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Smart guy. Wins big. Limits mistakes and turnovers. Good enough size and arm, good accuracy. Was extremely well coached in college by NFL caliber coaches.

Really wanted us to take this guy last year.


High Plains Drifter
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They just showed the blimp shot of the Linc, virtually empty. Way to support your team Eagles fans!


Pro Bowler
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Hates on Dez Bryant, pulls for the Steelers

Somebody ban this bitch

I call it like I see it

If Dez drops a ball (or 3) only catches 1 out of 6 targets in one game for a total of 9 yards, then gives up on a play in the endzone which could have been the game winning TD all because he was counting on a PI penalty to save the day, then cries about it I'm gonna call it like I see it

I'm not gonna suck his dick and call him the greatest receiver in the NFL like some ppl here might

And since both the steelers and Broncos can't loose and I hate the broncos more so I'd rather the steelers win so be it

It is what it is. I can't stand either team, I just despise the Broncos more than the steelers


High Plains Drifter
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Will Chip be back in Philly next year? Eagles are pretty dismal looking.


Pro Bowler
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Will Chip be back in Philly next year? Eagles are pretty dismal looking.

I doubt it
I can't see ownership or the fans letting that happen

See at least in PHI the fans will actually revolt and show them they disapprove by not showing up to games and buying the swag

Unlike our Cowboy fans who will still show up to games, still line Jerry's pocket, and still accept this bullshit year after year


Quality Starter
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amazingly Washington can clinch the division if they beat Philly next week. They'd have an 8-7 record


Pro Bowler
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If only the Cowboy had a WR who could post these kinds of numbers.

Year/Games/Receptions/Targets/Yds Per Reception/Longest/TD's/First Downs
2010 12 45 72 561 12.5 46 6 27
2011 15 63 103 928 14.7 50 9 48
2012 16 92 138 1,382 15.0 85 12 54
2013 16 93 160 1,233 13.3 79 13 67
2014 16 88 138 1,320 15.0 68 16 60

And yet you neglected to post this years stats for Dez


9 games
31 reception
401 yards
44.6 yards per game
1 single game with 5 catches for 104 yards 1 TD (HIS ONLY good game and what is expected of a top tier receiver)
1 game 3/62 yards
1 game 4/50
1 game 5/48
1 game 4/45
1 game 5/45 with a INT in the end zone because he gave up on the play hoping for a PI penalty
1 game with 2/26 (shut down)
1 with 2/12 (shut down)
1 game with 1/9 (shut down) and 3 dropped balls, two would have converted third downs, one that ended up as an INT in the endzone after bouncing off his hands (see a pattern here?)

You consider his performance this year acceptable from our top receiver that we just signed to a long term deal worth $70 million?

I don't! I just call is as I see it!

With Romo out he had the opportunity to show he could be a leader on this team and help us win games. He has done neither of those two things

Instead he is focused on talking shit to the corners who shut him down! (See the Miami, Carolina and Green Bay games for examples of this)

He acts like a child and cries for penalties anytime he doesn't catch the ball (see every game for examples of this AND especially the Bucks game where he should have fought for the ball to grab the game winning TD),
He gives up on plays (see the above mentioned Bucks game) but instead...
He allows the defender to beat him and get the INT (again see the bucks game where it happened in the endzone, if he catches it he ends up with the game winning TD, instead he counts on a PI penalty instead of actually going after and fighting for the ball to win us the game)
He has dropped a number of balls that hit him in either the hands or the numbers this season, he jumps for a ball when it's not needed resulting in a drop instead of a catch

Face it his performance this season has been sub par (and that's being polite)

His immaturity has become glaringly apparent again

Now with all that said...
Is he a great receiver? Yes, just not this season

If his performance this season after getting his $70 million dollar contract making him one of the highest paid WR is acceptable to you than you sir are an idiot.

You call it bashing Dez
I call it the truth! His performance this season is unacceptable on every level!

He has had one decent game out of nine that he has played in.

You may be able to STILL call him elite or one of the best WR in the league with that kind of performance this year. I can not

You tell me dbair, is his performance this season what you have come to expect from Dez?
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Reaction score
No its not, he has had a bad season.

But unlike you and your buttboy Dooms, I see this season as a fluke because 1) he does indeed have a major injury and 2) He played virtually all of his games with Matt Cassel as his QB and 3) none of his other seasons have remotely looked like this

Also to clarify, I have never claimed Dez Bryant is the best WR in football, but I do believe (like most NFL people) that he is a great player.


Super Moderator
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Sure Dez had an injury but that's not what concerns me. He's a nut case who gets completely taken out of games by scrub CB's who get in his head. Couple that with his contract and I think the simpleton has mentally mailed it in. The way Dez is acting and playing, his contract could be the worst one of the Jerry Jones era and that's saying a lot.


Pro Bowler
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No its not, he has had a bad season.

But unlike you and your buttboy Dooms, I see this season as a fluke because 1) he does indeed have a major injury and 2) He played virtually all of his games with Matt Cassel as his QB and 3) none of his other seasons have remotely looked like this

Also to clarify, I have never claimed Dez Bryant is the best WR in football, but I do believe (like most NFL people) that he is a great player.

1. He had a broken bone in his foot, not a broken hand. He doesn't catch the ball with his feet! His injury has no bearing on repeatedly dropping the ball when it hits him in his hands

2. His only decent game with 104 yards was with Cassel throwing to him. With Romo throwing to him he had 26 yards, 45 and 48 yards. One of those being the shutdown game in Carolina.

3. You are correct. And that is exactly what I'm saying. He has been great in the past. But as mentioned before there is clearly something going on in his head to cause his poor performance this season.

His ego has got the better of him. He calls himself a team player, says the only thing that matters is the win and being there for his team mates. Yet he holds out of the entire preseason in a contract dispute, misses all of training camp, and has a shitty performance all season. He didn't get the time to gel with the offense and get the practice in that he so obviously and desperately needed. This is what happens when you miss all of training camp. It's been proven year after year.

Now back to his ego. It's what has allowed him to be totally taken out of games from a corner simply talking shit to him. He has taken plays off to continue talking shit. (See the Miami game on Romo's INT. He had an opportunity to save a pick six, instead he stands there talking shit as the INT is run back for a TD)

This type of childish behavior is 100% unacceptable from any player! But even more so from our #1 receiver who should be setting the (positive) example for the team. He is setting the example for his team mates, unfortunately he's setting the wrong type of example!

Garret should have benched his ass after that play!!!!! I believe getting a bitch slap from the HC might have brought Dez back down to earth and helped to snap him out of this fucked up head space he's currently in.

I do hope and believe he will snap out of it at some point. It won't be until next season. He has a lot of growing up to do. Hopefully he doesn't go off the rails in the off season now that he has his money. With Garret no longer having him and his money on lock down I fear he may be a problem this off season. Up until this year he has been treated like a child on restriction which has helped to keep him from himself. Now this season he is a multi millionaire with no rules to keep him in check. My hope is that he keeps things under control and surrounds himself with a positive role model so he doesn't act like a kid being away at college and free of his parents control for the first time who then goes apeshit.

I suspect he will do some very stupid things this off season. Hopefully none of them will cause him to be suspended for the start of next season


Pro Bowler
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I get it, late Sunday night game and you're losing.

Still, that was pretty bad.


Pro Bowler
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Kind of what we should be doing.

That's exactly what we should be doing. We need to let Jerry know that the product he has put on the field this year is unacceptable. And that starts from the top down

Jerry doesn't remind to common sense and reason. But he will respond to dollars and cents


High Plains Drifter
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That's exactly what we should be doing. We need to let Jerry know that the product he has put on the field this year is unacceptable. And that starts from the top down

Jerry doesn't remind to common sense and reason. But he will respond to dollars and cents

With most all the seats pre sold, makes it hard to have any more than visual impact. Possibly if people stop buying the party passes... Could make a dent.
Reaction score
If only the Cowboy had a WR who could post these kinds of numbers.

Year/Games/Receptions/Targets/Yds Per Reception/Longest/TD's/First Downs
2010 12 45 72 561 12.5 46 6 27
2011 15 63 103 928 14.7 50 9 48
2012 16 92 138 1,382 15.0 85 12 54
2013 16 93 160 1,233 13.3 79 13 67
2014 16 88 138 1,320 15.0 68 16 60
He's no Hakeem Nicks.


Pro Bowler
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OBJ was just suspended for one game for his actions during the Carolina game.

Well deserved I might add. He was acting like a child out there. Even throwing punches and racking up 3 major penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct in the same game
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