party movement, well, she doesn't stand a chance.

I'm probably going to vote for Ron Paul this time.

Obama is a terrible president. He's right up there with Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush as some of the worst presidents in American history.


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He might. I don't see a republican candidate that really stands out.

If someone like Palin gets the nomination, as much as I agree with the Tea Party movement, well, she doesn't stand a chance.

I'm probably going to vote for Ron Paul this time.

Obama is a terrible president. He's right up there with Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush as some of the worst presidents in American history.

W was not a bad President, and certainly doesnt belong on a list with Obama and Carter


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If someone like Palin gets the nomination, as much as I agree with the Tea Party movement, well, she doesn't stand a chance.

I'm probably going to vote for Ron Paul this time.

Maybe I should run. Obviously having any legitimate experience or qualifications to be President dont matter because we just elected the biggest pinhead in American history.


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The economy has turned around but fuel prices will remain high, and rightfully so. I just hope Congress holds true to their threat of taking away tax breaks for the oil companies.

While I agree with the tax breaks being extreme. You take away those breaks and it will become worse. The money they won't have will have to come from somewhere. And, guess who will get the shaft? The American People.

What I don't agree with is "fuel prices will remain high? And rightfully so?" How so? Why does the consumer get the punishment? Higher fuel prices raises pricing on everything else. It affects every avenue of our daily lives. The oil companies, while thieves, employ a shitload of people and are looking for new energy, spending millions. I don't see anyone crying if all of a sudden when these same companies lose millions in lost efforts in exploring, inventing, etc.

I forgot. This is the land of demonizing anyone that makes money. Big Corps bad, blah blah blah. While the govt spoon feeds the lazy ****s on welfare that can't "find" a job.

It's all bullshit.

Instead of the government "thinking" they are helping the consumer by going after the oil companies about "making" too much, the hypocrites. lol. THAT same government that can't even manage their own budget and are robbing us blind.
Instead of those cocksuckers going after the oil companies. How about they lift the ban of drilling in the ocean. Reduce the red tape on buildling refineries and BUILD SOME. Start drilling in spots like SD, ND, Alaska where WE KNOW there is oil. Open up the pipeline from Canada so it is easier for us to gain the oil we get from Canada as well as helping us move our own oil. But, wait, that would create jobs and actually make some people independent again. They can't have that now.

Whether you like it or not Barry will get 4 more years so start packing your bags deserters.

Yeah, that's it, deserters. lol

This prick has done worse shit to the states that I never thought possible by a POTUS. He is not for the people of this country, nor is his administration. NONE of those cocksuckers in Washington D.C. are. Either side.

Bob Sacamano

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And it only took 10 f'king years to capture this bum on dialysis?

Not sticking up for Obama, but what the f was Bush doing all these years?

Not personally hunting Osama down like Obama wasn't doing.

This is all Bush funding that got the job done, Obama is basically Wade Phillips.


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He might. I don't see a republican candidate that really stands out.

If someone like Palin gets the nomination, as much as I agree with the Tea Party movement, well, she doesn't stand a chance.

I'm probably going to vote for Ron Paul this time.


I would like to vote for Ron Paul as well. But, he wasn't exactly slappin high fives when he found out that Bin Laden was dead. He was glad he was dead, but, didn't like the way it was handled. He would of took a more diplomatic approach I assume. That scares me. I would think with the way that Obama usually passes the buck and goes into hiding when the going gets tough, that he would of done the same thing on this Bin Laden deal. But, he didn't, Obama okay'd the mission and hats off to him. Paul would of possibly been the one passing the buck this time. Not Obama. There was no more time to sit around and just wonder. They found out where he was, and took him out. Yes, it breached Pakistan's sovereignty, but, shit happens. They also, I believe, knew where Bin Laden was and were harbouring him in the meantime.

I think it is too early to figure out who vote for right now. Or, not really vote, just figure out which crook on either side is gonna **** us over less if they get in the white house.


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W was not a bad President, and certainly doesnt belong on a list with Obama and Carter

You're a party whore.

George W. Bush was one of the worst presidents in this country's history and easily the least qualified for office.

I have no time for people who can't see past their political party. Right or left. Flush them all. They're the problem.
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You're a party whore.

George W. Bush was one of the worst presidents in this country's history and easily the least qualified for office.

I have no time for people who can't see past their political party. Right or left. Flush them all. They're the problem.

I agree, people who vote Lib or Conservative b/c they "THINK" they are one or the other are nothing more than zombie sheep waiting to be herded.


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I agree, people who vote Lib or Conservative b/c they "THINK" they are one or the other are nothing more than zombie sheep waiting to be herded.

So, you vote independent then? LOL. Yes!! Your vote is really heard and felt that way. lol.. I wish it were the case that independents stood a chance.

I don't like voting for a Repuke either, but, no way in hell would I vote for the past few Dem candidates that have come across the way.

I am a conservative and I don't believe in half of the Repukes on the hill.

I think EVERY SINGLE cocksucker up there are criminals and they don't have the American people's best interest as a top priority.

Yes, W Bush wasn't the least bit qualified. So, that makes Obama Much more LESS qualified.

BUt, hell, 2 years in the Senate and the vote "present" on issues works I suppose.



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While I agree with the tax breaks being extreme. You take away those breaks and it will become worse. The money they won't have will have to come from somewhere. And, guess who will get the shaft? The American People.

What I don't agree with is "fuel prices will remain high? And rightfully so?" How so? Why does the consumer get the punishment? Higher fuel prices raises pricing on everything else. It affects every avenue of our daily lives. The oil companies, while thieves, employ a shitload of people and are looking for new energy, spending millions. I don't see anyone crying if all of a sudden when these same companies lose millions in lost efforts in exploring, inventing, etc.

I forgot. This is the land of demonizing anyone that makes money. Big Corps bad, blah blah blah. While the govt spoon feeds the lazy ****s on welfare that can't "find" a job.

It's all bullshit.

Instead of the government "thinking" they are helping the consumer by going after the oil companies about "making" too much, the hypocrites. lol. THAT same government that can't even manage their own budget and are robbing us blind.
Instead of those cocksuckers going after the oil companies. How about they lift the ban of drilling in the ocean. Reduce the red tape on buildling refineries and BUILD SOME. Start drilling in spots like SD, ND, Alaska where WE KNOW there is oil. Open up the pipeline from Canada so it is easier for us to gain the oil we get from Canada as well as helping us move our own oil. But, wait, that would create jobs and actually make some people independent again. They can't have that now.

We are going to run out of oil eventually, and hitting the small pockets that are left in America will not solve the problem. The answer comes in raising prices and curtailing consumption. Force people to use mass transit and force cities to develop mass transit instead of roads. The cost is going to catch up to us eventually so it is better to prepare by increasing prices today instead of waiting for a catastrophe that will ruin us.


Anywhere on the line.
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There's a field recently discovered in North Dakota that is estimated to have 200 billion barrels.

I think Saudi Arabia has around 260 billion barrels(est).

But I agree with you the time is past to develop viable alternate energy sources.

This has been discussed since I was a kid(yes,that long)and yet we keep going back to King Oil.


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There's a field recently discovered in North Dakota that is estimated to have 200 billion barrels.

I think Saudi Arabia has around 260 billion barrels(est).

But I agree with you the time is past to develop viable alternate energy sources.

This has been discussed since I was a kid(yes,that long)and yet we keep going back to King Oil.

The biggest estimate I can find so far is 11 billion barrels from the New Yorker, April 2011. Official USGS estimates from 2008 were at 3.65 billion. And the field is not recently discovered, it has been producing oil for 60 years. The 200 billion number (and I have seen other numbers as high as 500 billion) represents "oil in place," not oil that can actually be extracted.
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