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Doug Baldwin from the Seahawks now has 8 receiving TD's in the last THREE games. Baldwin isn't exactly Randy Moss or Jerry Rice.

Our Dallas Cowboys as a TEAM have only 5 offensive touchdowns in the last 5 games COMBINED.

Think about that one for a sec.
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I'd actually love it if all the NFCE teams out there just kept losing and we went into week 17 with a retarded chance to win the division with 6 wins and fail. Again.


Pro Bowler
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Hopefully NYG win so we can be mathematically eliminated finally

Well almost anyway

One more loss for us and one more win for any of them and we are out

Then hopefully they throw Moore to the wolves so he can fail now and show the coaches we need to look elsewhere for a back up for next year

That way we don't get Weedened again when Tony goes down next year


Pro Bowler
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I say throw in all the 2nd and 3rd stringers and let's see what we have with them

Give them a chance to prove they deserve to be here or deserve to be shown the door

No more experiments. Either you show promise that you can play and we keep and develop you. Or you dot and you look for a spot on another roster (if any team will even have them)

We have enough players on our team that wouldn't make the practice squad on any other NFL team

It's time to clear house of the dead weight

Make room for next years crop of badly scouted talent
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It will never happen. Jerrah still has two home games to sell out. They'll stick with the starters just to keep the fans interested.

Also, Ginger would never play Moore just in case he comes in and starts winning games. It would make Ginger look even worse and he'd never put himself in that situation.
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these games aren't sold out long before the season starts?

There's plenty of legit face value tickets available right now. Plus, the season ticket holders who got suckered will sell off to anyone or just not show up.

Not that any of this matters unless Garrett is fired. If Jerry is desperately trying to sell the injury excuse as a reason for the poor performance in order to keep season ticket holders renewing, then it might not be enough. Even the Gestapo at CZ can't keep Garrett haters tucked into the Rant Zone anymore. One can hope...


Practice Squad
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The coaching can't overcome the loss of it's QB.
The star WR can't catch.
The defense looks great on 1st & 2nd down but can't stop anyone on 3rd or at the end of a half or game.
The best OL in football can't convert a 3rd & 1.
The RB's can't gain yardage on a consistent basis.
The star DE we brought in has disappeared.

There's plenty of blame to go around. It's been a bad year. About the only 2 people you really can't fault are Dan Bailey and Chris Jones.

....and L. P. Ladouceur. L.P. is the star of this team.
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Pro Bowler
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Whoever wins the NFC East is going to get bitch slapped by Seattle in the 1st round so I don't really care which one it is. If a gun is to my head, I guess I hate the Giants less than the Redskins and Eagles.


High Plains Drifter
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If a gun is to my head, I guess I hate the Giants less than the Redskins and Eagles.
I'll always hold the Mara family in high regard, for without Wellington and his influence there would be no Dallas Cowboys - and without him allowing Tom Landry to talk with Tex, there would have been no Tom Landry coaching them. So of all the teams in the East, the Giants are the one I root for if we can't get there.


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Whoever wins the NFC East is going to get bitch slapped by Seattle in the 1st round so I don't really care which one it is. If a gun is to my head, I guess I hate the Giants less than the Redskins and Eagles.



Pro Bowler
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And.... somehow manage to go deeper than 20-25 yards.

Duh, you only need to run the route about 8 yards and then you can run for the extra yards, It's not like it's ultimate frisbee or parcheesi.

And that is the brilliance of Jason Garrett. You don't call plays that have deep enough routes to get the first down. His play design calls for short routes, break two tackles, run for TD. When the players didn't break the tackles, they simply weren't executing.
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Duh, you only need to run the route about 8 yards and then you can run for the extra yards, It's not like it's ultimate frisbee or parcheesi.

And that is the brilliance of Jason Garrett. You don't call plays that have deep enough routes to get the first down. His play design calls for short routes, break two tackles, run for TD. When the players didn't break the tackles, they simply weren't executing.

With exception to Beasley, none of the Dallas WRs are really ideal to run these Coryell routes in enough time without jeopardizing the time for the QB to make a safe throw. Jason said in the press conference that the passes were not always successful because there were blocking assignments missed (but he hesitated to use a superlative) and then corrected himself to say that there were more rushers than blockers. He then said that usually his plays have a vertical route as well as an "underneath pattern across the middle". I almost placed a phone call to the previously recorded press conference to ask how often such plays happen. I remember three last year that resulted in two TDs for TWilly and one for Dez.

The head coach needs to recognize when something is not working and fix it. Jason will not allow his own system to be trumped.


Pro Bowler
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Whoever wins the NFC East is going to get bitch slapped by Seattle in the 1st round so I don't really care which one it is. If a gun is to my head, I guess I hate the Giants less than the Redskins and Eagles.

Same. For me it comes down to the fanbase. I can't stand Redskins' and Eagles' fans. I can have reasonable dialogue with Giants' fans. And when their team beats the Cowboys, they are nowhere near as obnoxious as the other two.
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