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Pat Robertson: Injury to Broncos' Manning 'would serve them right'

Pat Robertson, televangelist and a leader in the Christian Right movement, said the Denver Broncos treated Tim Tebow "shabbily," adding an injury to the team's new quarterback Peyton Manning "would serve them right."

Robertson came to the aid of the devoutly religious Tebow after the unconventional signal caller was shipped off to the New York Jets in a late evening trade with Denver on Wednesday.

"The Denver Broncos treated him shabbily," Robertson said on "The 700 Club."

"He won seven games, he brought them [Denver] into the playoffs, for heaven sakes. I mean, they were a nothing team. He rallied them together with spectacular last-minute passes and, you know, when they beat Buffalo — I mean, Pittsburgh, excuse me — it was a tremendous victory."

Robertson, who also came to Tebow's defense in December by blasting a "Saturday Night Live" parody that featured Jesus visiting the NFL star in the Broncos' locker room, chided Denver for signing four-time MVP Manning despite his missing all of last season after a series of offseason neck surgeries.

"And you just ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right," he said.

Tebow, who has become one of the most polarizing players in NFL history partly due to his devout Christian faith, led Denver on an improbable run to the AFC West title last season after the team started the season 1-4.

But the former Heisman Trophy winner's 46.5 completion percentage last season placed significant doubt on his ability to become a prototypical NFL quarterback.
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