
High Plains Drifter
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The lady could have walked away, especially if Irvin was drunk. It's what most normal people do. Marriott could have let it be....but they didn't. I'd sue for 100 million as well. Both the lady and Marriott. Irvin is tainted. Was he tainted before? Sure....but he was back and working. This will affect his career. It would certainly affect yours and mine.
You'd sue but that wasn't the question.

She WAS trying to disengage. The encounter visibly upset her, as we can see after she escaped him.

But, poor ole Irvin is the victim and not the lady. Like the old days when defense attorneys would blame rape victims because of how they dressed.
Was he tainted before? Sure....but he was back and working.
And didn't learn anything. Once stung twice shy didn't work. Seems like protecting his career and reputation is his own job.


Super Moderator
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She WAS trying to disengage.

How so? By continuing to engage him in coversation? Did he hog tie her? This isn't rape and that lady is not a victim of anything other than some possible lewd comments. That type of thing can happen to anyone and what might be lewd to one person may not be lewd to another. I don't want my livlihood to hang on someone's interpretation of what I said in a world where peole need safe spaces. This isn't about Irvin.


High Plains Drifter
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One thing probably driving this more than people might think - Marriott is Mormon founded and ran, and they'll aggressively protect their female employees. I'd be very surprised if they settle with Irvin. And they have deep deep pockets. Plus - imagine had they taken no action after the lady reported.

So.... Irvin lied about the encounter. Says he doesn't remember anything about their conversation. And ballyhoos the very proof of his lies. Whatever can be debated about the video it's not debatable there was more to it than just a handshake as Irvin said. And he doesn't remember anything at all about the convo? I have a hard time believing that.

Depositions on the horizon.


High Plains Drifter
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Interesting. He has experience in this, 100 million dollar lawsuits.

The casino settled the suit for an undisclosed amount.


Super Moderator
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One thing probably driving this more than people might think - Marriott is Mormon founded and ran, and they'll aggressively protect their female employees. I'd be very surprised if they settle with Irvin. And they have deep deep pockets. Plus - imagine had they taken no action after the lady reported.

So.... Irvin lied about the encounter. Says he doesn't remember anything about their conversation. And ballyhoos the very proof of his lies. Whatever can be debated about the video it's not debatable there was more to it than just a handshake as Irvin said. And he doesn't remember anything at all about the convo? I have a hard time believing that.

Depositions on the horizon.

Marriott had to address it for fear of getting sued by the female employee if they did nothing. Female bar tenders probably have to deal with this on a daily basis. Does the bar contact the patron's employer and get him fired?

This is frivolous and no crime was committed. If she didn't like what Irvin said, she could have been reassigned to another area of the hotel to avoid Irvin. Or a manager could have communicated with Irvin and asked him to avoid her. But they didn't do that. They took her version and went to his employer who immediately retaliated against Irvin.

I have been frivolously sued as a property owner by an employee who had a (criminal) history of fraud. The insurance company refused to represent me on a technicality and it cost me well over $100,000 in legal fees. I won in the end but almost went bankrupt and lost the business/property. I'm still paying those legal fees and it's been over 10 years later.

Other than the devastating and debilitating elbow tug, there was nothing that stood out to me and they shook hands and moved on after a few minutes. These people are money grabbers. They suck and are the leaches of society. If this was just some regular Joe instead of Irvin, it's be a non-story. If I had money, I'd defend myself against these leaches as well.


High Plains Drifter
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Female bar tenders probably have to deal with this on a daily basis
They don't HAVE to, it's why they have bouncers. The smart ones DO tolerate some lewdness, especially if getting good tips. It's not a comparable venue. Next you'll be citing the bitty tar example.

According to all sources, the lady didn't know Irvin from Adam. Understandable if you're not someone who watches sports.

If you don't see the predatory behavior in the video there's nothing else to talk about. It's okay with you for such pigs as Irvin roaming unchecked. I get it.


High Plains Drifter
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But hey I'm all for him suing them. I can think two things simultaneously. If he thinks he's wronged he oughta sue.


Super Moderator
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They don't HAVE to, it's why they have bouncers.

Not all bars have bouncers. There are certain jobs that have potential unintended consequences. If you don't like drunk guys coming on to you, then maybe being a bartender is not for you. If you faint when you see blood, don't be a doctor.

If you don't see the predatory behavior in the video there's nothing else to talk about. It's okay with you for such pigs as Irvin roaming unchecked. I get it.

So you can tell there's predatory behavior from that video? Really? I see a guy who might be trying get some tail. Ot a guy that's talking to someone he may know. Far from predatory.
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