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Big supporter of John sKerry and Hussein Obama. Back in the day.

I didn't know that but it really doesn't change my mind. A lot of people were probably hoodwinked by Obama and his message. I didn't vote for him but when I listened to him during his inauguration, I was moved not only by the symbolism, but also the opportunity for the country to move forward. At the end of the day, he was just another race baiting America hater. Obama was one of the first Presidents that I can recall that hated America and apologized for every facet of the country's founding.

I think a lot of normal people are moving to the center-right as the Dems move to the far left. The only thing holding the Dems together is fraud, MSM propaganda and deceit.


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Nah this isnt evidence either



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Not buying any of it TD. The first thing that should happen when/if the Republicans take over is impeachment. But they won't. They're spineless and all part of the same corruption.

Speeking of corruption, here in PA Dr. Oz holds a slim lead against McCormick for US Senate. But, have no fear, there are thousands of mail in ballots that have yet to be counted. The whole system has become a disgrace. And I couldn't give 2 shits about either candidate. But it's just a harbinger of things to come. McCormick is an establishment candidate so the mail in ballots benefit the establishment RINO's. Both sides are part of the same hypocrisy and corruption.

The first thing the Republicans should do is undo the 2 Trump impeachments which were based on lies.

I see no point in impeaching Biden. With Republicans in control of both houses of congress they can stop anything Biden wants to do, including appointing more radical leftists to the Supreme court.

Also, consider the thinking of Democrats if they get walloped in November. There will be lots of finger pointing, infighting and soul-searching. Impeachment will just unify them. Let them fight and beat each other up. It will be entertaining to watch. And it will lead to Republicans winning the White House in 2024.

Biden is a senile old fraud being controlled by some hidden masters but even they may be exposed if this election is a disaster for Democrats.


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Nah this isnt evidence either

At the very least this is evidence that there may have been fraud. At the very least it should be investigated. This woman should be questioned about what she was doing and why. In fact, all of the "mules" caught on video or with location data making multiple trips to drop boxes need to be questioned.

Maybe they all have plausible explanations, but it is suspicious enough to at least question them.

This is what Republicans can force if they win the House and Senate in 2022, investigations into these allegations. If this was fraud, then all it takes is to catch on of the mules and flip them. Who paid them? Who organized it? follow the money all the way to the sources.


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The first thing the Republicans should do is undo the 2 Trump impeachments which were based on lies.

I see no point in impeaching Biden. With Republicans in control of both houses of congress they can stop anything Biden wants to do, including appointing more radical leftists to the Supreme court.

Also, consider the thinking of Democrats if they get walloped in November. There will be lots of finger pointing, infighting and soul-searching. Impeachment will just unify them. Let them fight and beat each other up. It will be entertaining to watch. And it will lead to Republicans winning the White House in 2024.

Biden is a senile old fraud being controlled by some hidden masters but even they may be exposed if this election is a disaster for Democrats.
Biden deserves to be impeached for a litany of reasons, but ultimately it wouldn't do any good because he isnt the one making all these ridiculous decisions or implementing these ridiculous socialist policies.

He's a puppet and unless you go remove the puppet master too, nothing will change.

What sux is even if the Republicans get control of house and senate (likely, unless they shut down the election process again) we won't get ANY relief from the damage done, because whatever they try to pass to fix stuff will get vetoed.


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Biden deserves to be impeached for a litany of reasons, but ultimately it wouldn't do any good because he isnt the one making all these ridiculous decisions or implementing these ridiculous socialist policies.

He's a puppet and unless you go remove the puppet master too, nothing will change.

What sux is even if the Republicans get control of house and senate (likely, unless they shut down the election process again) we won't get ANY relief from the damage done, because whatever they try to pass to fix stuff will get vetoed.

Patience. 2024 is only 2 years away. The problem is all the damage Biden can do in those 2 years even without congress. Just look at the border. The country will pay for what Biden is doing now.

What we need are patriots in congress willing to stand up to the media, call out their lies, and take a stand for America.


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Biden was installed to be the person to blame as his handlers destroy the country. We are being taken down. The country will be 246 year old on 7/4/22. I have little hope the country will survive to see it 247th birthday. America and the dollar's status as the reserve currency has to fall for the one world government to come to power. The table is being set for the antichrist to come to power.
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