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It was a totally un-Garrett decision, so in that vein I liked it. I think I was so on edge that it didn't even cross my mind to be overly worried about it. I assumed Romo would convert.

Thinking about it with a clear head, it was a bad decision... I would have been hating the call today if we didn't convert.


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Listen, it was worthy of a flag.

A flag was thrown.

Then was mysteriously picked up like 30 seconds later.

Refs don't do that and the Lions have a first in almost field goal range with like 5 minutes left. Odds are we lose the game.


They'd have had a first down on the 41 yd line. "almost FG range" doesn't equate to "odds are we lose the game", especially when even if they had MADE the FG, they'd still lost by 1 pt

They needed a TD. They couldn't get one. We even gave them another gift of bumbling that fumble recovery and they still didn't convert into a TD.


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no shit. he would have been climbing the walls had Witten been interfered with like that. but hey, a guy in Atlanta sitting in his La-Z-Boy knows more than the head of officials.

I was pretty mad when they knocked over Dez Bryant in the redzone on 3rd down, which led to a Romo sack and subsequent missed FG.

As for not knowing what the rule was, you and some other goons here insisted it was PI, which I said I disagreed with. I said the right call would have been either defensive holding or illegal contact, and felt the face mask should have been called on their guy. The head of officiating said it should have been a defensive holding.
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They'd have had a first down on the 41 yd line. "almost FG range" doesn't equate to "odds are we lose the game", especially when even if they had MADE the FG, they'd still lost by 1 pt

They needed a TD. They couldn't get one. We even gave them another gift of bumbling that fumble recovery and they still didn't convert into a TD.
I don't understand why we have to speculate on how the game would have unfolded after the call...

They could have made a FG, they could have missed a FG, they could have scored a TD, they could have turned it over, they could have been sacked or gotten a penalty and had to punt... so many possibilities. If they had made a FG and were only down one, then the last drive would have probably looked different. They wouldn't have had to be as aggressive if they only had to get into FG range. But then their kicking has been atrocious most of the year, so who knows how close they feel they have to get... etc.

Like who gives a shit?

Bottom line, it was at the least highly unusual for them to pick the flag up after announcing PI. At the most, it was an incorrect call.

Just leave it at that and move on.


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Bottom line, it was at the least highly unusual for them to pick the flag up after announcing PI. At the most, it was an incorrect call.

I agree with that part, and its something else that I said was a mistake. They should have conferred together first before "announcing" a call. I don't know if they ever explained why they didn't discuss it first.


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The head of officiating said it should have been a defensive holding.

Correct, which means you no longer have a case.

Do you agree that Dez was very lucky not to get a personal foul for going onto the field to rant at the officials?
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They'd have had a first down on the 41 yd line. "almost FG range" doesn't equate to "odds are we lose the game", especially when even if they had MADE the FG, they'd still lost by 1 pt

They needed a TD. They couldn't get one. We even gave them another gift of bumbling that fumble recovery and they still didn't convert into a TD.

Yeah because had they had a first down at the 41 with under 5 minutes left the game would've played out the same.

Let's be intentionally daft because we just want to be moronic homer cheerleaders and deny any semblance of just how fucking lucky we were.


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Correct, which means you no longer have a case.

Do you agree that Dez was very lucky not to get a personal foul for going onto the field to rant at the officials?

No question we were fortunate about that, but that isn't an automatic penalty anyway. Its a refs judgement whether to throw a flag for that. They probably told him to get off the field and he must of complied pretty quick, otherwise he might have drawn a flag.

I'm not sure what you mean about "you no longer have a case". It wasn't PI, which is what I said all along. It also didn't hand us the game as some of you seems to insinuate. We were still behind. We still had to score a TD to win. We still had to make a 1st on 4th and 6. And then we still had to depend on our defense to keep them out of the endzone at the end if the game, something that in past years we never could do.


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Yeah because had they had a first down at the 41 with under 5 minutes left the game would've played out the same.

Let's be intentionally daft because we just want to be moronic homer cheerleaders and deny any semblance of just how fucking lucky we were.

Or you can just be a fucking asshole and never give the team a shred of credit right? I mean its much easier to pretend the officials gave us a game with 6 mins left right?
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Or you can just be a fucking asshole and never give the team a shred of credit right? I mean its much easier to pretend the officials gave us a game with 6 mins left right?

I give plenty of credit. Read this thread. I was saying we'd come back and win since mid-2nd qtr.

But I'm not a fucking idiot. We got lucky. Real lucky. And we probably should've lost.


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Yeah because had they had a first down at the 41 with under 5 minutes left the game would've played out the same.

Let's be intentionally daft because we just want to be moronic homer cheerleaders and deny any semblance of just how fucking lucky we were.

Pretty sure there was a little more than 8 minutes left..

But I agree. There was interfence when he grabbed the jersey (which technically would've been called defensive holding). After that you have the face mask, push off, Hitchens left hand on Pettigrew's right shoulder, Hitchens not turning around. All of that could go either way IMO so that's a good no call. But all of that doesn't matter because of the hold when Hitchens grabbed the jersey from the get-go.

But look with 8 minutes left in the game the Lions still shanked the punt, still let us convert on 4th and 6, still let us score a TD, still got the ball back with plenty of time left on the clock and still didn't score a TD. Lions fans instead of putting it on that call should be focused on that.


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That's a bad pic. Because if anything it would bolster the argument for incidental contact or offensive PI at worse, because anyone can see that Hitchens is not even touching Pettigrew.

that's why they don't throw flags based on still photos. :rolleyes


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I give plenty of credit. Read this thread. I was saying we'd come back and win since mid-2nd qtr.

But I'm not a fucking idiot. We got lucky. Real lucky. And we probably should've lost.

I didn't see anything lucky about our game winning TD drive or the defense actually holding the lead at the end.

And while they outplayed us for most of the first half (up to Williams's TD) we clearly outplayed them in the 2nd half on both sides of the ball.


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It also didn't hand us the game as some of you seems to insinuate. We were still behind.

I never insinuated that, but it sure as hell made the comeback easier/manageable. Well, that and the shitty punt.


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I never insinuated that, but it sure as hell made the comeback easier/manageable. Well, that and the shitty punt.

Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Nobody knows (like pep said)

Maybe their coach should have grown a pair and actually went for it on 4th and less than 1 instead of punting.

Maybe their defense should have made more plays in the 2nd half.

Maybe Stafford shouldn't have fumbled twice at the end of the game.


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woulda coulda shoulda. don't act like it wasn't a huge gift.
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