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Only way you can have any fun is to lie about what people mean when they post?
What in the world did you mean by saying...

I'm a huge believer in not kicking FGs in title games.

Sounds to me like you're saying don't kick FGs.

They kicked a FG on 4th and 1 from the 8... That's after 2 straight runs netted them 2 yards. Tie ballgame, you're in the red zone... plenty of time on the clock. You kick a FG from there every.single.time.


Quality Starter
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But had the pass play worked, and been the game ending score, it would be all about what big balls they had and what geniuses they were.

Not me, I would have thought it was a pointless risk. I would have lived and died with Lynch until they scored or lost


High Plains Drifter
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They kicked a FG on 4th and 1 from the 8... That's after 2 straight runs netted them 2 yards. Tie ballgame, you're in the red zone... plenty of time on the clock. You kick a FG from there every.single.time.
Without even trying to draw them offsides to get the first down, then taking the penalty if no, and kicking anyway.

As I said in my first post about this - they seemed in a really big hurry to leave that four points out on the field, to concede. And in doing so let NE smell blood in the water.
Sounds to me like you're saying don't kick FGs.
If you take that one sentence out of context of the rest of the posts, I suppose. You damn well know better. You're simply being dishonest if you really believe I was saying NEVER kick field goals. They have a time and a place and in that situation, it wasn't the time or place for it - especially when seeming all in a big hurry, to do it. Not even making the attempt to draw them off.... Get them to jump offsides there and get yourself four fresh downs. At least TRY it.

But of course here we are again - ONE yard needed and you're not going nuts over them not giving the ball to Lynch there. It's JUST ONE YARD after all. Same wail we're seeing and hearing over that ill fated game ending pick.

They lost by four. The four they left on the field.


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I knew the Patriots would win the game 28-24 and a rookie schlub CB would seal it with a goal line int in the final seconds. Knew it just as soon as the Patriots went up 7-0 in the second quarter.

Should've posted it.


Quality Starter
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Anyone think it was weird how much Cris and Al were talking in the last few minutes about all the momentous decisions that could be coming down the next few weeks re deflategate? It almost sounded like they knew something. And even if they did I thought it was a strange time to be talking about it.

Anyway, I was pretty much with mid on this game. Don't like either team, but I think I was more sick of Seattle and Sherman and the LOB. But then I tuned out 99.99% of the two weeks before kickoff. The hype and circus buildup just beats me down. Football almost ends for me on conference championship weekend.
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I didn't hate the pass play call there. The problem was that Wilson didn't throw the ball away when the route wasn't open.

If the Cowboys were on the 1 yard line with 26 seconds and one timeout, I could see giving it to Murray or throwing to Dez. But if you choose to throw, your QB needs to understand the situation and throw it away if it isn't there.

Random observation: Wilson throws a pick to lose the Super Bowl, it is as if he is made of Teflon; his coaches get the blame. Had Romo thrown the same pick in the same situation, people would be all over him.
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Without even trying to draw them offsides to get the first down, then taking the penalty if no, and kicking anyway.

As I said in my first post about this - they seemed in a really big hurry to leave that four points out on the field, to concede. And in doing so let NE smell blood in the water.
LOL Blood in the water. Yeah man, New England went down 17-14 and was like, look at those pussies... Scared. Then to really set the trap, they let Seattle score again to go up 24-14. Blood in the water. Just biding their time. Then they went up 28-24 and let Seattle drive down the field to the one yard line. Setting Seattle up, just so they could jump the slant route and seal the deal. All cause of that FG.

Sure they COULD have tried to draw them offsides, but that's a prayer. What you don't think about is the fact that the FG gave them a chance to win the game. If they get 0 there by going for it, then they would have had to have the touchdown at the end to TIE.

It's myopia. It runs rampant among most fans, and you're no different.

If you take that one sentence out of context of the rest of the posts, I suppose. You damn well know better. You're simply being dishonest if you really believe I was saying NEVER kick field goals. They have a time and a place and in that situation, it wasn't the time or place for it - especially when seeming all in a big hurry, to do it. Not even making the attempt to draw them off.... Get them to jump offsides there and get yourself four fresh downs. At least TRY it.

But of course here we are again - ONE yard needed and you're not going nuts over them not giving the ball to Lynch there. It's JUST ONE YARD after all. Same wail we're seeing and hearing over that ill fated game ending pick.

They lost by four. The four they left on the field.

What context? This is the part of your post responding to me...

I did, I just knew they would lose and likely by the exact very four points they left on the field there. Should have posted it.

I'm a huge believer in not kicking FGs in title games.

It was it's own "paragraph." It followed your hindsight claim after the game was over, that the 4 points they lost by was due to not going for the TD there and NOT by throwing the INT at the goalline with 20 seconds left.

There is no other way to take that sentence. I don't think you were saying NEVER kick FGs... but you certainly said "I'm a big believer in not kicking FGs in title games." So in Super Bowls, AFC and NFC title games, no Field Goals. Don't accuse me of being dishonest by reading your post and taking it at face value. I don't read minds. If that's not what you mean, then say what you fucking mean.
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Anyone think it was weird how much Cris and Al were talking in the last few minutes about all the momentous decisions that could be coming down the next few weeks re deflategate? It almost sounded like they knew something. And even if they did I thought it was a strange time to be talking about it.

Yes, sounded ominous. But given how everything is hyped, exaggerated, sensationalized ... it is difficult to know if the broadcasters were just doing what they do.

I'm not convinced that Collinsworth can order a Big Mac without creating some drama about the pickle.

Anyway, I was pretty much with mid on this game. Don't like either team, but I think I was more sick of Seattle and Sherman and the LOB. But then I tuned out 99.99% of the two weeks before kickoff. The hype and circus buildup just beats me down. Football almost ends for me on conference championship weekend.

I didn't expect it, but I found myself pulling for the Patriots.

I guess I didn't want the Seahawks to become remembered as a dynasty team.
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I fell asleep and missed the end of the game.

Lots of coordinator do the whole shotgun from the goal line. Not that crazy of a play call. It should have been a TD, shitty job by the WR letting the DB get to the ball.

The Cheaters won, sad day to be an NFL fan.


High Plains Drifter
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There is no other way to take that sentence. I don't think you were saying NEVER kick FGs... but you certainly said "I'm a big believer in not kicking FGs in title games." So in Super Bowls, AFC and NFC title games, no Field Goals. Don't accuse me of being dishonest by reading your post and taking it at face value. I don't read minds. If that's not what you mean, then say what you fucking mean.
But originally, you did seem to be thinking that. Glad we got it corrected.

Bob Sacamano

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Looks like the forums has 9 fags.

BTW it seems like OC nowadays have forgotten about the play-action pass out of the short yardage formation.
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Anyone see the left shark memes from the halftime show?

Edit: you might have to watch this a few times.

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