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Texas is just another state in the Union. Christ, who the fuck even thinks in such terms and how far do you go with this shit?

America is the best country on Earth.
Texas is the best country in America.
[insert city] is the best city in Texas.
Penis Hollow is the best suburb in [insert city].
111 Cockrider Way is the best house in Penis Hollow.

Therefore, there is no better place on Earth than my house!!!

Get ahold of yourself. And for the record, you have no choices. States cannot secede.

Have fun getting dragged to the bottom with the rest of us.

Where exactly does it state we can't secede??? Lincoln actually had no authority to do what he did. The Civil War was not really about slavery although that is what is taught these days.


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Where exactly does it state we can't secede??? Lincoln actually had no authority to do what he did. The Civil War was not really about slavery although that is what is taught these days.

The Civil War was about preserving the Union and not letting the taxes from the South go elsewhere. The South was the richest part of the country. Grant said that he would quit and go home if he thought it was about freeing slaves. Lincoln had plans to send the slaves to the jungles along the Amazon River because it would be an insult to each race to live beside each other. It is amazing how history doesn't teach this .


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The Civil War was about preserving the Union and not letting the taxes from the South go elsewhere. The South was the richest part of the country. Grant said that he would quit and go home if he thought it was about freeing slaves. Lincoln had plans to send the slaves to the jungles along the Amazon River because it would be an insult to each race to live beside each other. It is amazing how history doesn't teach this .

Yep, the north was jealous of the south.

The libtards have been revising history for decades. If you talk to the average person in our country today they will tell you the Civil War was all about slavery and the Confederate Flag is all about racism.

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Come on, not this shit again. Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War? You kidding me? Go look at the southern states secession proclamations you fucking racist rednecks. Trying to revise history cause it makes you look bad. Hint... this makes you look worse.


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Go look at the southern states secession proclamations you fucking racist rednecks.

100%. South Carolina was the first to secede just one month after Lincoln's election and their declaration mentioned slaves no less than 15 times in a short document. It was the heart of the issue to secede. Sure there were others, but slavery was the primary reason and states were divided, characterized and referred to in these documents as "slaveholding states" and "non-slave holding states."

I get Southern pride but some folks are out there with this stuff.


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Slavery was a states right issue. The Civil War was over states rights primarily. Any other gargon out there is just revisionist BS. Anybody stating otherwise is just showing their willful ignorance.

Whats next guys? You gonna tell us how the rebel flag is racist?


In the Rotation
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Slavery was a states right issue. The Civil War was over states rights primarily. Any other gargon out there is just revisionist BS. Anybody stating otherwise is just showing their willful ignorance.

Whats next guys? You gonna tell us how the rebel flag is racist?

you got to remember that peppie is a lawyer and thus reality is not something they are all that familiar with.

Got a hint for those that think the Civil War was all about slavery. Go to the library of congress and read some of the thousands of letters they have there from the ordinary people back then. Not politicians and generals and rich people but the Sally and James; the people that did the actual FIGHTING AND DYING. That suffered through that war. You will find as Ken Burns admitted when he did the Civil War that while Slavery was the sand and itching powder and irritant it was states rights and other things that it was really about.

The North thought the south was a bunch of slave owners; while in fact the percentage that owned slaves was less than 1%. The South thought the north was a bunch of self righteous A holes telling them how to live (racism was every bit as ugly north as south; look up the Draft Riots in NY). The South Resented the northern banks that charged to them high interest rates on everything. The North thought the southerners were lazy and stupid.

And so on.

But the real thing was that at that time almost EVERY PERSON was a states rightist. You said you were an Iowan or a Ohioan or Virginian BEFORE you said you were an American; if you even thought about that.

Lincoln said the war was about preserving the union since two nations were not going to be strong enough to face what would come and he was exactly right about that.

Peppie talks about what the southerners said an ignores what Lincoln said- typical lawyer tactic in that only PART of the truth is ever allowed to be admitted into evidence.

Lincoln said and backed up his words with actions that he would do whatever it took to preserve the union. If it required freeing some slaves, all slaves OR NO SLAVES.

The South believed that they had a right to secede and legally speaking anyone claiming otherwise is full of crap. After all the states VOTED to join the union; show me in the constitution where it said it was forbidden to vote to leave the union. Which is what they did.

What the civil war did was make us ONE nation. It took a while for that to sink in and be accepted but it did that. THough now the way things are going I wonder if that is in jeopardy- the balkanization of America into little cligues and groups that whine and cry and want special treatment.


Super Moderator
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Yeah, it was about states rights....the right to keep slaves. Again, just read South Carolina's declaration for secession and it pretty much spells it out. Yes, they didn't want to the government overstepping it's bounds and the primary issue was slavery. It's really not that hard.....


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Come on, not this shit again. Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War? You kidding me? Go look at the southern states secession proclamations you fucking racist rednecks. Trying to revise history cause it makes you look bad. Hint... this makes you look worse.
Slavery was the reason for the South seceding , but not the only reason. The reason the North fought was to preserve the Union. It damn sure was not about freeing slates. The reason the North wanted to preserve the Union was that the South was much more wealthy and was responsible for a lot of tax dollars. Very few of the commen men in the South owned slaves and they fought because the invading North would change the culture and way of life in the South. By the way, the North won and revised a lot of history themselves. This was not a good verses evil battle that you read about in your liberal history class. Lincoln was not the great president that you were taught about either. Need more info?non a personal level, I am a staunch a Southern Nationalist. I would fight and die for our independence today just as my ancestors did. These northern states don't want to be associated with the southern states today and we feel the same way. We are different cultures , different DNA, different origins. I was once very patriotic towards the US, but I realized that I have more in common with some foreign countries than I do with some of the states. I despise being in s country that was stupid enough to elect Obama.
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You gonna tell us how the rebel flag is racist?
Are you claiming the confederate flag isn't used by racist factions? With burmafrd and jnday in here we're damn right up to the brim with stupidity. You're going to send it spilling over the edge.
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you got to remember that peppie is a lawyer and thus reality is not something they are all that familiar with.
You're so predictable.

Got a hint for those that think the Civil War was all about slavery. Go to the library of congress and read some of the thousands of letters they have there from the ordinary people back then. Not politicians and generals and rich people but the Sally and James; the people that did the actual FIGHTING AND DYING. That suffered through that war. You will find as Ken Burns admitted when he did the Civil War that while Slavery was the sand and itching powder and irritant it was states rights and other things that it was really about.
States rights is code for "the federal government can't tell states they can't have slavery." Was there another issue that was imposed on the states that appeared as many times in the secession proclamations? I'll save you the time and the inevitable migraine you'll get trying to think critically... no there wasn't.

The North thought the south was a bunch of slave owners; while in fact the percentage that owned slaves was less than 1%.
This argument falls pretty flat when the Confederate states basically said they were leaving the Union because slavery was so important to them.
The South thought the north was a bunch of self righteous A holes telling them how to live (racism was every bit as ugly north as south; look up the Draft Riots in NY).
Racism does not equal indentured servitude of millions within a race of people. And last I checked, the Northern states didn't secede because they couldn't own slaves or couldn't be racist.
The South Resented the northern banks that charged to them high interest rates on everything. The North thought the southerners were lazy and stupid.
Oh yea, I remember all the statements in those declarations of secession about the banks being usury.

Lincoln said the war was about preserving the union since two nations were not going to be strong enough to face what would come and he was exactly right about that.

Peppie talks about what the southerners said an ignores what Lincoln said- typical lawyer tactic in that only PART of the truth is ever allowed to be admitted into evidence.

Lincoln said and backed up his words with actions that he would do whatever it took to preserve the union. If it required freeing some slaves, all slaves OR NO SLAVES.
Where did I ignore anything Lincoln said? There hasn't been anything in this thread that Lincoln said until now. And of course he was trying to preserve the union. He was trying to keep the nation's economy strong, and the South's agrarian economy was very important to the country's progress. The South thought slavery was integral to continue to produce agriculturally. And eventually, Lincoln, you know, freed the slaves, three years in to the Civil War... so there's that. Don't pretend that he would have let the South keep the slaves to save the Union, when he literally instigated a war over them seceding, and then proclaimed the slaves free during the war. That's just stupid.

The South believed that they had a right to secede and legally speaking anyone claiming otherwise is full of crap. After all the states VOTED to join the union; show me in the constitution where it said it was forbidden to vote to leave the union. Which is what they did.

What the civil war did was make us ONE nation. It took a while for that to sink in and be accepted but it did that. THough now the way things are going I wonder if that is in jeopardy- the balkanization of America into little cligues and groups that whine and cry and want special treatment.
None of this has been argued or even discussed in this thread.
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Slavery was the reason for the South seceding , but not the only reason. The reason the North fought was to preserve the Union. It damn sure was not about freeing slates. The reason the North wanted to preserve the Union was that the South was much more wealthy and was responsible for a lot of tax dollars. Very few of the commen men in the South owned slaves and they fought because the invading North would change the culture and way of life in the South. By the way, the North won and revised a lot of history themselves. This was not a good verses evil battle that you read about in your liberal history class. Lincoln was not the great president that you were taught about either. Need more info?non a personal level, I am a staunch a Southern Nationalist. I would fight and die for our independence today just as my ancestors did. These northern states don't want to be associated with the southern states today and we feel the same way. We are different cultures , different DNA, different origins. I was once very patriotic towards the US, but I realized that I have more in common with some foreign countries than I do with some of the states. I despise being in s country that was stupid enough to elect Obama.
You and burm are like the same person. And that's not a compliment to either of you.


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Are you claiming the confederate flag isn't used by racist factions?

What does that have to do with it?

Just because somebody can take the blue oval off of a Ford and put a Chevrolet bowtie on it doesnt mean anything nor does it make the Ford a Chevy. Just like it doesnt matter what factions or groups might happen to like the rebel flag doesnt change what it is.

And you're calling me stupid?

I think I'd rather be grouped with the stupidity of jnday and burmafrd thank you.


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Lincoln never told the South that they had to abolish slavery, just that they couldn't extend slavery into the Western territories. Had they agreed to that provision, slavery could have existed in the South for God knows how many additional years.


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Are you claiming the confederate flag isn't used by racist factions? With burmafrd and jnday in here we're damn right up to the brim with stupidity. You're going to send it spilling over the edge.
I can back up each and every point I have made. You should read more than law books.


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You and burm are like the same person. And that's not a compliment to either of you.

And you are a lawyer. There is not a debate in the world you can win with a profession like that.
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