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Birther Saga Continues: Romney Releases Birth Certificate

Mitt Romney has added another element to the rising “birther” storyline by releasing a copy of his own birth certificate.

Or, as the document states, a “Certificate of Live Birth” from Michigan.

Romney gave the document to Reuters as his fundraiser du jour, Donald Trump, on Tuesday repeated his erroneous claim on the airwaves that President Obama was born in Kenya and is therefore not allowed to occupy the White House.

The birth certificate has a visible reminder of a more legitimate “birther” controversy — efforts by Romney’s father to run for president despite being born in Mexico. George Romney was granted American citizenship because his parents were U.S. citizens — but Democrats in Congress preempted his run by questioning his eligibility.

The Congressional Research Service even stepped in, siding with the elder Romney.

It’s perhaps a sign of the absurdity of American politics that the modern birther fringe movement has gained so much attention in the media and among right-wing critics of Obama. Before releasing his long-form birth certificate last year in response to Trump’s demands, Obama had made public his own “Certificate of Live Birth,” which birthers claimed wasn’t a real birth certificate.

Later today, Democrats circulated news of Republican Pete Hoekstra, a former House member who is running for the Senate in Michigan, appearing in a video clip of a rally in which he proposed a panel including people from the FBI and the CIA to determine that presidential candidates are U.S. citizens. Hoekstra told CNN today his “proposal” is “very, very simple.”

Reached by phone today, Orly Taitz, an early leader of the movement to delegitimize Obama’s presidency, maintained that Obama’s long-form document is fraudulent for whatever reason — but she also said Romney should “absolutely” make his long-form certificate available, too.

When he was running for president, Obama signed on to a bill in the Senate that would make it clear that John McCain is eligible to be commander-in-chief — he was born outside the United States, in the Panama Canal Zone, when his father was in the Navy there.

Now the main birther controversy is why Mitt Romney is palling around with Trump, and while the candidate says he thinks Obama was born in the United States, he hasn’t condemned Trump for spreading the conspiracy theory. Last night, they raised money together in Las Vegas, and the Obama campaign has hounded Romney for tying himself to a stubborn birther.

Trump has more allies than you might think in his fight. Michael Andretti, a race car driver who was on Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” said in an interview that Trump’s plain-speaking style is lacking in American politics. But he conceded that Trump needs evidence for his birther theory to stick.

“It’d be nice if he could have some hard, hard proof on it,” Andretti said. “If he did, then I think you need to really shout it out.”


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Let me get this right

Mitt Romney is a Mexican

What's his stance on illegal immigration?


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Pathetic and sad you keep going there. Yeah you don't listen and repeat, Limbaugh, Beck, and Savage.

more pathetic and more sadder is your continued support for such an utter disgrace to our country
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more pathetic and more sadder is your continued support for such an utter disgrace to our country


No what is sad is your blind lockstep following of an ideology. What is pathetic is the bullshit party rhetoric you spread in every thread about politics. You claim to not listen to Rush and the other retards on talk radio, but everything you say comes from their mouths. It's sad really. I don't think you have ever had an original opinion on anything. You are a sheep, sad and pathetic. Vote the R brother that is all you are intelligently capable of doing.


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No what is sad is your blind lockstep following of an ideology. What is pathetic is the bullshit party rhetoric you spread in every thread about politics. You claim to not listen to Rush and the other retards on talk radio, but everything you say comes from their mouths. It's sad really. I don't think you have ever had an original opinion on anything. You are a sheep, sad and pathetic. Vote the R brother that is all you are intelligently capable of doing.

I dont listen to him, I dont have time because I actually work for a living. I do listen to Hannity some in the afternoons on the way home from work though.

All you do is regurgitate the same stupid shit man. 99% of your posts in this political forum are exactly the same.

Just because somebody doesnt like the liberal agenda doesnt mean they are simply echoing comments from people like Rush etc etc
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I dont listen to him, I dont have time because I actually work for a living. I do listen to Hannity some in the afternoons on the way home from work though.

All you do is regurgitate the same stupid shit man. 99% of your posts in this political forum are exactly the same.

Just because somebody doesnt like the liberal agenda doesnt mean they are simply echoing comments from people like Rush etc etc

lol Hannity and Rush are the same. I regurgitate the same thing? You have never posted an original idea that wasn't completely comprised of Republican rehortic. You are a sad, ignorant little man. You spew talking points from entertainers (I.e. Hannity) like they are insightful nuggets of truth.


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lol Hannity and Rush are the same. I regurgitate the same thing? You have never posted an original idea that wasn't completely comprised of Republican rehortic. You are a sad, ignorant little man. You spew talking points from entertainers (I.e. Hannity) like they are insightful nuggets of truth.

actually I dont, but thanks for the post

I listen to Hannity sometimes because I like the interviews with the guests as fyi
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actually I dont, but thanks for the post

I listen to Hannity sometimes because I like the interviews with the guests as fyi
Everything you say comes right off of a Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck or Savage show. As an aside, most of Hannity's guests are as dogmatic and retarded as he is.
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