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Mark Stepnoski couldn't stay off the ganja either.

Look I get it. I don't think Brent should be here either. I don't however think they are keeping him because they think he will help the team at some point, and the cap implications of cutting him arnt a consideration either. Which means the only reason to keep the guy on the roster must pertain to something else, and it seems that some are hinting at the angle that they believe Brent might harm/kill himself because of his depressed state. By all accounts Brent was well liked by the players and coaches and by keeping him on the roster, he's allowed to be treated by the teams physicians etc etc. Whereas if they cut him he is on his own.

The more troubling thing is...he's not a great player. Hell, he's not even good yet.

Why bend over backwards and hope that average guy can help you down the road? Since when is Josh Brent some rare talent worth hanging onto for at least another season?

Our front office is one of the laziest in football. It is why they clutch losers like Martellus Bennett to their chests like a prize.
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Mark Stepnoski couldn't stay off the ganja either.
Was Stepnoski charged with a felony?

Look I get it. I don't think Brent should be here either. I don't however think they are keeping him because they think he will help the team at some point, and the cap implications of cutting him arnt a consideration either. Which means the only reason to keep the guy on the roster must pertain to something else, and it seems that some are hinting at the angle that they believe Brent might harm/kill himself because of his depressed state. By all accounts Brent was well liked by the players and coaches and by keeping him on the roster, he's allowed to be treated by the teams physicians etc etc. Whereas if they cut him he is on his own.
You don't think he's going to be here when the season begins. If he's suicidal 7 months after he killed his friend, do you think he'll be cured of that in the next 2 months? If he's suicidal he doesn't need a physician, he needs a psychologist.

Whatever the franchise is trying to do to help him, isn't working. Instead of distancing the franchise from him, we get a new headline every month about how Cowboys player Brent in trouble again. Get rid of him.


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You don't think he's going to be here when the season begins. If he's suicidal 7 months after he killed his friend, do you think he'll be cured of that in the next 2 months? If he's suicidal he doesn't need a physician, he needs a psychologist.

Whatever the franchise is trying to do to help him, isn't working. Instead of distancing the franchise from him, we get a new headline every month about how Cowboys player Brent in trouble again. Get rid of him.

The team physician is coordinating the guys care. I'm sure that includes access to psychiatric care.

Again I don't think them keeping him around has anything to do with them thinking he will ever help the team (this year or beyond). I think they just care for the guy and want to make sure he gets all the help he needs. I think that will end once the court situation plays out, because he is going to jail and will be under their care at that time.

It is possible the players association and league office have been involved with this as well.


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Was Stepnoski charged with a felony?

Was Step a dumbass who got caught? Was he an average player at best?

The whole thing isn't the smoking weed thing. It is pretty obvious a LOT of players smoke it and always have. It should be legal IMO, but that's another discussion.

The problem is the attentiveness and kid gloves being provided to a stupid person. The guy is being monitored by a court and STILL can't give up weed. That's someone who is not even worth the emotional investment.

It also sends a bad message to a football team when even your depth players are coddled by the front office. That's the bigger harm than keeping him around. All it does is continue to sense of entitlement we see pop up with underachievers on this team. There are never consequences....ever. Once you show you can sorta play, you are golden.
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The team physician is coordinating the guys care. I'm sure that includes access to psychiatric care.

Again I don't think them keeping him around has anything to do with them thinking he will ever help the team (this year or beyond). I think they just care for the guy and want to make sure he gets all the help he needs. I think that will end once the court situation plays out, because he is going to jail and will be under their care at that time.

It is possible the players association and league office have been involved with this as well.
Then cut him. He serves no purpose on the team. The only thing he provides is embarrassment. When you don't have a real front office your team does stupid stuff like keeping a killer on your team, letting him come down to the sidelines during a game and stating you have no plans to cut him when he has failed his second drug test. This is just retarded just as retarded as defending it.


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Then cut him. He serves no purpose on the team. The only thing he provides is embarrassment. When you don't have a real front office your team does stupid stuff like keeping a killer on your team, letting him come down to the sidelines during a game and stating you have no plans to cut him when he has failed his second drug test. This is just retarded just as retarded as defending it.

I'm not defending it shit for brains. I already said if it were me, I'd cut him too.

But apparently even Jerry Brown's family is telling the Jones' to not abandon the kid.

Who knows what the real reason is until they actually come out and say it. I just think its something not worth bitching about, when it has absolutely no impact on the team at all. Brent isn't going to be here for training camp and he isn't going to be on the team for the regular season. Then he is going to jail. If they are keeping him to make sure he gets "help" (especially if Brown's family is supporting it) then I really don't see the big deal.


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I'm not defending it shit for brains. I already said if it were me, I'd cut him too.

But apparently even Jerry Brown's family is telling the Jones' to not abandon the kid.

Who knows what the real reason is until they actually come out and say it. I just think its something not worth bitching about, when it has absolutely no impact on the team at all. Brent isn't going to be here for training camp and he isn't going to be on the team for the regular season. Then he is going to jail. If they are keeping him to make sure he gets "help" (especially if Brown's family is supporting it) then I really don't see the big deal.

We haven't heard a thing from Jerry Brown's mother recently.

I wonder if she's going "Mister Jones, don't give up on Josh. Sure, he is why my boy is dead and even though he can't stop smoking dope to keep himself out of prison, he just needs more help."

There is a motive behind this and it is unfortunately that Jones probably still thinks he can help the team eventually. And that's an incredibly stupid thought. If a court on his ass now doesn't help, what can help him? Say he gets a year suspension, escapes jail time and returns to the Cowboys. Think he's going to stop smoking weed then? It is just not worth it.


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We haven't heard a thing from Jerry Brown's mother recently.

But we did hear from her several times after it happened, and that was the message.

There is a motive behind this and it is unfortunately that Jones probably still thinks he can help the team eventually. And that's an incredibly stupid thought.

Yeah, not buying it. The dude is going to jail for quite sometime. His career is over.
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I'm not defending it shit for brains. I already said if it were me, I'd cut him too.

But apparently even Jerry Brown's family is telling the Jones' to not abandon the kid.

Who knows what the real reason is until they actually come out and say it. I just think its something not worth bitching about, when it has absolutely no impact on the team at all. Brent isn't going to be here for training camp and he isn't going to be on the team for the regular season. Then he is going to jail. If they are keeping him to make sure he gets "help" (especially if Brown's family is supporting it) then I really don't see the big deal.
You're rationalizing it so you are defending it. It absolutely has an impact on the team. There is no reason he should still be on the team. No reason at all except that the team is run by a moron.


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But we did hear from her several times after it happened, and that was the message.

That was a very emotional time then and I get how you could indulge her. But again, has she pleaded recently after his drug retardism and tampering with the monitoring device? Not that I have seen.

Yeah, not buying it. The dude is going to jail for quite sometime. His career is over.

So again...why keep him around? To "help him"? Because the dead guy's mom asked? Sorry, not buying that either.

Fact is, two similar cases like this had the player back within a year. Leonard Little got an eight game suspension. Donte Stallworth got a year.

But let's suppose he gets locked up for a while. What good is it doing to keep him around now? If it was a foregone conclusion his career is over, what's the point? It is pretty clear to me that hope of him playing again is keeping him around.
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Jerry thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Of course he thinks he is going to be able to have Brent play again.


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Jerry thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Of course he thinks he is going to be able to have Brent play again.

This isn't Good Ol' Jerry being the tricky wildcatter.

This is just him being a scared lazy turd who is afraid to cut his losses on a loser. It's the senile Al Davis in him.
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it has absolutely no impact on the team at all.
This is only true if you look at it from the surface. It's not true at all if you give it even a couple of minutes thought. I'm sure you can think of a reason his presence on the roster affects the team.


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This is only true if you look at it from the surface. It's not true at all if you give it even a couple of minutes thought. I'm sure you can think of a reason his presence on the roster affects the team.

Maybe you need to help me out then.

Other than wasting a spot on the 90 man roster I cant think of one. And they'll simply move him to NFI/reserve/suspended or whatever once camp starts, and he wont count towards the roster.


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Who gives a shit about Jerry Brown's family and what they think?

That shit happened a long time ago, mother natures way of churning the roster.


Pro Bowler
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Who gives a shit about Jerry Brown's family and what they think?

That shit happened a long time ago, mother natures way of churning the roster.

That was very insensitive and I'm offended.
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Maybe you need to help me out then.

Other than wasting a spot on the 90 man roster I cant think of one. And they'll simply move him to NFI/reserve/suspended or whatever once camp starts, and he wont count towards the roster.
How about the RKG approach? Stacking good days on top of good days? Being accountable to your teammates? All that shit Garrett preaches... Out the window by allowing someone who is clearly under a microscope and continues to fuck up to remain on the roster.

How about the negative publicity? Think it has an impact to have the guys have to answer questions about their "teammate" when they should be focusing on getting better and getting ready for camp?

That help?


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How about the RKG approach? Stacking good days on top of good days? Being accountable to your teammates? All that shit Garrett preaches... Out the window by allowing someone who is clearly under a microscope and continues to fuck up to remain on the roster.

How about the negative publicity? Think it has an impact to have the guys have to answer questions about their "teammate" when they should be focusing on getting better and getting ready for camp?

That help?

What negative publicity? Other than dipshits on internet forums, no one ever brings it up.
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