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Why would someone stick up for her? You molest a kid you pay the price.

MIAMI – Gay rights advocates are rallying around an 18-year-old central Florida girl who was expelled from school and charged with having sexual contact with her 14-year-old girlfriend.

Kaitlyn Hunt was charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery on a child 12 to 16 in February. Prosecutors have offered a plea deal that includes two years of house arrest and a year of probation.

The Hunts say that the relationship was consensual and that their daughter is being discriminated against because she's gay.

But State Attorney Bruce Colton says the arrest has nothing to do with Kaitlyn's sexual preference. He says the law is designed to protect younger children from people who are older and can be more aggressive in forming a relationship.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/05/2...ld-girlfriend/?intcmp=obnetwork#ixzz2U8HSQZoA


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I just got into a huge argument over this on a gun forum I frequent. This shouldn't be a crime. This isn't molestation. This isn't rape. It's two teenagers doing what teenagers do; fuck around. If I understand correctly they had been dating before this and the parents waited until she turned 18 to file charges. This whole thing is a joke. A senior dating a freshman is not a crime. I bet there are hundreds of thousands of them doing it right now.

We should just criminalize everything.
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Practice Squad
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There's a litmus test we can run here: If it were an 18 year old guy and a 14 year old girl, would it be illegal? If the answer is yes, this situation is also illegal. It's an issue of informed consent: What kind of informed consent can a 14 year old girl give?


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There's a litmus test we can run here: If it were an 18 year old guy and a 14 year old girl, would it be illegal? If the answer is yes, this situation is also illegal. It's an issue of informed consent: What kind of informed consent can a 14 year old girl give?

There's a reason why Romeo and Juliet laws were created. We're talking about teenagers. I'm pretty sure 14 year old's can give informed consent to an 18 yr old classmate. Sex has nothing to do with this. And by sex I mean male/female.


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Statutory rape laws vary from state to state. I have no idea what they are in Florida. But sex isn't necessarily limited to male penetration.


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Statutory rape laws vary from state to state. I have no idea what they are in Florida. But sex isn't necessarily limited to male penetration.

Florida has no Romeo and Juliet laws so this girl could be labeled a sexual predator for the rest of her life. At least that's what I understand. Could be wrong though.

IMO, there just seems to be a lack of common sense in this case. It's still early though.


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If this has been going on for a while as min suggested, a 17 year old should not be diddling a 13 year old. Same for a 16 year old and a 12 year old. Did this start in Junior High?

Min...do you have kids?


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I am sure they do. People do lots of things that are illegal and stupid. If they choose to do those things then they better be prepared for the consequences.
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Florida has no Romeo and Juliet laws so this girl could be labeled a sexual predator for the rest of her life. At least that's what I understand. Could be wrong though.

IMO, there just seems to be a lack of common sense in this case. It's still early though.

Prosecutors have offered a plea deal to Kaitlyn Hunt that would allow her to avoid registering as a sex offender if she pleads guilty to lesser charges of child abuse. State Attorney Bruce Colton said he would recommend two years of house arrest followed by one year probation if she takes the deal.


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If this has been going on for a while as min suggested, a 17 year old should not be diddling a 13 year old. Same for a 16 year old and a 12 year old. Did this start in Junior High?

Min...do you have kids?

A 17 year old wasn't "diddling" a 13 year old. You're making this into something that isn't even remotely close to the truth.

I was 17 and dating a 14 year old. I was a virgin, she wasn't. This naive, unrealistic view that a small portion of men who are douchebags make up all older men trying to date younger women is bullshit.

I don't have kids. I can promise you that I wouldn't immediately write off my daughter dating an 18 yr old if she was 14 though. I'd have to get to know the kid. If the kid was unwilling, she can't date him...period. I will watch him like a hawk when he's around my daughter. If he is a good kid and shows that he has good intentions, so be it. If I sense he is a douchebag or pick up on any shady behavior, she can't date him. Now if the kid is 20 something and my daughter is 14, well that's for me to know and him to find out.


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Prosecutors have offered a plea deal to Kaitlyn Hunt that would allow her to avoid registering as a sex offender if she pleads guilty to lesser charges of child abuse. State Attorney Bruce Colton said he would recommend two years of house arrest followed by one year probation if she takes the deal.

Still too much. Glad to hear there's at least some conversation about reducing the penalty though. Because she dated someone from her school that was younger than her she has to be under house arrest, for TWO YEARS though? We're talking about teenagers, not a 35 yr old and an 11 yr old.

Give her community service, that's all it's really deserving of, if that.


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If it were a 35 year old and 11 year old, a hollow point would be the appropriate response.

In this particular case I am sure they will reach some accommodation.


Practice Squad
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If it were a 35 year old and 11 year old, a hollow point would be the appropriate response.

In this particular case I am sure they will reach some accommodation.

I'd prefer a beating until death. But we can agree to disagree on that. :D


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I think Peplaw specializes in family law. He could provide some insight. It seems to me, however, that the issue here is one of legal consent. Everything else--sexual preference, what you did in high school, what you think kids are doing in high school--is irrelevant.


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Under Florida Law when an accused is sentenced in a statutory rape case, the Court is required to impose a designation as a sex offender or a sex predator depending on the nature of the charges. These designations involve very stringent and public statutory conditions and restrictions that may have a devastating impact on the future of the young accused adult. Recognizing that the facts of certain statutory rape cases may not call for these stringent sex offender or sex predator designations, in 2007 the Florida Legislature passed the Romeo & Juliet Law which allows a person convicted of a statutory rape case to petition the Court for removal of the sex offender or sex predator registry designation.

However, the Florida Romeo & Juliet law has very strict requirements that must be met before the Court will grant the petition. The person must be convicted of a statutory rape case; the victim must have been between the ages of 14 and 17 at the time of the offense; and the person convicted must have been no more than four years older than the victim at the time of the offense. The petition must be filed in the Court where the sentence occurred, and the petition must allege that the removal of the registration requirement will not conflict with federal law. If all the statutory rules are not strictly followed, the Court will deny the petition and the Florida Romeo & Juliet Law strictly forbids the filing of another petition.



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As already stated, this isn't some adult preying on a kid. These are both teenagers. Kids. So apparently, it was ok the night before her 18th birthday for them to be together. But somewhere in the passing of a minute, it became illegal? Retarded. There has to be some common sense used here.


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If I understand correctly they had been dating before this and the parents waited until she turned 18 to file charges.

If the parents waited until this student turned 18 and their child was 14, that means that a HS student was fucking around with a 12/13 year old, if not younger so lets keep this in perspective. I would have done the same thing. Maybe there was nothing the parents could do prior to the girl turning 18. In any event, the 18 year old's parents should know better.


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If the parents waited until this student turned 18 and their child was 14, that means that a HS student was fucking around with a 12/13 year old, if not younger so lets keep this in perspective. I would have done the same thing. Maybe there was nothing the parents could do prior to the girl turning 18. In any event, the 18 year old's parents should know better.

How does it mean that? Did it say somewhere how long they were together? Or are you just guessing for dramatic effect? Maybe they've only recently started dating. 14-17. I don't know. But just as plausible
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