
Pro Bowler
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I'd honestly question the notion of this generation thinking for itself. It's the first generation entirely born out of rampant advertising in all forms and it's not entirely reasonable to think that that doesn't have it's consequences. Advertising isn't simply the hit and run ads we see on TV and magazines and billboards. It exists in long form through entertainment and the parody of information called 'news'. And it's amazingly successful. It is shaping ideologies.

Advertising, entertainment such as movies and TV shows, and the news are full of subliminal messages. They all come from one source - the government - which is trying to shape how you think and see the world.

You're right about religion in a sense. Religion is man made, or at the very least man corrupted to mirror everything else man discovers has an impact on human lives. Find anything that people will respond to en masse and it's instantly a commodity, using truths, lies, myths and analogies to propagate a system of leaders and followers. Haves and have nots to seduce with multiple forms of the carrot and stick approach.

Religion is man's way of creating something which it believes it needs - God and an afterlife. It does far more harm than good because it teaches people to turn their brains off and think in a way that their religion says they should. It turns people into close-minded, judgmental robots.

Understand the Son bit for what it is. Jesus is God. God didn't copulate, have a son and send him to earth to clean things up and force you t worship him. It's a metaphorical characterization to speak on terms man would instantly recognize, but unfortunately people are taking it too far and relating to God as though he is a man. Jesus is God, not a creation of God. He came down to live amongst those He created and to make it painfully obvious that one, everything the prophets said was of divine origin and two, that man cannot govern himself no matter how big he feels about himself.

I have a hard time believing Jesus even existed. Watch the first 20 minutes of this movie and you'll see why:


And your idea of worship is limited by the world view which has been given you through the above mentioned advertising. We think of worship as foot licking and ass kissing, yet over and over God in the bible makes it clear that you can't flatter him. Doing right is worshipping God. Being charitable, not wasting whatever gifts and talents he had given you is worship. bringing others to a greater understanding of him is worship. Eternity won't be a big slob languishing with an innumerable host to feed him grapes and cool him with giant feathers. That's the earthly image of being worshipped.

That's my religion - doing the right thing, helping others, and hoping I left the world in a better state than it was when I arrived. I don't believe I need to spend over an hour of my Sunday worshipping a God who created the Universe. He is most likely appalled that we are wasting our time and being misled by crooks who misrepresent him and take our money. Not all of them are crooks, but most are.

Anyone being honest will have to sometimes answer 'I don't know' when it comes to every question concerning God, but we know whats critical and what's pertinent and first and foremost, God requires faith. It seems the easiest and probably would be, if you were living in isolation, but for us living in the world with oppositional ideas and opinions it's the largest test you'll ever face.

It requires faith to try to live right and do the right thing, but it does eventually pay off. Sometimes it takes years, but it eventually will pay off. As far as believing in God, it seems logical to me. There's no way all of this came about out of thin air. Something created it. I would love to know the purpose of life and I'm sure when we all die we'll get the answer.


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From the preamble of this movie I see he's trying the pretty caveman tact of appealing to the pride of the listener, by carefully but not really hiding his suggestion that belief in God is born of fear of the unknown. The fear of now and the future as he say's. It's a common tact, but it's illogical and never really challenged properly.

Take two men.
One functions under the idea that there is a creator. A creator who knows your every thought and desire and from whom no act or thought is ever hidden. Not only are you an open book, but there exists an obligation for the things you feel, that not even death will absolve you from.

The other man functions under the idea that he's solely responsible for himself on a social level. He judges himself on a descending scale by proclaiming he's good by comparing himself to the worst society has to offer, i.e. the Hitler's, Ted Bundy's and rapists of the world etc, but he's not answerable to anybody.

Who's the coward in this scenario?

Who is threatened by the now? What is threatening about now as he suggests? We can always fall victim to a thug I suppose and since many do, do we find an over-encompassing God the answer to these things? I doubt it, anymore than anyone thinks believing in God will end wars. Reading the bible will dispel that notion in less than a day.

I think the fact that there are wars and terrible things gives greater testimony to the fact that man is inherently evil and has no belief in God in general. An American President can talk all the shit he wants, but when he enacts policies that indiscriminately kill children in other countries, let alone gives support to abortion at home(and yes both Republicans and Democrats do), he has zero belief in God and the idea that he will have to answer for his horrible acts. Most men do not believe in God and Jesus essentially proved this. Paul expounded by saying before you came to Christ you were rejecting God. That's the natural state of man, to reject the responsibility that he feels comes with having to believe in God.

So what does he do? He, as your movie states, lives for now. Epicureans. All this film does is the exact same thing I said religion does: uses bits of truth to get you to believe it's own doctrine: The truth that religion has been misused and distorted, but that's mans doing, not God's. God/Jesus didn't establish a religion. Man did. God created, laid down his purpose and allowed man his autonomy, after which man ran with it and used it to create the systems of orders. So I understand the disillusion with religion, but I don't think it wise or logical to attribute it to God.

People will take their truth from these things and other people, but they'll fight against simply reading the bible. You've basically admitted that by saying this film has effected your ability to believe in Christ - an historical figure no less, as opposed to simply reading the bible and what it say's about Jesus Christ himself. So who has more influence on every day life, man or God?

Whether or not you believe in God, if we're going to talk in hypothetical ways for the sake of argument, you're at some time going to have to come around to mentioning the devil, which no on really does. They talk about bad things and ask why God, why God? but never acknowledge the other guy. Who Jesus himself called the prince of this world. So, with that in mind, and with the knowledge that we have our own free will at what point do we recognize that we continually give him more of our time than we do God and when do we realize that the consequences of that are not to be attributed to God? You have no time for church or bible study, but you have two hours to watch one of his productions to glean something concerning God? A cartoon narrated by a dead coke-head is being propagated as conventional wisdom. Think about it. Earlier man had their Aristotle's, Plato's, etc and this generation has… George Carlin?

Under that condition, why would you believe in God?

It's fine to seek out what people are saying, but if you don't balance it with what God himself is actually saying, you're never going to get a sufficient answer. At least not the right answer. We make more time for profitless entertainment than for simply reading the bible. We seek out pseudo intellectuals with initials after their names to validate what we want to hear instead of finding out what God himself says.

Don't blame the state of the church on God, there are great churches and great bible teachers. They're just too honest to engage in the marketing and mind games to be sen on a national level. And Jesus wasn't joking when he said strait is the gate to salvation and wide the road to destruction. The majority will take the wide road. Popularity isn't the pathway to God.

Under those conditions why would anyone believe in God?

Change the conditions and you'll understand why it's absolutely reasonable to believe in God.

Mind you I'm not being an ass and saying these things like I have some superior position on you because I don't. That's not my point. I don't go to church and I'm not ashamed or proud of that fact, it just is what it is. But I do study the bible every day and pray and am very well versed in it. And I would confidently say it's because that's exactly what I prayed to God for. For understanding, historically, spiritually and intellectually, (not that I think I'm an intellectual at all). I know what I know because of God.
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I hope I don't have to interact with any of you assholes in the afterlife. Once is enough.


Pro Bowler
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SP, I hear its really hot down there with the guy with the pitchfork.

me and old mcdonald go way back

PS telling an atheist he's going to hell is a little like telling a teenager that if he isn't good santa isn't coming.
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Do you guys think you've handled the same physical money twice in your life? Like after you spend it it comes Back to you a year later


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SP in infant stage:



Quality Starter
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me and old mcdonald go way back

PS telling an atheist he's going to hell is a little like telling a teenager that if he isn't good santa isn't coming.

Wait a minute are u saying Santa Claus is not real?


There are all kinds of books and movies about him.


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Theebs returned? I now know there is a God. You cocksuckers don't deserve Theebs.
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