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How do they somehow always manage to avoid any cool match ups between beasts? I wanna see Leroy and ct play tug of war. Bananas and zach play that tunnel game.

They bring zach and ct back and they go up against no-names.
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What a shittily disappointing episode. And that was lame how they brought zack and ct back for that elimination. Definitely didn't meet the build up.

Basically nothing is in the way of john and Vince winning this. Lame season.
That was some dumb shit the blue team did.

Jenna was voting Vince. Jamie would have voted Vince. If fucking Mike's dumb ass wouldn't require that Vince vote himself in, and just nut up and vote Vince, then that would be 3 votes... with only 6 team members, the worst that could happen is Vince, Anneesa, and Mitch all vote for Mike or Jamie. But Mike volunteers himself because "he has integrity." Opens the door for red team to vote for Jamie and break up the alliance that Cara and Abram would have. Fucking dumb.

And another fucking dumb chick falls for Bananas bullshit. I hope he and Vince break their legs running up the mountain in the final they're inevitably going to. But they'll win, because these people are stupid.
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Yeah there was all this hype how Abram Hated John end it was his goal to get him out of the game. I was really thinking they were going to go head-to-head at some point.

Oh I forgot to mention, literally the only good part of this past episode what is Jenna in a thong.
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The creators of the show are smart to change shit up all the time and have the games and voting somehow still make sense but they drop the ball on making cool moments like instead of flip a coin why not flip a coin and let the guy who won the coin toss pick who he wants to go against. Create some drama and adrenaline outta ct and zach. They felt badly to throw those noodle dicks around . It would've been better if they had to pick and they got them fired up.
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Like your idea of letting the person who gets voted into the elimination to pick their opponent. That would be interesting for sure.

Re: the last episode

How in the world did the team that won, win. I don't even know their names. The related white and black kid. I mean, how stupid is everyone else that they were able to come back from 5th place and solve that puzzle like it was nothing. That puzzle looked familiar, like it's one thats used on previous seasons. Ecstatic that John and Vince are gone. I've never liked that guy. He's such a sleazeball yet cries so hard whenever anyone does anything underhanded against him. So it was great to see Cara beat them. Plus she's eye candy. Unfortunately the remaining cast going into the finals is a motley crew of weaklings. The white kid partnered with the black guy is a pussy. Jenna has done well in eliminations, but her praying mantis looking sister/cousin/whatever sucks at everything. Annessa is like 40, can't do shit, and her blubbery white cousin or whatever is even more useless.

So by all accounts, it looks like it should be smooth sailing for Cara to win this thing, which I think would be awesome. She's been a great competitor for a lot of years and shes sexy as fuck.
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Just glad Bananas is gone. Agreed that Cara and Jamie are probably the favorites, but I wouldn't count out Jenna and her cousin or Cory and Mitch. Like Cara said, If there's some kind of eating challenge Jenna will probably give up. But her cousin does seem like an endurance athlete. Cory's knee looks like a serious problem for the final.

But yeah Anneesa's cousin couldn't even do fucking monkey bars. They'll probably go out before the final. I'm thinking they have one more elimination and Jenna puts Anneesa out.
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I don't know that Jenna would wuss out on an eating challenge. In either last season or the season before, when she made it to a final there was something nasty they had to eat and IIRC she ate and her male partner wussed out.
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Finally finished last weeks episode last night. The challenge was cool. Suprised how well all the teams did.

I didn't get the drama between cara Maria and Aneesa. Just felt like Aneesa was scared and wanted to talk shit. And her crying about never compromising her integrity for the show was just odd.

Also, a lot of talk by her about how she was worried about her cousin wanting to win. Aneesa has been coming on these shows for like ten years, and she never shows up in shape, never really performs well in any physical challenge.

So it was good to see Cara Maria beast out on that heffa and get rid of her.

As far as the final, from the previews it actually looks lame. Rooting for Cara or Jenna. Cory and Mitch are dorks.
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Some dudes at our Super Bowl watch party were talking about the Challenge last night, but you were actually watching it during the Super Bowl... props.

I think Aneesa knew they were going out, so she just decided to go scorched earth with Cara. She should be embarrassed for losing to Cara in that elimination given she had 50+ pounds on her. She and her cousin were both just weak, and should be glad they aren't having to deal with the final.

No idea who is going to win this. Each team has glaring weaknesses, so it will depend on who powers through those. The preview showed Jenna with an eating challenge, Cory throwing up an insane amount of something, and Cara and Jaime having drama. Thought it was interesting that they are in a city and not climbing a mountain or some shit.
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Some dudes at our Super Bowl watch party were talking about the Challenge last night, but you were actually watching it during the Super Bowl... props.

I watched like half of it on Saturday then the rest of the during halftime last night.
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Don't really care about anyone left they should
Make it everyone for them selves. 3 prizes for the 6 remaining . Other 3 get jack shit
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Maria is so fucking pretty she looks like she might have a stinky thing tho or maybe like some red bumps all around it or something
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Yeah Cara Maria is the only one I have a rooting interest in anymore, and thats mostly because of my penis likes her face. But now that you mention it... yeah, I could def see some muscular razor bumps all around her shit box.
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One "concern" I have about this season is.... well, I've loved these shows ever since an ex-gf got me hooked on them like 2003 or whatever. Kinda like survivor, but the same competitors come back mostly so you can keep up with story lines/rivalry histories etc. I've never watched the Real World except for maybe a season or two way back in the day.

Anywhooooo.... all the players I've watched and liked/rooted for over the years are getting old and retiring. CT has to be like 35 now and apparently just does cameos. Wes looks like he got AIDS and retired I think. Sarah finally won one and is now retired. Brad married some other challenger and they pooped kids out so he won't be back. Kenny & Evan are banned for basically raping Tonya with a toothbrush. Others like Alton and Derrick haven't been on in years. No way Abram comes back after this season, which is fine because his contrived "I'm CRAZY!!! LISTEN TO ME MAKE LOUD LAUGHING NOISES AT ODD TIMES" is lame as fuck. So basically every year its Johnny Bannanas who will do these until he's 60 I believe and a whole bunch of obnoxiuos young'ins who I don't really give a shit about. Zach is just a big overrated meat head who sucks at competition unless its running over a significantly smaller guy in a small hallway. Jordan has one hand and it creeps me the fuck out. None of the competitors from this year really stood out or seemed interesting in the least.

The next few seasons might be pretty uninteresting for me.

I hope they don't bring any of the bloodlines back. Jennas cousin looks like a Preying Mantis. Annessas cousin looks like a elementary school cafeteria worker. The Dario twins or whatever were boring and untalented at anything. Johnnys cousin is creepy. Basically none of them were worth a shit.


Pro Bowler
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MTV is still on the air?

I stopped watching about a decade or more ago when they stopped playing music videos
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Last episode was kind of surprising. Mostly because I never would've expected Jenna and her weird looking cousin to do so well, while Mitch and Corey to do so bad. Jenna is fine as fuck btw. Cara's cousin is a pussy. One of those guys who just works out his arms at the gym. No legs and no endurance. Not sure what to make of the final and who wins. Looks like Jenna and whoever has a huge lead, but there's an eating challenge coming up and I can't see Jenna and her 75lb partner doing well there. I think Mitch and Corey are too far back to mount a comeback.
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Did they say Mitch and Cory were an hour behind? Must have been creative editing to make it look closer than it was, but if so, yeah, they're done.

I really got on the Jenna bandwagon in that episode... mainly because she and her cousin were the only ones who weren't bitching about something being too hard or I can't drink all that beer, blah blah blah.
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