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Sharyl Attkisson hinted last night on Twitter (Thursday night) that she would have something “interesting” on Benghazi today. The CBS reporter didn’t disappoint…the change in tone in White House trial balloons in its defense of the Benghazi debacle is stunning:
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Obama administration officials who were in key positions on Sept. 11, 2012 acknowledge that a range of mistakes were made the night of the attacks on the U.S. missions in Benghazi, and in messaging to Congress and the public in the aftermath.

The officials spoke to CBS News in a series of interviews and communications under the condition of anonymity so that they could be more frank in their assessments.

“We’re portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots,” said one Obama administration official who was part of the Benghazi response. “It’s actually closer to us being idiots.”

Now, more than eight months later and nine days after State Department whistleblowers embarrassed the White House, administration officials are beginning to admit that they botched Benghazi before, during, and afterward:

Thursday, an administration official who was part of the Benghazi response told CBS News: “I wish we’d sent it [FEST].”
(Foreign Emergency Support Team)

Mark Thompson, who ran the counterterrorism unit at State, testified last week that after he insisted on dispatching FEST, he got excluded from any further meetings on the immediate response.

In an unfortunate turn of events, on Sept. 11, a special U.S. military force based in Europe, designed specifically for quick reaction to unforeseen emergencies, was off on a training mission in Croatia. By the time the so-called Commander’s In-extremis Force was diverted to an airfield at Sigonella, Italy, an hour’s flight from Benghazi, the attacks were over.

Let’s just ponder that a moment. We took our quick-response team offline on the anniversary of 9/11? Who made that call?
According to Attkisson’s report, a FEST team was ready to intervene in the Benghazi attack and was preparing to respond but were never given the approval to engage.

“With U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens reported missing shortly after the Benghazi attacks began, Washington officials were operating under a possible hostage scenario at the outset,” Attkisson’s report reads. “Yet deployment of the counterterrorism experts on the FEST was ruled out from the start.”


Practice Squad
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Of course not!

Hey, whatever happened to that cute commie chick?

She moved to a different place in town and got a job.. Pretty cool for a commie, no? I still talk to her. Reminds me, I should give her a call. She called me the other day and I wasn't able to get to the call. She's a cool chick though--great friend. She also raises roosters. Maybe you should give her a cock.


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“We’re portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots,”

No. By anyone with a reasonable mind. There's nothing partisan about recognizing how badly someone has fucked up and causing greater suspicion by fabricating some lame story as an excuse.


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The story as it truly unfolded

According to a report from the Washington Times, retired 4 Star Admiral James Lyons reveals the entire plot that led to the deaths of Americans in Libya that could have been prevented, who gave the orders, and why events took place as they tragically did. Admiral James Lyons is probably the highest ranking figure ever to intervene in a federal government criminal case, and testify. Thanks to this man’s dedication to his country and the truth, we will finally know the truth and who was responsible.

In his words Lyons says that the attack on Benghazi was a bungled kidnapping attempt to be perpetrated upon Ambassador Stevens. This was to appear to be a hostage exchange for a terrorist prisoner who was to be released in trade for a supposedly captured US ambassador. The trade would have been for Omar Abdel Rahman an international prisoner, known as the Blind Sheikh.

This apparent abduction by terrorists of our ambassador and then negotiated trade for the Blind Sheikh would have been the “October Surprise” that would have elevated President Obama’s flagging popularity and boosted his approval ratings for a re-election. A dramatic prisoner exchange that saved our ambassador’s life However, something went horribly wrong. A cunning and illegal bit of treachery by the Obama White House turned into something entirely different. Obama’s October surprise turned into a carnage orchestrated by the White House itself as the President, Leon Panetta, and CIA Director, David Petraeus watched via a UAV real-time feed as a 7 hour attack on the Benghazi Embassy raged. Reportedly, stand down orders were given several times to different units within striking distance.

A plot of pure deception

With what should have been only a staged kidnapping of Ambassador J. Christian Stevens, instead, Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty refused a stand down order and began doing their job of protecting the ambassador using force. Immediately the well-trained Seals began inflicting heavy casualties upon the terrorists who thought they were merely in a cake walk to abduct Ambassador Stevens without mishap. As a result of the plan going awry, a massive attack arose from the anger of the terrorists who felt they had been betrayed by President Obama. In the aftermath of the battle which saw Navy Seal Glen Doherty was killed after the embassy had been overrun along with the ambassador’s staff. Ambassador Steven’s whose body showed up 5 hours later at a Benghazi hospital supposedly overcome by smoke as the initial press reports indicated was, in fact, raped, tortured, and dragged around Benghazi in retaliation for the botched Obama White House plan.

Obama hands over Libya to Al Qaeda

Was this just a freak occurrence that belies the true nature of dealings in Libya with American diplomatic efforts, just one glitch in normal standard operating procedure? No, according to former Admiral Lyons and many others such as Glen Beck, who have all uncovered evidence that lead to much more sinister deeds being undertaken. Evidence of a working relationship between the US and its alleged terrorist enemies had already delivered Libya to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization through infiltration of the government, media, and general society prior to the rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi that toppled the dictator last year. That the US has worked with Al Qaeda awarding them security contracts for all US embassies and consulates as well as border protection has instead allowed Libya to become a haven for numerous terrorist operators who have automatic access to Libya’s territory to carry out their training. All this with the support and blessing of the Obama administration. This is not only unthinkable, but beyond excuse or rationalization. There should already be indictments for many in the state department, in the DOJ, all the way up to the oval office, yet, so far nothing has been done.

Treason plain and simple

It goes even farther than that. Evidence indicates that Ambassador Stevens was being used as an arms dealer to supply Jihadists in the region to support yet another uprising in Syria. Just prior to the murder of our ambassador, he was trying to locate guns that had been walked across Libya’s border to other countries just as the ATF had done in operation Fast and Furious on the border of Mexico. These are not the actions of inexperience or bad intelligence. They are the actions of traitorous intention. President Obama will, no doubt, be linked to these deaths and operations if Congress will only act, and do its duty in prosecuting a treasonous president who is endangering national security.

There is no where else for a Congressional investigation to turn other than naming the conspirators, determining when officials knew, and assembling the evidence that murder was committed on behalf of the White House to silence those who knew and could testify. Through out the Obama presidency over the last four years the administration has master minded operations that have caused numerous controversies and crises.

When will the GOP take action?

The Republicans have missed opportunities to discredit the President, to impeach Obama in the wake of waging war against Libya without Congressional approval, and allowed executive privilege to quash subpoenaed demands for evidence on Fast and Furious never released by AG Eric Holder. John Boehner, Speaker of the House, has refused to exercise initiative whenever the GOP could have used much-needed momentum to stem the tide against the incessant assaults against state’s rights, constitutional rights, and the traditional institutions of America. Will the recent damning evidence now uncovered over the Benghazi fiasco thanks to Admiral James Lyons be implemented to convict the President of potential high treason, or will we see yet another case of criminal acts ignored and hidden at the expense of the American people? If you bother to take interest and act as a responsible citizens contact your congressman and demand action!


In the Rotation
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Obama handed Libya to Al Qaeda,Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and Syria will soon be handed to Al Qaeda too.
Obama is arming human heart eating savages....that was Benghazi was all about,shipping arms to the rebels in Syria who really are Al Qaeda thugs.


Practice Squad
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Obama handed Libya to Al Qaeda,Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and Syria will soon be handed to Al Qaeda too.
Obama is arming human heart eating savages....that was Benghazi was all about,shipping arms to the rebels in Syria who really are Al Qaeda thugs.

Egypt isn't as bad as people make it sound. Definitely not on the same level as Syrian, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.


Pro Bowler
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Was this just a freak occurrence that belies the true nature of dealings in Libya with American diplomatic efforts, just one glitch in normal standard operating procedure? No, according to former Admiral Lyons and many others such as Glen Beck, who have all uncovered evidence that lead to much more sinister deeds being undertaken.

That might be the funniest thing I've ever read. LOL

Bob Sacamano

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This is what happens when politicians try to be covert operatives. How on Earth was Petreaus named the head of the CIA? He was merely a grunt with absolutely 0 intelligence training in his many years in the Army.

Bob Sacamano

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Looking at his lifeless body, it looked like the Libyans threw some clothes on him, because I don't think the ambassador was lounging around in his office in skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

Bob Sacamano

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What a bunch of Keystone Cops. They really thought the exchange of prisoners carried out successfully would make Americans really give a shit with all of the domestic problems going on at home?


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That might be the funniest thing I've ever read. LOL

President Obama, the smartest man to ever live.

"Umm, the IRS did what? Duh... I don't know nothing". Yes sir, The IRS selectively punished opposition groups during an election cycle..."lalala I can't hear you".

We smuggled weapon to narco terrorists in Mexico?...."Um nope, they cut me out there also".

Stand down and let the ambassador die....."Sorry, missed that one to... I had to take a nap".
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