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lol at the "community organizer" who is "supposed" to be able to "bring" people together. Has both the Congress AND Senate in his back pocket for about 2 yrs and NOTHING gets passed. LOL..

What a fucking joke this guy is. Nice "guilty or sympathy" vote you morons that voted for this guy. They all should have their voting right taken away from them consdering they were dumb enough to believe this clown.

Did you miss the filibustering by the Republicans so that nothing WOULD get passed? It was their plan and it worked to fool clowns like you.


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Well, according to some libtard talking-head last night, he refuted this by pointing out how Obama was able to push through the stimulus and socialized healthcare.

healthcare is already socialized, the point of the bill is to fix it so I don't pay for everyone. Right now anyone can walk into the ER and get free healthcare. I pay for it through high insurance rates and hospital bills. I'm tired of everyone asking me to pay for crap when I don't make enough money to care for everyone I would like to.
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healthcare is already socialized, the point of the bill is to fix it so I don't pay for everyone. Right now anyone can walk into the ER and get free healthcare. I pay for it through high insurance rates and hospital bills. I'm tired of everyone asking me to pay for crap when I don't make enough money to care for everyone I would like to.

If you think it's going to get better once ObamaCare goes into effect then you're delusional. More and more employers will end up dropping their plans and more people will end up on the crappy gov't plan.
Plus everyone will be required to pay for services whether they need them or not, like singles having to pay for pediatric services and maternity care, not to mention having to cover everyone who has a "child" up to 26 years of age still living at home.

If you think you are tired of paying for others now, then you haven't seen anything yet.
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7. Won the Nobel Peace Prize

lol lol lol lol

Also, listing Cash for Clunkers and bailing out GM.

Is that list serious, or sarcasm?

Edit: 37. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses


Edit: 49. Donated his $1.4 million Nobel Prize to nonprofits.

Well, that's fair, considering he did nothing to deserve it in the first place.

That list is a joke.


Pro Bowler
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no u are a joke.

There may be some silly things on there but it's just a list of things he's done. Plenty of good on there.
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no u are a joke.

There may be some silly things on there but it's just a list of things he's done. Plenty of good on there.

It's a ridiculous list.

I'm not saying he's never done anything good... but that list is a joke. It literally lists everything he's ever done - most of it unverifiable, or blatantly false. See any that include "created X # of jobs!" for example. I didn't scroll far enough down.... did they start listing that he wears clean suits and smiles a lot on that list?
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He ended the recession and caught Osama, that's pretty good.

The recession is over? Oh... I couldn't tell. You know, because of that whole 10% unemployment thing, horrid housing market, and otherwise shit economy.

And he didn't "catch" Osama. One of Osama's BFF's mucked up and gave away his position. I'll give Barry props for making the call to get him though.


Pro Bowler
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I like how people ask for things and then when they're given things they say these things are shit plus I disagree with them for made up reasons.

Just because the recession is over doesn't mean everything is great, it just means the freefall was stopped. But economists agree that it is over, has been stopped, whatever you want to say about it.

The dig against the capture of Osama is just sour grapes. He was the commander in chief when we got the bastard. Bandy about exactly how to give him credit all you want, them's the facts.
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The recession might be over, but the economy is still more fucked up than a bag of dead babies.

And him being commander in chief when Osama was finally caught is as much luck than anything. I already said I give him props for decided to go and get the guy when we realized where he was. Ballsy call.


Pro Bowler
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Well we haven't done anything to stop the things that caused all the problems in the first place. Congress passed that supposedly great bill that was going to enable a watchdog agency for the banks and wallstreet, I think it was supposed to have 400 laws in it....they've written something like 20 of them - only 20.

Basically they blustered about something else, got us all to look over there, and did the same thing they always do - bend over for the rich people who paid for their elections and forgot about the people who actually....ya know...elected them.

That was what Obama promised to change, and that's his biggest failure so far. He hasn't done anything to change the way Washington operates. And maybe it's impossible to, so he overpromised. But this idea that he's done nothing is ridiculous. If people want his supporters to be honest about his failures then they need to be willing to be honest about his successes.


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He ended the recession and caught Osama, that's pretty good.

he didnt end the recession

there's not a single piece of the economy thats better today than when he took over...everything is worse


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Well we haven't done anything to stop the things that caused all the problems in the first place. Congress passed that supposedly great bill that was going to enable a watchdog agency for the banks and wallstreet, I think it was supposed to have 400 laws in it....they've written something like 20 of them - only 20.

Basically they blustered about something else, got us all to look over there, and did the same thing they always do - bend over for the rich people who paid for their elections and forgot about the people who actually....ya know...elected them.

That was what Obama promised to change, and that's his biggest failure so far. He hasn't done anything to change the way Washington operates. And maybe it's impossible to, so he overpromised. But this idea that he's done nothing is ridiculous. If people want his supporters to be honest about his failures then they need to be willing to be honest about his successes.

Oh he's changed alot of things, unfortunately all the change was for the worse


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If you think it's going to get better once ObamaCare goes into effect then you're delusional. More and more employers will end up dropping their plans and more people will end up on the crappy gov't plan.
Plus everyone will be required to pay for services whether they need them or not, like singles having to pay for pediatric services and maternity care, not to mention having to cover everyone who has a "child" up to 26 years of age still living at home.

If you think you are tired of paying for others now, then you haven't seen anything yet.

Except you are completely wrong. I don't expect "Obamacare" to save the world or fix healthcare completely, but it is a step in the right direction. No one is going to like the plan 100%, but it needs tweaking instead of just trying to shove it out the window. Our healthcare system is broken, and if "Obamacare" gets shitcanned the system will never be healed.

It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking re-"More and more employers will end up dropping their plans and more people will end up on the crappy gov't plan." Insurance companies are in negotiation with businesses and care providers right now to ensure this does not happen. If employers do drop their plans they will either help their employees find a satisfactory plan or lose workers to those who do. It is best for the employer, insurance company, and care provider to make sure as many workers as possible are still using the current system.
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