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Blogs bash Obama's historic claim
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NewsBusters calls Obama's statements made during his '60 Minutes' interview 'laughable.'

By MJ LEE | 12/20/11 9:35 AM EST Updated: 12/20/11 12:26 PM EST
Newt Gingrich isn’t the only one on the campaign trail who sees himself as a towering historical figure. President Barack Obama has just joined the club.

Obama’s comments in a recent “60 Minutes” interview that his legislative and foreign policy accomplishments top all but three former presidents has sparked fierce blowback among right-leaning blogs.

The president’s claim didn’t air in the show’s Dec. 11 television broadcast but was included in the full interview video that CBS posted on its website that day.

The “60 Minutes Overtime” video shows Obama telling correspondent Steve Kroft:

“The issue here is not going be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history. But, you know, but when it comes to the economy, we’ve got a lot more work to do.”

NewsBusters pounced on the comments with a story under the headline: “60 Minutes broadcast edits out laughable Obama claim as 4th best president.”

“Eh! No big deal. Barack Obama is better…at least in his own mind. Such was the laughably absurd claim of President Obama on 60 Minutes last Sunday. What? You didn’t see it? That was because 60 Minutes conveniently left it out of its broadcast,” P.J. Gladnick wrote.

He continued, “So kneel, all you presidential peons, before the greatness that is Obama. His radiance shines so bright that it dazzled Steve Kroft to the extent that he didn’t even bother to ask an obvious follow-up question.”

Big Journalism headlined its story: “Selective Editing: CBS News Omits Embarrassing Obama Boast from TV Interview.”

And the Blaze’s Madeleine Morgenstern also berated the president’s remarks, writing that he “essentially declared himself the fourth best president in terms of his accomplishments.”

While the president didn’t quite go that far, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft also joined the tune of the other bloggers on Monday.

“You have got to be kidding. … After destroying the American economy, tripling the national deficit, blowing a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus plan and nearly doubling the unemployment rate, Barack Obama told “60 Minutes” last week that he considered himself the 4th best president in US history. Unbelievable. (Is this guy out to lunch or what?),” Hoft wrote.

Scott Paulson, the Examiner’s “conservative examiner,” concluded that Obama has “a much higher opinion of his accomplishments than most Americans have of him.”

Gingrich has received his share of criticism for tooting his own horn on the campaign trail, once crediting himself for having “helped lead the effort to defeat communism.”

Kevin Tedesco, executive director of “60 Minutes,” told POLITICO in an email: “We don’t discuss our editorial process but we made the entire interview available to all on our webcast, 60Minutes, Overtime, Where it has been for nine days.”

Dylan Byers contributed to this story.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70684.html#ixzz1h6Cs4KoH


Pro Bowler
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He is at least top 5. It wasn't easy keeping us out of a depression, but he pulled it off.

Kudos where kudos is due.


Pro Bowler
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lol dude how is that a troll? We were headed to economic apocalypse based on the policies of Bush and to be honest the last 20 or so years of deregulation in the financial industry. Things haven't returned to glory but who knows how much worse they would have gotten without the efforts of this administration????? Credit where credit is due, bro.
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lol dude how is that a troll? We were headed to economic apocalypse based on the policies of Bush and to be honest the last 20 or so years of deregulation in the financial industry. Things haven't returned to glory but who knows how much worse they would have gotten without the efforts of this administration????? Credit where credit is due, bro.

You're like the sbk92 of political discussions. This is clearly a punter > cornerbacks attempt, right?

In any event... carry on. :thumbsup


Pro Bowler
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lol dude how is that a troll? We were headed to economic apocalypse based on the policies of Bush and to be honest the last 20 or so years of deregulation in the financial industry. Things haven't returned to glory but who knows how much worse they would have gotten without the efforts of this administration????? Credit where credit is due, bro.

Whatever. These are the facts. I know alot of people are biased towards Obama for whatever reason but you can't deny the results. He was dealt a raw hand coming off the worst presidency of all time and has had this country rebounding nicely.
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Whatever. These are the facts. I know alot of people are biased towards Obama for whatever reason but you can't deny the results. He was dealt a raw hand coming off the worst presidency of all time and has had this country rebounding nicely.

I don't think "rebounding nicely" means what you think it means.


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Whatever. These are the facts. I know alot of people are biased towards Obama for whatever reason but you can't deny the results. He was dealt a raw hand coming off the worst presidency of all time and has had this country rebounding nicely.

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He killed Bin Laden and ended the war in Iraq. I think this country is over run by the rich 2%. I think he is against that. I personally like him, but i know a lot of people that don’t. I have heard a few people call him a ******, lol. Yea, racism is alive and well in America.
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Whatever. These are the facts. I know alot of people are biased towards Obama for whatever reason but you can't deny the results. He was dealt a raw hand coming off the worst presidency of all time and has had this country rebounding nicely.

2 or 3 sentances of vague wording about where this country was heading and what was possibly done to prevent it are "the facts"?



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Giving Obama credit for Bin Laden and ending the war in Iraq is lazy. He just happened to be sitting in the right chair at the right time. Rubber stamping actions that were already in motion, as far as Bin Laden goes. And if it was Obama's call to end operations in Iraq, why did he wait so long? It was a talking point in his campaign, that he'd bring our troops home and end a pointless war. So why wait until it was time to start gearing up for re-election....? Oh. Wait.
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Giving Obama credit for Bin Laden and ending the war is lazy. He just happened to be sitting in the right chair at the right time. Rubber stamping actions that were already in motion, as far as Bin Laden goes. And if it was Obama's call to end operations in Iraq, why did he wait so long? It was a talking point in his campaign, that he'd bring our troops home and end a pointless war. So why wait until it was time to start gearing up for re-election....? Oh. Wait.

I still "lulz" everytime i hear some idiot say "Obama killed Bin Laden".

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