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VTA I think you find men attractive but choose not to fuck them in the name of Jesus.


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Not at all. You're claiming that homosexuality is a choice. As if to say, there are men who choose to be attracted to other men. It's a decision that they make, correct?

Now is a straight man, I bet you've been tempted to commit adultery. You seen some good looking women and had impure thoughts.

I bet throughout your life you've been tempted to steal from time to time.

And I bet there have been times when someone has gotten you so mad youve wanted to kill them.

Those are all sins where you felt natural instincts, urges, temptations, etc to do but you resisted.

Yet you admit to not finding men attractive, and to never having felt any urges or instincts or temptations towards. Yet you can still in good faith argue that homosexuality is a choice?

But if I've never been tempted to shoot heroine, should I take it that shooting heroine isn't a choice but simply a natural predilection? Some people committ beastiality, obviously that's just natural and we're bigots for being revolted?

I'm sure there are a number of things I've never been tempted to do that aren't ingrained natural impulses.
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But if I've never been tempted to shoot heroine, should I take it that shooting heroine isn't a choice but simply a natural predilection? Some people committ beastiality, obviously that's just natural and we're bigots for being revolted?

I'm sure there are a number of things I've never been tempted to do that aren't ingrained natural impulses.

Fair counterpoints.

I'll just say this... Sin/no sin... Religion/no religion... Sexual preference is not a choice.

I mean, VTA, if your bible said that Hetero sex was an abomination and men should be with men, would you be able to do that?

I'm a straight man. I fucking love women (except fat ones). Always have. There was never a time in my life where I felt I had to make a decision about which sex I was attracted to.

To argue that homosexuality is a choice is to suggest that you yourself faced that decision. So maybe you're bisexual.


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Fair counterpoints.

I'll just say this... Sin/no sin... Religion/no religion... Sexual preference is not a choice.

I mean, VTA, if your bible said that Hetero sex was an abomination and men should be with men, would you be able to do that?

I'm a straight man. I fucking love women (except fat ones). Always have. There was never a time in my life where I felt I had to make a decision about which sex I was attracted to.

To argue that homosexuality is a choice is to suggest that you yourself faced that decision. So maybe you're bisexual.

I'm not sure how you can come to that conclusion. If you're arguing personal temptations, then I would concede there is an argument for something inate, but the existence of having a fetish doesn't create a whole new condition to accomadate the thing you want to engage in as 'natural' or acceptable behavior, much less something to revolve a lifestyle around. Especially when that thing is a biological disaster, in which the body is in no way created for. When it's entirely impossible to perpetuate itself through natural means.

Whatever conditions need to be present to make people turn to such things on either account, I can't say, but I'll wager they are mostly psychological and part environmental. Laughably so the propagators of this farce also believe in evolution, which in and of itself states a thing that can't procreate cannot exist. By means of natural selection. How could such a thing perpetuate itself subconsciously with out a means of natural regeneration? If it were genetic, it would have weeded itself out by now, because it serves no natural function but to satisfy a limited personal desire.

You do understand there are people who take joy in doing wrong correct? Thievery isn't merely something to excuse due to circumstances of hardship; considering the Bernie Madoffs and John Corzines of the world having no real need to steal, only to satisfy what in them is obviously a natural urge to step on another human. These urges exist and I'm sure, these thieves are capable of love. But not the love of the truth.
So it goes with the love of sin and the rush sin brings.


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Who the fuck cares why people are gay? Choice or innate hard-on for the same sex, what does it matter?

Is the source of gayness really a lynchpin in the argument about whether or certain people should be denied opportunities?

I don't understand why it matters what has turned someone gay?

I guess it's uncomfortable for followers to think that God would bestow an innate gayness into someone but making someone gay is a hell of a step up from making someone with a fucked up congenital birth defect.


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Who the fuck cares why people are gay? Choice or innate hard-on for the same sex, what does it matter?

Is the source of gayness really a lynchpin in the argument about whether or certain people should be denied opportunities?

I don't understand why it matters what has turned someone gay?

I guess it's uncomfortable for followers to think that God would bestow an innate gayness into someone but making someone gay is a hell of a step up from making someone with a fucked up congenital birth defect.

That's simply a false argument, a more verbose 'why do you care what someone does in their bedroom'.
When it becomes a leveraging point by which you interact, either pro or con, it's a problem. When people lose their jobs over it, it's a problem. When it's not simply something you do in your room with .01 % of the population and demand everyone not only acknowledge but celebrate or be belittled, it's a problem. By all means, be gay. I really don't care. Keep it in the bedroom. Please.

God didn't make anyone gay. It's why He said don't do it.


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That's simply a false argument, a more verbose 'why do you care what someone does in their bedroom'.
When it becomes a leveraging point by which you interact, either pro or con, it's a problem. When people lose their jobs over it, it's a problem. When it's not simply something you do in your room with .01 % of the population and demand everyone not only acknowledge but celebrate or be belittled, it's a problem. By all means, be gay. I really don't care. Keep it in the bedroom. Please.

God didn't make anyone gay. It's why He said don't do it.
Hear fucking Hear
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That's simply a false argument, a more verbose 'why do you care what someone does in their bedroom'.
When it becomes a leveraging point by which you interact, either pro or con, it's a problem. When people lose their jobs over it, it's a problem. When it's not simply something you do in your room with .01 % of the population and demand everyone not only acknowledge but celebrate or be belittled, it's a problem. By all means, be gay. I really don't care. Keep it in the bedroom. Please.

God didn't make anyone gay. It's why He said don't do it.

Lots of fags fucking in front of you, huh?


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That's simply a false argument, a more verbose 'why do you care what someone does in their bedroom'.
When it becomes a leveraging point by which you interact, either pro or con, it's a problem. When people lose their jobs over it, it's a problem. When it's not simply something you do in your room with .01 % of the population and demand everyone not only acknowledge but celebrate or be belittled, it's a problem. By all means, be gay. I really don't care. Keep it in the bedroom. Please.

I wasn't making any argument. I was asking why it matters what the root of gayness is, and I still want to know. I think it's an absolutely stupid argument because it doesn't change a single thing, only reaffirms each side's position.

As for what people do in their own bedroom, it would be nothing more than that if there wasn't a segment of the population who thinks that what other people do in their own bedroom automatically makes them pieces of shit who aren't worth of equality. Deny any demographic privileges that others are provided and the issue will be thrust into the public forum. The fact that some people disagree with it doesn't give them a right to treat people like second class citizens.

God didn't make anyone gay. It's why He said don't do it.

He also said not to mindfuck your neighbors wife but he also apparently built that into what comes "naturally" to humans.
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You couldn't adress his point could you? It is not about gays, it is about the the thought crime it is to disagree with homosexuality.

oh so it's about something you made up in your head. Noone can help you with that.


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I wasn't making any argument. I was asking why it matters what the root of gayness is, and I still want to know. I think it's an absolutely stupid argument because it doesn't change a single thing, only reaffirms each side's position.

Then you can attribute the stupidity to the people using the root of their gayness as to why the rest of society should accept a lifestyle revolving around something they don't engage in with 99.9% of the population. They're the ones claiming it.

Second, when you start using the 'nature' argument for anything and demanding it be accepted on those grounds, you start down a slippery slope. We're all complete humans, capable of good, bad and in between and it can come naturally to a person to do something awful. If it didn't come naturally, they probably wouldn't do it.

So, if the homos are going to scream about nature, and what comes natural to them and demand it be acceptable on those grounds, the question arises and it matters. Does anyone with a rational mind simply accept a proposition without questioning it? If it's going to be raised, to such a public and social level then yes it certainly does matter.

As for what people do in their own bedroom, it would be nothing more than that if there wasn't a segment of the population who thinks that what other people do in their own bedroom automatically makes them pieces of shit who aren't worth of equality. Deny any demographic privileges that others are provided and the issue will be thrust into the public forum. The fact that some people disagree with it doesn't give them a right to treat people like second class citizens.

You got it backwards. If it were something they simply did in the sack, you'd not have a lifestyle revolving around it, parades, press conferences and a general self-induced demographic segregation created for it. How you can claim otherwise I don't know. The people I work with don't relate to me based on how I interact my wife. My family doesn't interact with me on a sexual basis, so generally there is no lifestyle around my sexual preference. And let's not pretend this is some natural consequence that everyone should have simply had a eureka moment over and accepted without pause. What precedent is there to recognize a segment of society based on how they interact sexually? Can anyone get on board the human rights train and start demanding to be recognized for limited personal qualities? Short people, fat people, skinny people and on and on. It's a joke for a deluded generation that's enslaved to it's own genitals and can't find any value in itself beyond sexual relevance. Progressive. :lol

He also said not to mindfuck your neighbors wife but he also apparently built that into what comes "naturally" to humans.

You may not believe in God, and I'm not one to belittle you for such a thing, but if you're on the fence you might want to be careful. Jesus said the only unpardonable sin is blasphemy of God's spirit, which is attributing evil to God and vice versa, for example, blaming Him for man's assholish behavior. While you'll be hard pressed to find many openly attributing the good things to Him in recent times, there's no shortage of people wanting to sihft their responsibility to one they claim doesn't even exist. This is what Jesus warned against. You don't have to believe me, but I do have to be honest and tell you.
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it would be nothing more than that if there wasn't a segment of the population who thinks that what other people do in their own bedroom automatically makes them pieces of shit who aren't worth of equality. Deny any demographic privileges that others are provided and the issue will be thrust into the public forum.

Somehow he still can't get that. The onus isn't on the rest of the world to treat all people like, well....people. The onus is on minorities to not annoy the rest of us and accept their second-class citizen status. It's like when Jesus said "Widows and fatherless boys, fuck off. I don't care if you're having a hard time, or people are mean to you, stay out of my fucking sight. BTW I can't explain why I made gay giraffes."
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