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"We need to stop killing each other" Stephen A. Smith on violence and black communities​



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"We need to stop killing each other" Stephen A. Smith on violence and black communities​

What kind of crazy logic is he using? Black on black violence occurs at a much higher percentage among blacks than white on white crimes among whites and it is not even close.

But FBI statistics show that 80% of violent gun crimes are gang/drug related. Pay attention to this statistic because what it means is there are plenty of minority families that are not violent, and want peacefully existence. It also means that gun laws are never going to solve the gun violence problems because only law abiding citizens will comply while gangs and other violent criminals will ignore gun laws like they ignore murder, rape and other laws against violent behavior.


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Where is the manifesto written by the trans shooter who killed 6 people including 3 9 year olds? We sure did forget that, didn't we? We must not be so easily distracted.
We didn't, but THEY want us to and therefore refuse to let the rest of the world see into the real minds of those fucked up people.

But you can bet your ass had it been a "white supremacist" crazy ass with some sort of "I hate black people, gay people or liberals" manifesto, that would have been plastered all over every piece of media you can think of. In fact the Biden people and their crooked justice dept would have probably started mass mailing people copies of it.


Defense Wins Championships
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If the civilians had been armed with guns to defend themsleves, it would have been much worse... ???

On the night of 9 to 10 November 2020, 600 civilians, mostly Amharas and Welkait, were killed in a massacre in the town of Mai Kadra with machetes and knives used by local militias and police loyal to the TPLF.



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I have mixed feelings about this technology. I don't think the technology is fool proof yet, and if we had one incident where a person was unable to fire his gun in self-defense and wound up dead, smart guns would become a dead issue.

But what if the tech is perfected? The argument is it makes guns more expensive. Okay. Probably. But still. what if?

First, it strengthens the argument for gun ownership. The argument that gun owners are killed with their own guns goes away. The child safety issue goes away. The locking up your guns requirement becomes unnecessary. I can see some positives in this technology for gun owners - if the technology works.

And what about cops? Maybe they should have the smart guns too.

Of course the smart gun concept only addresses specific problems, accidental shootings and stolen guns. I am skeptical that smart guns can be made tamper proof but maybe I am wrong. They still do not address the problem of bad guys with guns.

Then there is the argument that guns could be rendered useless remotely somehow. Not sure how and this seems like a small problem to have to address. The electronics could be isolated from radio and other waves to prevent any remote signals from effecting it. Shield the technology should be easy.

I would oppose making it mandatory, but I don't automatically oppose it either. My guns are currently in a safe with a fingerprint deactivated lock. I have to admit it is not perfect. There are times when I need the reader to see my finger multiple times before it opens. But I think this problem can be overcome.
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