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Then how does 13-3 happen?

On top of that we have the mindless zoned-out idiots virtue signaling with predictions of a 5-0 start. Yeah, a 4-12 team that did nothing at all to improve the five biggest reasons why they went 4-12:

1) Management
2) Coaching
3) Backup QB
4) No pass rush
5) Can't generate turnovers, specifically interceptions.

All the same suck-heads that brought you 4-12 are still here in the same positions except Weeden and Cassel, but Wade Wilson is still here collecting free money to actually worsen QBs that find themselves in the unfortunate circumstances of having to call him "coach".

6-10 or worse in 2016. The determining factor will be how soon Romo is knocked out for the season.


High Plains Drifter
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Do you even watch football? I mean, like do you understand what is happening and what is going on? Has your family recently given you a button to wear in case you fall and can't get up?
Why are you posting to yourself, what you ask in the mirror every day?
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Do you even watch football? I mean, like do you understand what is happening and what is going on? Has your family recently given you a button to wear in case you fall and can't get up?
*can't debate with facts, goes straight to ad hominems*


Practice Squad
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The only person here with an agenda is you. And yours is a super fan sunshine pumper agenda.

Everyone else is capable of critical thinking.

I think Marinelli can hold this thing together and the offense can help a sub par defense like they did in 2014. Ball control will be the key and having the other team playing from behind will lead to turnovers.
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I think Marinelli can hold this thing together and the offense can help a sub par defense like they did in 2014. Ball control will be the key and having the other team playing from behind will lead to turnovers.

But it all hinges on a 36 year old QB coming off multiple major surgeries in recent years staying together. Romo's best attribute is his ability to improvise, use his mobility, use that predictable yet indefensible spin move to make plays. Check out Cowboys highlights since 2007 and 75% of them were Romo magic, improvising and using street ball when the original play design failed. If he can't stay healthy, or his ability to improvise is compromised because of his bad upper body, then we may be fucked.

While we won the two games he completed last year (New York week 1, Dolphins), we didn't look especially good doing so. And honestly we should've lost week one had Eli not fubared the final two minutes.

So I just have a hard time being optimistic about this season.


Practice Squad
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Too bad, I think it will be special.

I hear the Garrett can't coach bunk and wonder how he ever got that team to 13-3. Bad coaches rarely have success and it's dumb to think they overcame him to end up in GB in the playoffs.

And highlights, by definition would be those kind of plays- have you ever seen them highlight a grinding 10 play drive culminating in a one yard td?

And we aren't depending on a starting qb anymore or less than any other NFL team.


Reaction score
Too bad, I think it will be special.

I hear the Garrett can't coach bunk and wonder how he ever got that team to 13-3. Bad coaches rarely have success and it's dumb to think they overcame him to end up in GB in the playoffs.

And highlights, by definition would be those kind of plays- have you ever seen them highlight a grinding 10 play drive culminating in a one yard td?

And we aren't depending on a starting qb anymore or less than any other NFL team.

You know, it doesn't help your case any if you can't even get the record right. We went 12-4 in 2014, not 13-3. You've said this twice now.


Quality Starter
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Too bad, I think it will be special.

I hear the Garrett can't coach bunk and wonder how he ever got that team to 13-3. Bad coaches rarely have success and it's dumb to think they overcame him to end up in GB in the playoffs.
Totally wrong. Average to below average coaches have good seasons in this league all the time when they have enough talent, especially at QB.

And again, you think every year will be special, don't you? So how can you have any credibility at all. You're just a stopped clock that will be right every once in a while.


Practice Squad
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And again, you think every year will be special, don't you? So how can you have any credibility at all. You're just a stopped clock that will be right every once in a while.

I don't think every year will be special, thought last year would until the injuries took us out. The team in 14 was quite a bit better than I thought.

All in all, I usually get it right.

Just never been on a cowboy fan board where everyone hates the team so I probably came on too strong hoping my team would do well when the board is busy hoping the owner dies.
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I don't think every year will be special, thought last year would until the injuries took us out. The team in 14 was quite a bit better than I thought.

All in all, I usually get it right.

Just never been on a cowboy fan board where everyone hates the team so I probably came on too strong hoping my team would do well when the board is busy hoping the owner dies.

Been told by others who knew you on other forums that you're an unabashed and abrasive homer fan boy. You predict 11+ wins every year. We know your type.
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