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Even left wing fact checkers knock Biden for his budget claims. The facts are, Biden did cut the deficit, but that is because we spent somewhere around $3 trillion on COVID in 2020. But those spending bills expired and COVID spending ended by law, not by anything Biden did. Still, due to the Democrats own spending bills, the deficit is almost double what it was in 2019, pre-COVID. The fact is, the debt is continuing to grow exponentially, and the deficit is higher than is has ever been excluding COVID spending years.

And while we are at it, Biden is delaying refilling the Strategic Oil Reserve because gas prices are currently high, so he says. I think he is delaying because he knows once he starts buying gas to refill the SPR gas prices will skyrocket again and it will be his fault. So right now we are sitting with a depleted emergency supply of oil and hoping we do not need it. What could go wrong?


Defense Wins Championships
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Usual Suspect.

The Escambia County Home Depot employee who called 911 during Friday's deadly shooting inside the store spoke to WEAR News in the moments following the incident.



Defense Wins Championships
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I have paid on my house for over 20 years... I am ready for that debt to be forgiven Uncle Joe!!!

President Joe Biden, whose administration has faced legal setbacks and conservative criticism in pursuing more sweeping student loan cancellation, heralded the beginning of these account adjustments as a step toward fixing what he called the broken student loan system.

"Under these plans, if a borrower makes 20 or 25 years’ worth of payments, they get the remaining balances of their loans forgiven. But because of errors and administrative failures of the student loan system that started long before I took office, over 804,000 borrowers never got the credit they earned, and never saw the forgiveness they were promised - even after making payments for decades," Biden said in a statement to ABC News.



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Clown world continues.

My first question is how did Montana allow that article into their constitution?
Article Nine reads: 'The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.'

It was a setup from the start. Step 1, change the constitution. Step 2. Sue the state for not abiding by a stupid article in the constitution. DUH! What's worse is they can use this same article of their constitution to sue individuals. If you neighbor has an SUV, sue him. If he uses a gas lawnmower, sue him. If he has an outdoor gas grill, sue him, and on and on.

Rule #1. Never give an inch to liberal wackos. It never ends there.


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I mentioned in another post I was re-reading Orwell's 194 because it has been some time since I last read it. I could not remember the details of the book, but I recall the larger themes and I was pretty sure that the things we see to day in America look like things Orwell predicted in his story of a dystopian world where 3 totalitarian governments, socialist governments, controlled the world.

As I am reading the section where Orwell describes what the new world is like I came across this passage which I found particularly interesting:

"What kind of people would control this world had been equally obvious. The new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians." Keep in mind this book was written in 1949 just after WWII.

He followed this passage with another:
"As compared to their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition."

Further, " The ruling groups were always infected to some extent by liberal ideas, and were content to leave loose ends everywhere, to regard only the overt act and to be uninterested in what their subjects were thinking."

We are in the early stages of what Orwell predicted would be in 1984. He got the date wrong but everything else is pretty much on target with one exception. "The Party" was trying to eliminate sex for pleasure and any sexual acts, normal or perverse, for pleasure were grounds for execution. Today's liberals are consumed by sex, and in particular sexual perversion.
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