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So you don't hate everything about government control when it benefits you. You like the government controlling other people's lives to make yours better. This is the mentality of most Democrat/Republican shills. The government I want is best for everyone, but especially, best for me. You want to impose your beliefs on everyone else, but don't like it when the other sides beliefs are imposed on you. Again, hypocritical.

selfish sarcasm pep....

I don't want the government controlling anything
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selfish sarcasm pep....

I don't want the government controlling anything
If you vote Trump you do.

He's not going to cut entitlements like Medicaid and Social Security. He's going to cut taxes, but not spending, meaning our national debt is going up. He's going to continue the wasteful and ineffective war on drugs. He's going to continue to be an interventionist. He's going to damage our trade relations throughout the world, costing us jobs, and making consumer goods more expensive.
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No, Trump has said plenty of those things that make him look bad IMO. However, its not like these people didnt start the crap with him first. I think he has looked rather childish with many remarks, but I like the fact that he doesnt just take crap from other people. And I like everything he says with few exceptions, while I hate EVERYTHING Hillary and Bernie have said.
You must have missed my comment about this 4-year-old's line of thinking. HE STARTED IT!!

Anybody that would willingly vote for Hillary over Trump is a complete idiot!
Not voting for either of them, thanks. I happen to think anyone who votes for either Hillary or Trump is an idiot.
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When YOUR smoke is affecting others it goes beyond what you want to do with your body. You are now imposing your cancer causing health risk smoke on others who dont want it.
A cigarette ban would presumably mean you can't buy cigarettes and smoke them in your car, in your home, or in a place that's not around anyone else. So no, that part doesn't go beyond what you do with your body.


High Plains Drifter
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If you vote Trump you do.

He's not going to cut entitlements like Medicaid and Social Security. He's going to cut taxes, but not spending, meaning our national debt is going up. He's going to continue the wasteful and ineffective war on drugs. He's going to continue to be an interventionist. He's going to damage our trade relations throughout the world, costing us jobs, and making consumer goods more expensive.
Every single one of Trump's proposals is just more big government crap. He doesn't have anything in his platform about reducing the size and scope of government, in fact it's just the opposite. He is a tax and spend "liberal" to his core.


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You must have missed my comment about this 4-year-old's line of thinking. HE STARTED IT!!

Not voting for either of them, thanks. I happen to think anyone who votes for either Hillary or Trump is an idiot.
I feel that anybody that waste their vote on s third party candidate is an idiot. I know it makes you feel goodbye,?but not voting would have the same effect.


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If you vote Trump you do.

He's not going to cut entitlements like Medicaid and Social Security. He's going to cut taxes, but not spending, meaning our national debt is going up. He's going to continue the wasteful and ineffective war on drugs. He's going to continue to be an interventionist. He's going to damage our trade relations throughout the world, costing us jobs, and making consumer goods more expensive.
Damage trade relations? He has done business with more countries than the United States. He knows more foreign leaders around the world than Obama and has worked with all of them. You don't realize how big Trump is. He has broker more deals than our government.


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Plenty of people voted for Ross Perot, but not enough. They voted for him because he was the best candidate and because they didnt care about the 2 parties. They cared about who was the best choice. Sadly, not enough people had enough judgment or discernment back then and its only gotten worse.
Johnson don't have the name recognition of Perot, who I really liked. He put Bill Clinton into office. That was his effect on the election.


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What do ad hominem mean?

In this case it means nothing. Guys like you just throw it out there thinking that it automatically invalidates what somebody else says. But it didnt. Its similar to a libtard throwing out the "racist" claim at anybody they dont like or dont agree with.


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A cigarette ban would presumably mean you can't buy cigarettes and smoke them in your car, in your home, or in a place that's not around anyone else. So no, that part doesn't go beyond what you do with your body.

You missed the entire point. Went right over your head.


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Every single one of Trump's proposals is just more big government crap. He doesn't have anything in his platform about reducing the size and scope of government, in fact it's just the opposite. He is a tax and spend "liberal" to his core.

If he wants to cut taxes (personal and corporate), how does that make him a tax and spend liberal?
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I feel that anybody that waste their vote on s third party candidate is an idiot. I know it makes you feel goodbye,?but not voting would have the same effect.
You think it's a wasted vote... I don't. I don't think it's idiotic to vote for someone who would shrink the government instead of grow it. I don't think it's idiotic to vote for someone who is for liberty, versus the other two who are not the least bit interested in liberty.

The sad part is you know all of this, you just can't wrap your head aorund the idea of not voting for a republican. That's a wasted vote if there ever was one.
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Damage trade relations? He has done business with more countries than the United States. He knows more foreign leaders around the world than Obama and has worked with all of them. You don't realize how big Trump is. He has broker more deals than our government.

He wants to put a 35% tarriff on goods manufacured outside the US. That's awful trade policy.

Don't know what his platform is... tried to deny that he had insulted numerous people... It's like you haven't heard him speak at all.
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The elsction is going to break your heart.
Not really... It's like watching the Cowboys. I know what's going to happen. I don't like it, but I'm used to uneducated idiots voting based on stupid shit.
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