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9/23/2015 11:58:47 AM

With Pro Bowl quarterback Tony Romo sidelined a minimum eight weeks with a fractured left clavicle, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones made it clear that they are looking for a backup, not a player to start ahead of Brandon Weeden, Jon Machota of the Dallas Morning News reports.

"That's not our expectation at all," Jones said. "Certainly we think Weeden has really progressed. As [quarterback coach] Wade Wilson said, he's just not the same guy that we had last year. He's progressed that much. He said that before we had this issue with Tony. I think we all feel good about what we got.

"One of the concerns we have is the fact that [Weeden] had the concussion during training camp and that limited him for a period of time. So that, plus Tony's injury, is a reminder that you've got to have somebody behind him now."

Jones also didn't rule out going into Sunday's game without adding a veteran QB to play behind Weeden. Another option would be moving up Kellen Moore, who is currently on the team's practice squad.

But, again, whatever route they ultimately choose, Jones left no doubt that Weeden is the starter going forward.

"This quarterback Weeden can drive the ball down field," Jones said. "He's a thing of beauty on throwing a football. His passing motion and his arm, frankly, you won't see a more gifted passer, power, accuracy, the entire aspect of it. If he can basically prepare, be the starting quarterback, come in and execute and keep his head right, then I feel good about Weeden."


That's our GM right there. You can't make this shit up.


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Skip on First Take this morning: "I saw him beat RG3 and Ryan Tannehill in college!!!"
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Sounds like Weeden is on his way for sure. Since Wade clearly has mechanics handled, Jerry should bring in Jemarcus Russell to help with conditioning tips and David Carr for expertise on avoiding a pass rush.


Quality Starter
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Almost posted it earlier, but the Ticket was talking this morning about Jerry on Real Sports last night. Apparently Jerry was getting all emotional about being in the fourth quarter of his life, talking about how that's when you show great character and really make your mark. Went on and on about what a showman his dad was back in the Little Rock grocery store.

TLDR: I think I dislike Jerry more than ever, with his phony tears, concern for Tony's career, etc. The guy is just completely full of shit. He's just gotten better over the years at making himself appear more kind and gentle, but underneath he's the same guy who told off John in Plano in that call Dooms has.
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Yeah there was an article on that and Jerry said something to the effect of "You have no idea how much I'd pay or what I'd do to see Tony up their hoisting a Lombardi."

Uh, basically everything except hire a real head coach and a competent GM?

You egotistical piece of shit. Die now.


High Plains Drifter
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underneath he's the same guy who told off John in Plano in that call Dooms has.
And it's there just underneath a very thin veneer. So thin it's just a insult because it shows how stupid and gullible he thinks we are.
Yeah there was an article on that and Jerry said something to the effect of "You have no idea how much I'd pay or what I'd do to see Tony up their hoisting a Lombardi."

Uh, basically everything except hire a real head coach and a competent GM?

You egotistical piece of shit. Die now.


High Plains Drifter
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But you know what? Why shouldn't he think we're stupid and gullible? We as idiot fans continue to fill his stadium and buy the fucking swag despite 20 years of failure and mediocrity. So maybe as a group in general, we are.
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Yeah there was an article on that and Jerry said something to the effect of "You have no idea how much I'd pay or what I'd do to see Tony up their hoisting a Lombardi."

Uh, basically everything except hire a real head coach and a competent GM? .

Then why didn't he bring in more talent at RB, Safety and NT? Why listen to the Judd Garrettites or whoever is pushing for the milk toast WRs who are physically limited like Streets and Williams somehow should be a good compliment to Dez, in an offense that centers almost exclusively around WR routes? Randle taking the place of Murray? Not in this universe. Money could have kept Murray here and drafted the RB of the future. Money could,have probably kept Callahan here whose Redskins lead the NFL in rushing yards per game and yards per attempt. The issue as evidenced by Jerry's "...Weeden...executes...." is that although Jerry will have his Randy Gregory's and his Hardys, he has largely bought into the saccharine and wacko Garrett philosophy of "if we lose the game, we lost because we didn't use my plays the right way" and "although we could use a trick play to win in desperation, we are not that desperate."

Bob Sacamano

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For whatever it's worth, Mike Mayock really raved about Weeden during the Senior Bowl week. He looked pretty good during his college career as well.

The guy has talent; but for whatever reason he's afraid to push the football downfield. I think his time bumbling and fumbling as a young QB in Cleveland really messed with his head.


Quality Starter
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For whatever it's worth, Mike Mayock really raved about Weeden during the Senior Bowl week. He looked pretty good during his college career as well.

The guy has talent; but for whatever reason he's afraid to push the football downfield. I think his time bumbling and fumbling as a young QB in Cleveland really messed with his head.
I think so, too.

I mean, it's not like he's good. But every backup QB save the rookies who aren't ready yet are one of two guys: Ones who understand the game but are so physically limited they can't do anything, like a Colt McCoy or Brian Hoyer, and guys who have arm talent but don't have feel for the game, like Weeden. Personally, I'm not sure it isn't better to have the second type who can at least make every throw. It's probably more fun to watch, anyway.


Draft Pick
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Yeah there was an article on that and Jerry said something to the effect of "You have no idea how much I'd pay or what I'd do to see Tony up their hoisting a Lombardi."

Uh, basically everything except hire a real head coach and a competent GM?

You egotistical piece of shit. Die now.

He only said that because it would - in his mind - validate his entire tenure as the Cowboy's owner. Dying with everyone still giving Jimmy all the credit is probably his biggest fear in life.


Pro Bowler
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Too bad then. Everyone outside of Zoners and dbair knows that Jimmy deserves 99 percent of the credit for the team's success in the 90's.

This last year's team credit could go to Jerry, assuming it continues this year when Romo comes back, but I feel Stephen is more responsible for the success.

Jerry will be known as a top class business man, too bad that's not enough for him.
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I really want to like Weeden. He's flashed some potential, even in Dallas. I can remember a handful of throws that make you say "whoa".

I just can't get over watching him flounder against AZ last year.


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And I think Jerry should just get the last qtr over with already. Billions of people have died, he can rest easy knowing he won't be the first.

Don't fight to live, Jer. Just give in. It's going to be okay.
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