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  1. 63echo

    All right, which one of you guys is Cirilo Castillo?

    Weird. The guy doesn't look at all like a horse rapist. The stables where this happened (again) are a couple miles from my house. This dude was locally famous before this romantic interlude because he would pull around his ice-cream cart, by hand, down backcountry 2 in the morning...
  2. 63echo

    Game of Thrones

    Agreed. That was just a draining read and I couldn't believe Martin went there. I was curious to see how they would pull it off on TV, and they just nailed it...even with the liberties taken with the source. I ~almost~ wish I hadn't read the book so I could've gotten that gut-punch like my wife...
  3. 63echo

    Topless Women Aren't Breaking Any Laws

    lol I look like a perv. Those are lumps I'm willing to take when tits are involved.
  4. 63echo

    Topless Women Aren't Breaking Any Laws

    I just happened to be in the area during a Go Topless parade/protest/demonstration/whatever in Farmington, ME a few years back. Trust me in this like you've never ever trusted another human being: it was the most vile and horrible thing I've ever witnessed. I'll just go back to spying on the...
  5. 63echo

    Immigration/Amnesty... Can We Afford It?

    I dunno about that. For vastly different reasons, neither party is interested in any sort of effective immigration policy. Hell, IRCA 86 was enacted during the Reagan administration.
  6. 63echo

    Immigration/Amnesty... Can We Afford It?

    The ONLY way to fix the immigration problem is to quit promising amnesty (which worked so well in 86), make e-verify mandatory, enforce employer sanctions laws already on the books, and institute a sane guest worker program that won't have legal workers competing with guest workers. It would be...
  7. 63echo

    Immigration/Amnesty... Can We Afford It?

    My dad is a contractor, will not hire illegal workers, and pays a decent wage. People beat down his door whenever he has an opening on any of his crews. Saying legal workers don't want these jobs is circular reasoning that can be blown out of the water with little effort.
  8. 63echo

    Obama moving the goal posts on sequester deal

    My agency's plan for dealing with sequestration is cutting my pay by 40% (that's FORTY) and now you don't want to pay when I'm out there working on Christmas? I can think of better ways of dealing with this than by crippling your fucking employees.
  9. 63echo

    I hate America, reason 1,201: 'Racist' VW Super Bowl ad offends Americans

    Hyperbole, dawg. It's not an insignificant issue, though.
  10. 63echo

    I hate America, reason 1,201: 'Racist' VW Super Bowl ad offends Americans

    What kind of life do you have if you have to look for and manufacture reasons to get offended? Fuck you and your sympathy play, Barbara Lippert (which is as non-Jamaican a name as I've ever heard). There are (if you believe Mid) 1201 reasons America is swirling the toilet bowl right now, but...
  11. 63echo

    Secession petitions filed in 20 states

    Reminds me of all those retarded Hollywood types that said the were moving to Europe (and, unfortunately, didn't) after GWB won his second term. STFU, gasbags...all of you. A balkanized America intrigues me though. The thought of Texas being Red Dawned by Idaho makes me feel warm and cozy...
  12. 63echo

    kind fire, nook hd or ipad

    One of the new Fire models has built in 4g and you can get a ridiculously inexpensive data plan to go with it, but it's got a very low data cap to go along with it. I'd use it to download book purchases/borrows, but not much else. Can't remember the exact specs, but it's something on the order...
  13. 63echo

    Marines reportedly not allowed to use live ammo in Egypt's US Embassy

    I was with a maintenance company (Army, as well) during Desert Storm pulling guard duty on an MCP and we were not allowed to carry live ammunition either. Crazy to think about now, and this embassy story doesn't surprise me in the least.
  14. 63echo

    NFL on your local TV today

    Same. Pretty good slate today.
  15. 63echo

    Life and death in Aleppo

    Holy shit. That third picture is incredible.
  16. 63echo

    EZ of the DCC... a real stand-up guy

    This was SBK's favorite Irv "burn" as well. Frankly, it's embarrassing.
  17. 63echo

    Must see movies....

    In a recent Gallup Poll, it was revealed that 96% of men with vaginas didn't like that movie.... . . . Shit, I got nothing else.
  18. 63echo

    Pentagon holds first-ever gay pride event

    I'm still not sure why it's necessary to have a month celebrating someone's sexuality. Here's an idea: You be as gay as you want to be and I'll be as straight as I want to be, and we'll both leave that shit in the bedroom (or off of official time, anyway), mmkay? For last year's...
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