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he didnt end the recession

there's not a single piece of the economy thats better today than when he took over...everything is worse

"At its meeting, the committee determined that a trough in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in June 2009. The trough marks the end of the recession that began in December 2007 and the beginning of an expansion."


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Except you are completely wrong. I don't expect "Obamacare" to save the world or fix healthcare completely, but it is a step in the right direction. No one is going to like the plan 100%, but it needs tweaking instead of just trying to shove it out the window. Our healthcare system is broken, and if "Obamacare" gets shitcanned the system will never be healed.

It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking re-"More and more employers will end up dropping their plans and more people will end up on the crappy gov't plan." Insurance companies are in negotiation with businesses and care providers right now to ensure this does not happen. If employers do drop their plans they will either help their employees find a satisfactory plan or lose workers to those who do. It is best for the employer, insurance company, and care provider to make sure as many workers as possible are still using the current system.

Sorry dude, you have no clue what you are talking about with this.


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You telling me I have no clue only supports my position lol

Your position on this is one of pure stupidity and ignorance. There's really no sense in arguing with you on it anymore.


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Your position on this is one of pure stupidity and ignorance. There's really no sense in arguing with you on it anymore.

What are you arguing? You've thrown shit at the wall hoping it would stick. You haven't come at me with anything supportive of your opinion. There is no sense in arguing with me if all you do is talk shit without backing it up.
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Except you are completely wrong. I don't expect "Obamacare" to save the world or fix healthcare completely, but it is a step in the right direction. No one is going to like the plan 100%, but it needs tweaking instead of just trying to shove it out the window. Our healthcare system is broken, and if "Obamacare" gets shitcanned the system will never be healed.

It's not a step in the right direction, it's a giant leap in the wrong direction.

It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking re-"More and more employers will end up dropping their plans and more people will end up on the crappy gov't plan." Insurance companies are in negotiation with businesses and care providers right now to ensure this does not happen. If employers do drop their plans they will either help their employees find a satisfactory plan or lose workers to those who do. It is best for the employer, insurance company, and care provider to make sure as many workers as possible are still using the current system.

There's already quite a few reports where employers are dropping and/or discussing dropping their coverage.

Also, what's your source for employers helping employees find satisfactory plans? And then, what's the definition of "satisfactory".
It's just unsubstantiated mindless dribble on your part trying to prop this hideous healthcare law.


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Employers will either drop the plans , or get vouchers like some have gotten already from the govt.

This bill is shit.


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Employers will either drop the plans , or get vouchers like some have gotten already from the govt.

This bill is shit.

Wonder what cythim's explanation is for why such an inordinately high % of these vouchers were granted to companies in the districts of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Or why Obama, Pelosi and Reid were such huge proponents of national healthcare that they put in specific language that excludes them from having to take part in it.


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You conservatives are just as bad as the liberals. One has to be absolutely right and the other absolutely wrong. I've been arguing the negatives of this healthcare bill against the other side but they don't listen either. Both want it 100% their way with no compromise. This is why our budget it screwed and this is why healthcare is doomed to become the worst in the developed world. You don't know what is best and neither do they. Go sit down, have a few beers, and hash out a compromise that is not perfect but best for everyone.


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You conservatives are just as bad as the liberals. One has to be absolutely right and the other absolutely wrong. I've been arguing the negatives of this healthcare bill against the other side but they don't listen either. Both want it 100% their way with no compromise. This is why our budget it screwed and this is why healthcare is doomed to become the worst in the developed world. You don't know what is best and neither do they. Go sit down, have a few beers, and hash out a compromise that is not perfect but best for everyone.

That's funny right there kid. Glad to see you are on the outside looking in. You must one of those "Present" guys when the going gets tough. That's cool. You and the POTUS have something in common. lol


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I'm extremely moderate. I have some conservative views and some liberal. I'm also willing to talk to both sides about why they think a certain way. I don't usually bother online because it turns into a group of assholes ganging up on the guy with an opposing view, but I find these threads extremely entertaining. My feeling toward federal gov't is that their role should be much more limited than it currently is with little involvement in social programs. Social programs should be left to the state and local govts to decide what is best for their areas. I also understand that the Feds already have these programs running and can't just cut bait and run. The reform that needs to happen never will so we need to make the programs work as best they can.


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I'm extremely moderate. I have some conservative views and some liberal. I'm also willing to talk to both sides about why they think a certain way. I don't usually bother online because it turns into a group of assholes ganging up on the guy with an opposing view, but I find these threads extremely entertaining. My feeling toward federal gov't is that their role should be much more limited than it currently is with little involvement in social programs. Social programs should be left to the state and local govts to decide what is best for their areas. I also understand that the Feds already have these programs running and can't just cut bait and run. The reform that needs to happen never will so we need to make the programs work as best they can.

I don't know where you copied and pasted that from, but, that was THE best post you havehad in these threads.

Bob Sacamano

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1 trillion dollars is what caught Osama. That result was as close to an eventuality as anything possibly could be. And recessions hit us every 6 or 7 years. We would have gotten out of this one even if they named sbk president.

There goes two, main talking points out the window.
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