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I think the idea of being entertained by two criminals fighting each other is very comparable.

How long ago did you stop watching the NFL? Like Dexter Manley era or did you wait until Leonard Little killed a guy?


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How long ago did you stop watching the NFL? Like Dexter Manley era or did you wait until Leonard Little killed a guy?

Around the time it became like two attention starved criminals fighting for the entertainment of an easily amused populace...
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They should put about 5 walkers on chains just out of the reach of them and see if they get close enough during the fight to get bitten.


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I thought you were one of the Zimmerman is innocent crowd.

I don't think I said much regarding it, aside from my complaint that the entire issue was raised as some great racial conflict.

That said. in the eyes of public perception there certainly is a view that he is a criminal for what he did. With that and DMX's 'rap sheet', it's a matter of 'my favorite criminal' and not organized sport. More people will probably tune into this joke than an actual boxing match between two professional fighters.
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You know what, now that you mention it they probably gave him a black opponent bc the fact he killed a black kid upset a lot of blacks in the black community.


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Just two attention starved imbeciles to me. They come in all colors.
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what's worse from a "damning of society" perspective - that we will watch a free spectacle between two retards who don't have the punching power to really hurt each other fight in a few 2 minute rounds or whatever....

or that we'll pay to watch two guys absolutely destroy each other in the ring leading to their brains being jelly for the rest of their lives and shake like leaves?
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You can tell ESPN is like "um here's our top 10 play of the week, this dude shadow kicking and turning off the brain of another dude"

Having said that War lesnar


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How long ago did you stop watching the NFL? Like Dexter Manley era or did you wait until Leonard Little killed a guy?

I thought Little killed a mom on the way to pick up her son. When did he kill a guy? He killed two people?


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I thought Little killed a mom on the way to pick up her son. When did he kill a guy? He killed two people?

I thought the idea of two criminals fighting to entertain others was like two criminals fighting to entertain others in ancient Rome. Boy was I wrong. Two criminals fighting to entertain others is more like organized football.
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The gun George Zimmerman said he used on Trayvon Martin is up for auction again after being delisted

After one online gun seller pulled his listing, George Zimmerman has found a new website on which he plans to auction the gun he said he used to kill Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman initially posted the 9mm pistol on on Wednesday night, more than four years after he shot and killed Martin, an unarmed black teenager.

“I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon,” read Zimmerman’s description of the gun, a Kel-Tec PF-9. “The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012.”

But on Thursday morning, that listing vanished from Gunbroker, which later said in a statement that it wanted “no part” in the sale of a firearm whose use in the fatal 2012 shooting in Florida sparked a nationwide debate over race relations and “stand your ground” laws.

“We reserve the right to reject listings at our sole discretion, and have done so with the Zimmerman listing,” the statement read. “We want no part in the listing on our web site or in any of the publicity it is receiving.”

Undeterred, Zimmerman found a new place to sell the weapon.

“Unfortunately, Gun broker was not prepared for the traffic and publicity surrounding the auction of my firearm,” he said in an email to The Post on Thursday. “It has now been placed with another auction house.”

Todd Underwood, owner of, confirmed Thursday afternoon that Zimmerman’s gun is now listed on his site, which Underwood described as a “pro-Second Amendment community” created this year after Facebook banned private gun sales.

“I talked to George Zimmerman earlier today and told him that as long as all laws are being followed, he can list the gun on our site,” Underwood told The Post. “I don’t support it, I don’t condone it, I don’t have anything against it. It’s his property, it’s his decision.”

Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Martin in Sanford, but was acquitted by a Florida jury in July 2013.

“Why shouldn’t he be selling it?!” Underwood said when asked about outrage sparked by Zimmerman’s auction plans. “Here’s the thing, parents lost their child and as a father it breaks my heart to even contemplate going through what they went through.

“But when you look at the facts of the case, he was charged and he was exonerated by a jury of his peers. This shouldn’t even be a story. A gentleman who did nothing wrong is selling a personal possession of his to the highest bidder.”

Zimmerman said in the listing that proceeds of the auction will be used to “fight [Black Lives Matter] violence against Law Enforcement officers” and to “ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric,” though he hasn’t described how that would happen.

[George Zimmerman’s many, many controversies since the Trayvon Martin case]

Corey, whose name was misspelled, is the special prosecutor who was appointed by then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) to investigate Martin’s shooting death.

An attorney for Martin’s family said Thursday that Zimmerman’s plan to auction the gun was “insulting and disrespectful.”

“It is insulting to this family that he would decide that he would sell the gun that he killed their child with,” Daryl D. Parks, one of the attorneys for the family, told The Washington Post. “Think about what that means: This is a gun that took a child’s life, and now he wants to make money off of it.”

On both auction websites, Zimmerman claimed the case number from the trial is written on the gun in permanent marker and that “The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C.” has expressed interest in “owning and displaying the firearm,” though he did not specify which museum.

The Smithsonian Institution, which operates 19 museums, refuted that claim Thursday morning, before the gun disappeared from the auction site.

We have never expressed interest in collecting George Zimmerman’s firearm, and have no plans to ever collect or display it in any museums

— Smithsonian (@smithsonian) May 12, 2016

“The firearm is fully functional as the attempts by the Department of Justice on behalf of B. Hussein Obama to render the firearm inoperable were thwarted by my phenomenal Defense Attorney,” Zimmerman wrote, “I recognize the purchaser’s ownership and right to do with the firearm as they wish.”

He closed the description with si vis pacem para bellum, which means “If you want peace, prepare for war” in Latin.

Bidding opens at $5,000.


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I can see how he'd have trouble gaining or holding down a job after the number the lib media and the justice system did to him, but you shouldn't try to profit from a killing, even if it was justified
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Yeah, still believe he was fucked by the media and the killing was justified, but he's proven to be a complete fuckwad since the incident.
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