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No, I am serious. You need to man up, get a job and take care of all those kids that you can't seem to stop producing. Being a man is challenging according to the stats in the original post, but I have high hopes for you. I can send you some condoms if you are still stuck on where to buy them.

Back to your foolish economic rant, can you point out the massive cuts to education, medical care, and welfare you were crying about? Where are the cuts you are referring to? Maybe you were thinking of the $716 billion Obama stole from the people who were forced to pay into a government medical plan their entire life.

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Reaction score
It's relevant to the idea that this genius is somehow "cutting checks" to welfare families.

Nations flourish when you provide opportunities and better conditions for the most unfortunate. There is no debating that. So it's not a surprise when you see people in lower socioeconomic classes struggling, or when these people are overwhelmingly minorities, because we as a nation pretty much just shit on them.
How is welfare and free education the same as shitting on them?

I think a more legit argument would be one that says welfare and free education or whatever actually keep the lower class down because they completely eliminate any sense of urgency or motivation to better yourself.

Bob Sacamano

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It's relevant to the idea that this genius is somehow "cutting checks" to welfare families.

Nations flourish when you provide opportunities and better conditions for the most unfortunate. There is no debating that. So it's not a surprise when you see people in lower socioeconomic classes struggling, or when these people are overwhelmingly minorities, because we as a nation pretty much just shit on them.

It's minorities mainly, so who cares? Party on!


Quality Starter
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How is welfare and free education the same as shitting on them?

I think a more legit argument would be one that says welfare and free education or whatever actually keep the lower class down because they completely eliminate any sense of urgency or motivation to better yourself.

Exactly, but that that's heartless and stuff.


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"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."

- Lyndon Baines Johnson

The progressives had a plan from day one to master the black vote. Does this sound like a man that gives a crap about anything other than power?
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Reaction score
How is welfare and free education the same as shitting on them?

I think a more legit argument would be one that says welfare and free education or whatever actually keep the lower class down because they completely eliminate any sense of urgency or motivation to better yourself.

Right they're just sitting back and reveling in their 250/wk with no desire to make it better.

The idea that these people could escape their situation "if they just wanted it hard enough" is overwhelmingly moronic.


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This is what happens when men refuse to be men.

Dad left Myls Dobson, 4, in care of girlfriend Kryzie King, who sources say fatally beat tot


Daddy made a call from jail, a call that ultimately condemned his 4-year-old son to death — a death that brought an end to days of beatings and torture.

Let down by his mother, and then by his father, little Myls Dobson found himself in the care of his dad’s new girlfriend, Kryzie King, 27, in a luxury Hell’s Kitchen apartment.

It was a living hell.

Myls had a host of loving relatives who would have taken him in, but his father chose a woman his family barely knew, who beat the boy with a belt, making sure the buckle struck his head, police sources and Myls’ relatives said.

In the apartment in The Ritz Plaza on W. 48th St. that his father thought was so great, Myls was also whipped with a clothes hanger by King, cop sources said.

On Wednesday, the last day of his tragic life, Myls asked King to go to McDonald’s. Instead, he was beaten and locked in a bathroom — a punishment that he’d endured before, along with many others that were just as evil, or perhaps even worse.

When paramedics rushed inside the apartment that day, responding to a 911 call placed by King, they found Myls unconscious, his small, battered body covered in cigarette burns, his torso and legs marred by bruises, police sources said. One of his front teeth had been knocked out. He died at a Manhattan hospital not long after his arrival.

“Why? Why? Why?” Myls’ mother, Ashlee Dobson, 29, asked when she first saw his brutalized body, according to her lawyer. “How could this happen?”

King was led out of the Midtown North stationhouse after she was charged Thursday night with first-degree assault and reckless endangerment. The despondent King kept her head down and said nothing to reporters as she was dragged away in cuffs, wearing gray sweatpants and a snorkel jacket with the hood up to shield her face.

She told cops the boy had suffered fatal injuries by falling off a counter and landing in an empty bathtub when she was briefly out of the room. But the truth was written across Myls’ broken body.

“This was a tragic, tragic death of a little boy,” Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said Thursday.

King, who began dating Myls’ father, Okee Wade, just a few months ago, first took Myls into her home Dec. 21. She told police that on that day she picked him up from a cousin’s home in Canarsie, Brooklyn, after Wade called her from jail and asked her to take care of him, sources said.

Two days earlier, on Dec. 19, Wade, 37, was arrested in Brooklyn on a warrant that was issued after he failed to show up in court on charges that he took part in a bank fraud scheme in New Jersey.

The 5-foot-10, 230-pound King — who also sports a Mickey Mouse tattoo on her body — admitted to police that she had beaten Myls with a belt and hanger because she was using corporal punishment in “trying to control him,” police sources said. He had been acting up, she claimed.

King — who also went by the alias “Monroe” according to court records — slammed Myls’ head against a wall, knocking out his tooth, sources said. And she told cops she locked him in the bathroom when he wouldn’t behave.

“This is a horrific incident,” Bratton said. “He received injuries over a number of days.”

The medical examiner performed an autopsy Thursday, but more tests will be needed before a cause of death can be established, officials said. Charges may be upgraded depending on the results, sources said.

Myls’ devastated relatives told the Daily News that the boy fell through the cracks of the family network after his father’s arrest. An aunt and uncle of the boy’s in Brooklyn thought the chubby-faced tot was staying with cousins, while Myls’ mother — who lost custody of him in 2012 due to neglect — and her family believed he was still with his father.

In reality, Wade was thrown in jail in New Jersey after his arrest. He’s charged with second-degree counts of conspiracy and money laundering for his alleged role in withdrawing at Atlantic City casinos more than $275,000 from people’s bank accounts.

Instead of calling his immediate family to care for Myls, Wade called his new girlfriend, his family said. The family also did not know Wade was dating King, nor that she was a transgendered woman.

The abuse started soon after King took Myls in, likely around Dec. 26, cops told relatives. “[King] told detectives that [Myls] was asking for McDonald’s and she beat him with a belt buckle over his head. There were cigarette burns all over his body. She always beat him with a belt buckle,” said Josiah Ceessar, 35, the husband of Myls’ aunt, Orquidia Wade.

Ceessar said Wade had just met King and bragged about his new girlfriend’s swanky apartment. “[Okee] just was telling everybody about this nice girl he met. She had a lot of money and had a nice apartment on 48th St. in Manhattan. Nobody knew her,” Ceessar said.

Myls’ paternal grandmother, Gloria Wade, 60, said the boy lived with his mother in South Carolina for a few years after his birth in April 2009. Dobson has mental disabilities and isn’t always stable, family members said.

“She was caught on a videotape in a parking lot outside a store in South Carolina beating him and child services started an investigation,” said the heartbroken grandmother.

Dobson fled investigators by moving to Brooklyn, where she has relatives, Gloria Wade said.

According to the city’s Administration for Children’s Services, Dobson was investigated in January 2011 for inadequate care of her child. The claim was dismissed. The same allegation against Dobson was made in September 2011. ACS investigators found reason to remove Myls from her custody in October 2012 and place him with his father.

“I don’t know why ACS wasn’t involved more,” Gloria Wade said.

ACS has said only that it is investigating the boy’s death.

Police told Okee Wade in jail Thursday morning about his son’s death.

Ashlee Dobson, who lives in Harlem, identified her son’s body at the morgue Thursday. Her lawyer, Philip Lights, said she was inconsolable, screaming, and cried the entire time.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...son-4-sources-article-1.1571061#ixzz2q25FCMBH
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Right they're just sitting back and reveling in their 250/wk with no desire to make it better.

The idea that these people could escape their situation "if they just wanted it hard enough" is overwhelmingly moronic.
For one, I know people who do that, and many get more than 250/wk. If you can get by on what the govt is giving you, what incentive is there to actually try to better yourself.

Secondly, I never said wanting it more or whatever is the solution for everyone. Certain people do need a bit of help. The problem is that government programs like welfare are so brutally misused and misappropriated that its nearly impossible to tell who needs it and who is taking advantage of it.

The idea that everyone deserves a handout is far more moronic than thinking that people could better themselves by simply working hard. That's a liberal, pansy, suckbag approach.


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Right they're just sitting back and reveling in their 250/wk with no desire to make it better.

The idea that these people could escape their situation "if they just wanted it hard enough" is overwhelmingly moronic.

LOL and only Cobra and the federal government can help them. Doing a hell of a job so far. Only Cobra knows what is best for all the poor dumb minorities. Good thing Cobra and the feds are here to rescue everyone. The war on poverty has turned out well...exactly as LBJ and the Dems and apparently Cobra wanted.


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For one, I know people who do that, and many get more than 250/wk. If you can get by on what the govt is giving you, what incentive is there to actually try to better yourself.

Secondly, I never said wanting it more or whatever is the solution for everyone. Certain people do need a bit of help. The problem is that government programs like welfare are so brutally misused and misappropriated that its nearly impossible to tell who needs it and who is taking advantage of it.

The idea that everyone deserves a handout is far more moronic than thinking that people could better themselves by simply working hard. That's a liberal, pansy, suckbag approach.

Lets just print a couple million bucks for each citizen and call it good. It would be cheaper in the long run.
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For one, I know people who do that, and many get more than 250/wk. If you can get by on what the govt is giving you, what incentive is there to actually try to better yourself.

What incentive is there for anyone earning a living wage to want to better themselves? Give me a break. The same applies to people on government assistance.

Secondly, I never said wanting it more or whatever is the solution for everyone. Certain people do need a bit of help. The problem is that government programs like welfare are so brutally misused and misappropriated that its nearly impossible to tell who needs it and who is taking advantage of it.

The idea that everyone deserves a handout is far more moronic than thinking that people could better themselves by simply working hard. That's a liberal, pansy, suckbag approach.

I guess it's good that you're the only one that suggested that idea, then.


Reaction score
This is what happens when men refuse to be men.

Dad left Myls Dobson, 4, in care of girlfriend Kryzie King, who sources say fatally beat tot

Daddy made a call from jail, a call that ultimately condemned his 4-year-old son to death — a death that brought an end to days of beatings and torture.

Let down by his mother, and then by his father, little Myls Dobson found himself in the care of his dad’s new girlfriend, Kryzie King, 27, in a luxury Hell’s Kitchen apartment.

It was a living hell.

I don't know how much more degenerate that story could get. What a bunch of animals. You can almost be relieved the kid is away from them regardless of how.


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Being a man is hard for some. That kid a short brutal life.

We are lucky that Cobra and his buckets of cash are here to help people like the mother and father in that story.
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What incentive is there for anyone earning a living wage to want to better themselves? Give me a break. The same applies to people on government assistance.

I guess it's good that you're the only one that suggested that idea, then.
Yea, what incentive is there? some people don't care about anything beyond having a roof and food on the table, if you can do that without working, then what incentive is there.

And youre basically saying everyone deserves a handout, just not as blatantly.
Reaction score
And youre basically saying everyone deserves a handout, just not as blatantly.

I didn't say anything like that.

The fact is the minimum wage in this country is bullshit. So you're right, maybe we should make employment more attractive to the poor, rather than trying to make unemployment so awful that if you fall on hard times you basically can't live. The only people who benefit from that second option are people who don't need anymore benefits, unless you count "reporting bigger profit margins to shareholders" as a necessary benefit. I don't.
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Pro Bowler
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I think everyone should be given $1,000,000 per year.

If you can't live off of that too bad.


Pro Bowler
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I try to pitch in and help whenever I can.

He won't be raised to believe in talking snakes, btw.


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It's relevant to the idea that this genius is somehow "cutting checks" to welfare families.

Nations flourish when you provide opportunities and better conditions for the most unfortunate. There is no debating that. So it's not a surprise when you see people in lower socioeconomic classes struggling, or when these people are overwhelmingly minorities, because we as a nation pretty much just shit on them.

If you feel guilty, send them next weeks paycheck. Give them the keys to you car. Invite a couple of brothers over for dinner. There are ways to get rid of the guilt.
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