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But, in this case, the governmor has been silent. He has taken no action thus far. The judge is at least looking like he is investigating, but in the end I do not believe Fani will suffer any consequences. The trial will go on.
Because the Governor here is a WEF Rino piece of shit turd.

WEF higher ups even "thanked" him for his efforts during the 2020 and 2022 elections. Gee I wonder why.


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Terrence Bradley Text Messages Show Fani Willis and Nathan Wade had an Improper Relationship



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Terrence Bradley Text Messages Show Fani Willis and Nathan Wade had an Improper Relationship

It is amazing to me that Bradley is willing to risk his law license to cover up for Wade and Willis. People are speculating they have something on him they are using to keep him silent, but his testimony yesterday was an embarrassment to the Georgia bar. I cannot imagine how he keeps his license to practice after yesterday, but I hear the Georgia bar is a very corrupt group.


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Harnwell suggests why passing the $60bn for Ukraine is so existential for the UniParty

What is it about the $60bn for Ukraine and the UniParty? Congress would sooner see the US federal government shut down than back down.

Perhaps the reason it appears so totemic is because it is. It is true Congress has never fought this hard for anything in years. But that is matched by the American People — who equally have never resisted Congress this hard in years.

Losing this battle would be like the British political establishment losing Brexit. The spell of the UniParty’s omnipotence would finally be broken, freeing the people to finally become — once again — protagonists in their own destiny.



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Good for them. All the schools in my area are fighting over this alphabet craps now. School boards are divided into the parental notification side and the no parental notification side. Some towns on one side some on the other. Classrooms are full of rainbow flags all over the place. My opinions is these flags have nothing to do with learning and they are a huge distraction. Kids today are pressured to be part of the alphabet crowd or they are criticized as haters. The rainbow flag is divisive. Pride for some and not for all? No mater what they say, that flag represents the gay mafia and that is all. The focus should be on learning math, science and technology so our children can compete in a global economy.


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I may be old-fashioned, but doesn't hanging the condemned get the job done???

There is no humane way to kills a human being. But some evil human beings need to be killed. I am amazed that those who oppose the death penalty had no problem when Obama used drones to kill entire families and their neighbors.


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This story was *not* in the AP's Israel Section Today:

Two Israelis murdered in West Bank terror shooting, three terrorists killed

Three terrorists, including a Palestinian Authority policeman, killed • Terror attack carried out in same gas station as last year's attack in Eli



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I don't think the judge will disqualify Fani, but clearly Wade has benefitted from this case. His job only exists because of this case.

For me the real issue is not that. The issue is what Fani did is have an affair with a subordinate and used public funds to continue that affair. She gave Wade a job when she was in a relationship with him. No matter what the judge does, both Fani and her boyfriend should be fired and removed from their jobs. How can Georgia do nothing? That condones the behavior and enables more misuse of public funds in the future. I don't know how or who but this has to happen to ensure there are consequences for bad behavior in the public sector. I won't hold my breath because public officials rarely face consequences. And if Fani is not disqualified, watch how the left in this country react. She will be cheered like a hero for her unethical and possibly illegal behavior, which would include perjury! Corruption is like mold. It just keeps spreading if it is not eradicated early.


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Is this an example of the "rural rage" I'm supposed to be concerned about ???



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Is this an example of the "rural rage" I'm supposed to be concerned about ???

This will be recorded as a mass shooting and Democrats will use it to justify banning "assault weapons". This is most like a gang related dispute or something similar and has nothing to do with assault weapons or guns. It is the same thug mentality we see all over the country in urban areas.
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