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The Schmuck jason garrett gets another win he doesn't deserve. Team comes out for a second year, in an opener, flat, unprepared, undisciplined, turnovers, dumb penalties, no chemistry between QB and receivers...etc.

Yeah, thats a direct product of sitting everyone out during training camp/preseason. And for what? Because you're afraid of injuries that literally could strike at any moment? Like what happened to Dez. Or Gregory.

Idiot garrett fucking clapping after every stupid penalty and turnover. Idiot garrett with the moronic challenge on that OBJr non catch. Was clear as day it wasn't a catch. Waste of a challenge, and a timeout.

We looked like pure shit in the first half, down in points to a inferior, injured all to hell team, and garrett comes out and tells Michelle Tafoya or whatever the fuck her name was that he wants to "focus on the positives but yeah we need to finish drives." What positives you fucking fuck?

God damn I hate garrett. He owes every ounce of his "success" to Romo. Team looks more fucked up than a bag of dead babies for 55 minutes until we ask Romo to play streetball and he saves the day.

Outside of that...

Was disappointed in our overall lack of pass rush. Especially against a OL combo who had never played together before. While there were times we got pressure, overall I had hoped for more.

I was impressed with Randle and Dunbar in the receiving game. Not so much impressed with any of the backs as pure runners, however.

Terrance Williams played like shit.

Thought our secondary held up well. But I'm glad the Giants receivers are all injured.

Did we take even one shot down the field all game? Seemed like it was all dink and dunk passes, even though Romo had good protection all night.

Basically we stole one. And its only one game, but jesus christ we looked nothing like last years team.
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Pretty much 3 unforced turnovers against a shitty team is the largest indicator that Garrett once again has full control.


Pro Bowler
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Pretty much 3 unforced turnovers against a shitty team is the largest indicator that Garrett once again has full control.

3rd and 8. Empty backfield. Shot gun formation. Calls a dump pass for 4 yards to Dez, and expects him to make up the difference. 4th down. Punt.

Yeah. Garrett is in control.

7 minutes left in the game, then all of a sudden he wants to play with a sense of urgency.

Garrett is a classic example of an individual who falls upwards.


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And Jason Witten... really? False start. In the red zone. On the 5-yard line. AT HOME.

And it cost us a TD to where we had to settle for a FG.

You're one of the elder statesmen on this team and you make these kind of mistakes.
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For me, the major upside is Romo.

It is clear that Romo has mastered the game.

He reminds me of Staubach in 1979. Romo has this game down cold.

Romo won't always win, he'll make some physical mistakes (fail to execute correctly), his supporting cast may fail him occasionally, but Romo absolutely knows what he is doing.

This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. IMO, we owe it to ourselves to sit back and enjoy it.


Pro Bowler
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For me, the major upside is Romo.

It is clear that Romo has mastered the game.

He reminds me of Staubach in 1979. Romo has this game down cold.

Romo won't always win, he'll make some physical mistakes (fail to execute correctly), his supporting cast may fail him occasionally, but Romo absolutely knows what he is doing.

This sort of thing doesn't happen very often. IMO, we owe it to ourselves to sit back and enjoy it.

If only he had a coach like the one Staubach had.


Quality Starter
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Good post Mid. Agree 100%.

For me, the major upside is Romo.

It is clear that Romo has mastered the game.

He reminds me of Staubach in 1979. Romo has this game down cold.
Yes, even Peter King said this the other day in an interview, that Romo has matured to the point that he has "a beautiful mind" for football. Talked about how Phil Simms said the same thing when he retired, that he finally saw the game so clearly like he never had, but his body was broken down and what a shame it was that he couldn't have that mind when his body was still functional. Tony's seeing it all and he still has a few years left physically (hopefully).

My random thoughts:

-- Like Mid said and I said in another post, why was our passing game so conservative? The Giants safeties are scraps off the street and a rookie. Not like they have Ed Reed back there. We couldn't go down the field at all on them?

-- Same thing for the Giants. It was like both teams were playing the same boring, super-conservative game. I could *maybe* see the Giants being scared of Eli's picks and just trying to keep the game close and win it at the end, but that's about it.

-- I wonder what the Giants were doing, if anything, to Beasley. Why couldn't we just hit him in the middle of the field all night like we have been? I know they want to "expand his inventory" or whatever, but if a guy is great at one thing and it can't be stopped, why change it?

-- Like you guys said in the game thread, McFadden isn't great, but he's a lot better than Randle. Randle looks like a spare you pick up off the street in Week Six to me.

-- I've been wondering why people thought our pass rush would be so great. Until Hardy gets back, we basically added one rookie, Gregory. And he does look like he has a ton of potential, but he's still a rookie and it may take a while for him to figure things out. Said it before, but I still don't see anything special out of Lawrence (like I do out of Gregory).

-- When we got those penalties on the Giants final drive, shouldn't some time have been taken off the clock? I thought they changed that a few years ago when some team in the playoffs purposely committed penalties to stop the clock late in the game.

-- I couldn't believe the Giants seemed to play to milk clock and not be aggressive in scoring at the end. I kept thinking, don't the Giants know as well as anyone that if we have any time left Tony will go down and score a TD? Again, only thing I can think is they were scared of Eli throwing a pick. But how can you give a guy an 84 million contract if you're that scared of him?

-- We have to play so much better than this. Watching games all day yesterday, this looked like two very mediocre teams. We know the Giants should be mediocre, but we shouldn't. We simple cannot go back to playing sloppy, ugly football and hoping Romo will bail us out at the end.
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Quality Starter
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We simple cannot go back to playing sloppy, ugly football and hoping Romo will bail us out at the end.

No shit plus my heart cant take it.

I admit I'm just a clueless fan watching from the couch, but the running game looks really finesse to me with no one out there that can dish out some punishment. Last year, the offense seem to bring toughness to the team that had been missing for too long and I think that style of O wears on a team as the game progresses. I hope they can find a way to get some of that back


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We simple cannot go back to playing sloppy, ugly football and hoping Romo will bail us out at the end.

That's been the formula for years and I don't think it changes. There are patterns we all recognize: playing down to opponents levels; slow and sloppy starts, leading to late game/late season heroics due to the culture created through learning-on-the-fly coaching conditions. It makes for some great entertaining games, but takes away any solid confidence that they can beat any team any day. It's always a question mark no matter how wounded or just inept the team. Everybody has a chance against the Cowboys.


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It's always a question mark no matter how wounded or just inept the team.

yep, there's not one team on the schedule that I know we're gonna bludgeon handily. not even Tampa with a rookie QB. how sad is that?


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yep, there's not one team on the schedule that I know we're gonna bludgeon handily. not even Tampa with a rookie QB. how sad is that?

That rookie will put up record numbers and make a name for himself against the Dallas secondary.


Pro Bowler
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Some observations..

Terrence Williams continues to be a body catcher. Any ball thrown where he has to battle with a DB is a wasted throw.

Gavin Escobar, now more than ever, needs to be utilized.

Randle is valuable in the pass game but so is Dunbar. Randle is not a feature back.

Anyone else worried that Byron Jones had been a bit of a disappointment to the staff? All that athleticism and speed and he is behind Tyler Patmon on the depth chart. I know some of that is Patmon impressing the staff, but still, a 1st round pick can't beat out a 2nd year UDFA? Hopefully, Byron is just a slow learner.

The pass rush is going to be a major issue the next 3 games. No one will make O Lines worry or shade their protection. Gregory, despite is inexperience, has that "it" factor. Hardy obviously does. Besides, T. Crawford making a play here or there, I'm not expecting much. Lawrence will get better, but guys like Hayden, Terrell McClain, and Jeremy "One Move" Mincey aren't going to help out the secondary.

If I were Garrett (I'd kill myself), I mean if I was head coach of the Cowboys, I would see if Michael is ready to go, go 12 personnel, and shorten the games. I'd also have my family thank Romo for keeping me employed.


Quality Starter
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Anyone else worried that Byron Jones had been a bit of a disappointment to the staff? All that athleticism and speed and he is behind Tyler Patmon on the depth chart. I know some of that is Patmon impressing the staff, but still, a 1st round pick can't beat out a 2nd year UDFA? Hopefully, Byron is just a slow learner.
Yes. Definitely. Thought that in preseason. It's not like our secondary is stellar, and he's not standing out at all.

But then I heard him in a little Ticket clip saying it was very difficult to learn two positions at once, and that was definitely slowing him down. It was funny because the very same day or next day there was one of those Archer rah-rah articles saying he was so comfortable with both positions despite him saying in his own words that he wasn't.

If I were Garrett (I'd kill myself), I mean if I was head coach of the Cowboys, I would see if Michael is ready to go, go 12 personnel, and shorten the games. I'd also have my family thank Romo for keeping me employed.
:lol Yes.


Anywhere on the line.
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Instead of multi-quoting I'll just say there is is a lot of win in this thread you negative bastards.
Except for a questionable PI call and McAdoo or whoever making a bonehead playcall late,a team we beat in TOP by almost a freaking quarter would have handed us our ass.
Good thing we kept our star players from getting hurt in preseason.
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Cowboys defense basically held the Giants to 9 points! 17 points were scored off turnovers. Cowboys overcame 3 turnovers while getting none themselves. Unbelievable mental toughness this team has. It’s going to go a long way this season.


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Cowboys defense basically held the Giants to 9 points! 17 points were scored off turnovers. Cowboys overcame 3 turnovers while getting none themselves. Unbelievable mental toughness this team has. It’s going to go a long way this season.

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Randle is valuable in the pass game but so is Dunbar. Randle is not a feature back.

He's not a feature back. However it is quite possible that Randle would be better playing Dunbar's role in the offense than Dunbar is. Randle's one-handed catch was pretty fancy.

Anyone else worried that Byron Jones had been a bit of a disappointment to the staff? All that athleticism and speed and he is behind Tyler Patmon on the depth chart. I know some of that is Patmon impressing the staff, but still, a 1st round pick can't beat out a 2nd year UDFA? Hopefully, Byron is just a slow learner.

When interviewed, Jones sounds like a genuinely bright guy. He had an unusually high Wonderlick score (as did Gregory). My guess is that Jones is more of a free safety than slot corner.

I would see if Michael is ready to go,

Yeah, Michael is the best hope.
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