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Which law do they abide by? Sharia law? They certainly don't abide by our laws. We must change things to suit their "religious freedom." Employers must provide them a private room to pray, we have to allow women to keep their burka's on when they go to take their driver's license photo, honor killings and Lord knows what else. It's fucking absurd.

Oh...edit. Just look at this thread and it's original article/post. This fucktard is following our law? He's taking complete advantage of the system and even their daughter is in on the charade. It's fucking disgusting. If they pulled this shit in Saudi Arabia or Iran, they'd be lashed a thousand times and hung by the rafters. Fuck them and the camel they rode in on.

What laws did they break? Were they arrested? I don’t get your point. As to their religious freedoms, i wish everyone would keep their religion to themselves, especially Christians. They are always in your face about it. Other than this forum, i rarely express my views on religion. If i was more out spoken, it could seriously hurt my business.
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This is rich.

You're such a more mentally stable/stronger person because you read a website or two dedicated to destroying the Bible and Christianity and bought everything they said.

Can you imagine the shitstorm you would bring down on this forum if I posted something this stereotypical and anecdotal about your race?
95% of the world is wrong and he is right lol. Most of the smartest people in history believed in God, but this clown thinks he is smarter than all of those people. I would wager $1000 that my IQ is 30 points higher than his, but I am the dumb one.


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Which law do they abide by? Sharia law? They certainly don't abide by our laws. We must change things to suit their "religious freedom." Employers must provide them a private room to pray, we have to allow women to keep their burka's on when they go to take their driver's license photo, honor killings and Lord knows what else. It's fucking absurd.

Oh...edit. Just look at this thread and it's original article/post. This fucktard is following our law? He's taking complete advantage of the system and even their daughter is in on the charade. It's fucking disgusting. If they pulled this shit in Saudi Arabia or Iran, they'd be lashed a thousand times and hung by the rafters. Fuck them and the camel they rode in on.
The Saudi government is wise enough to know how to control these Muslim barbarians. You can beat common sense into the goat bumpers or kill them. Killing them is a better solution.bmuslims are the cockroaches of mankind. It is time to make them extinct.


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I was comparing Christian history with radical Islam. The Christian Crusaders killed thousands and massacred entire cities. The Old Testament is full of stories about “gods people” murdering and killing non-believers and those of other faiths. Thought i made those points clear?

Which Muslims are you talking about? The ones in this country or the ones in the middle east? The Muslims in America are non-violent law abiding citizens. Sure its possible to have a few radicals hiding somewhere, just like Christianity had with David Koresh in Waco a few years ago. I have found that mentally disturbed/weak people tend to gravitate to religion, so it’s always possible.

If you are talking about Muslims in the middle east. Well i don’t have plans to visit there anytime soon so i should be ok, although i don’t understand why we invaded and occupied a country that didn’t have weapons of mass destruction and was not responsible for 9-11.

Anyways, we should be more worried about homegrown terrorists.

“Law enforcement agencies around the country have told us the threat from Muslim extremists is not as great as the threat from right-wing extremists,” said Dr. Kurzman, whose study is to be published by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security and the Police Executive Research Forum.

Log In - The New York Times
One if my grandfathers was a French knight and he was one of the first ones over the wall to retake the holy city from the Muslims during the first Crusade. His group of men slaughtered the barbaric evil men, women and children . I just wish he would have killed more. I am sick of this evil religion and it is time to terminate all of the followers of Islam once and for all. Send them to the hell that they deserve.
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95% of the world is wrong and he is right lol. Most of the smartest people in history believed in God, but this clown thinks he is smarter than all of those people. I would wager $1000 that my IQ is 30 points higher than his, but I am the dumb one.

An appeal to people argument. Millions of people believed the Earth was flat. One could claim that smoking is a healthy pastime, since millions of people do it. I don’t think i am that smart but i do have some knowledge about a few subjects. I have my opinions and beliefs. You have yours.

The Saudi government is wise enough to know how to control these Muslim barbarians. You can beat common sense into the goat bumpers or kill them. Killing them is a better solution. muslims are the cockroaches of mankind. It is time to make them extinct.



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What laws did they break? Were they arrested? I don’t get your point. As to their religious freedoms, i wish everyone would keep their religion to themselves, especially Christians. They are always in your face about it. Other than this forum, i rarely express my views on religion. If i was more out spoken, it could seriously hurt my business.

What cave do you live in? We've seen domestic terrorism here at home and the Administration ants to call it domestic violence. Honor killings? Really? What normal human being can kill their kids because they don't practice the faith? And this goofy dork and his family are committing fraud but we look hard the other way because we don't want to offend their Muslim sensibilities. Please.

And you must live in a different world than me because I've only had a handful of people who wanted to discuss religion (to the extreme). No one is in yiour face except this jackass kid and his family who want to cry racism and defraud you and me.


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You took it out of context. Let me preface it by saying that i don’t think EVERY religious person is mentally disturbed or weak. Although religion does seem to feed and thrive off these type of people.

What is your excuse for the great men in history that gave thanks to their religion for taking them so far in life? Was all these great men mentally disturbed? This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and morals. Maybe you should move to an Islamic country so that Christian beliefs won't be shoved in your face. They would behead your ass in an Islamic country and put it on Youtube for us to enjoy. Most Christians don't give a damn if you burn in hell or not. I doubt they push their ideals on you. You just get offended about everything under the sun. If it is not your race, it is religion, if not religion, you will find something else to offend you. Trump is leading in the polls right now due to you and your type that is offended by any and everything. It was s much better world when men where men and didn't wear their feelings on their shoulders.


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I was comparing Christian history with radical Islam. The Christian Crusaders killed thousands and massacred entire cities. The Old Testament is full of stories about “gods people” murdering and killing non-believers and those of other faiths. Thought i made those points clear?

The problem you're having is, in order for men to act the way the did during the crusades, they had to disobey Christ's commands and teachings. You must have been day-dreaming about being a pussy-slayer during your so-called bible study time, because you name-dropping and out of context bible quotes are giving the lie to your assertion that you've read the bible.

Conversely, in order for Muslims to obey Mohammed, they have to kill, oppress or otherwise discomfit non-believers. This is evidenced by any place a Muslim rules or expands.

Dodger said:
and I'm not sure why the argument still persists.

I am, and this answer is for you both: go read 2 Thessalonians Ch 2:10-12
The proof of God isn't going to be found searching the dirt for gopher-wood or any other sort of relic, it's in His prophecies and their always eventual manifestations.


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The problem you're having is, in order for men to act the way the did during the crusades, they had to disobey Christ's commands and teachings. You must have been day-dreaming about being a pussy-slayer during your so-called bible study time, because you name-dropping and out of context bible quotes are giving the lie to your assertion that you've read the bible.

Conversely, in order for Muslims to obey Mohammed, they have to kill, oppress or otherwise discomfit non-believers. This is evidenced by any place a Muslim rules or expands.

I am, and this answer is for you both: go read 2 Thessalonians Ch 2:10-12
The proof of God isn't going to be found searching the dirt for gopher-wood or any other sort of relic, it's in His prophecies and their always eventual manifestations.

Damn, what a great post


Draft Pick
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The problem you're having is, in order for men to act the way the did during the crusades, they had to disobey Christ's commands and teachings. You must have been day-dreaming about being a pussy-slayer during your so-called bible study time, because you name-dropping and out of context bible quotes are giving the lie to your assertion that you've read the bible.

Conversely, in order for Muslims to obey Mohammed, they have to kill, oppress or otherwise discomfit non-believers. This is evidenced by any place a Muslim rules or expands.

Don't really care that much to normally jump into a religious discussion. People do what they do. Sort of a, "you do you and I'll do me, and so long as we don't try to fuck each other over we're set" sort of deal. That said, I do have to ask a couple of questions.

What do you suppose a person who "disobeyed" Allah would encounter? Conversely, how about a "non-believer" of Christ's teachings? What kind of experience might they have if they ran into some Christians during the Crusades? "Disobeyer" and "non-believer", is there really a difference? "Non-belief" is disobedience in and of itself and "disobedience" would presumably only come from, and would most certainly be interpreted by "believers" nearly 100% of the time as, "non-belief".

They are, in effect, identical. I'm pretty fucking sure both religions hold a mutually exclusive position in that not subscribing to ONLY their teachings is disobedience.

Shit, how do you classify a guy who hadn't even heard of Jesus Christ and his teaching and who worships the same deity his ancestors have worshiped for the last 500 years? Dude's breaking the 2nd Commandment so he must be a "disobeyer". Nah, can't be, he didn't know any better. No one ever told him about Jesus so at absolute worst, he's just a "non-believer".

What of a guy who never heard of Jesus, grew up worshipping the same deity his relatives have for the last 500 years, and who happens to be working on Sunday? What happens to him? Exodus 31:15 tells us:

For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death

No differentiate between disobeyer and non-believer here. Just put to death.


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The Crusades were ordered by the Pope and the ones who left Europe to fight was promised that all of their sins would be forgiven if they would fight. Many criminals fought side by side with the Knights just for the hope of forgiveness . I see many of the Bible verses used in this thread come from the Old Testament. Most of the modern day Christian churches consider themselves as New Testament churches and they try to live by Jesus's teachings instead of the Old Testament. The examples of Christian violence used in previous post was recorded in the Old Testament and he little to do with modern Christianity. Hoof, I have wondered how people that have never been exposed to Jesus's teaching would be judged. I don't think anybody knows but God. It seems a little unfair to me.


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Don't really care that much to normally jump into a religious discussion. People do what they do. Sort of a, "you do you and I'll do me, and so long as we don't try to fuck each other over we're set" sort of deal. That said, I do have to ask a couple of questions.

What do you suppose a person who "disobeyed" Allah would encounter? Conversely, how about a "non-believer" of Christ's teachings? What kind of experience might they have if they ran into some Christians during the Crusades? "Disobeyer" and "non-believer", is there really a difference? "Non-belief" is disobedience in and of itself and "disobedience" would presumably only come from, and would most certainly be interpreted by "believers" nearly 100% of the time as, "non-belief".

They are, in effect, identical. I'm pretty fucking sure both religions hold a mutually exclusive position in that not subscribing to ONLY their teachings is disobedience.

Shit, how do you classify a guy who hadn't even heard of Jesus Christ and his teaching and who worships the same deity his ancestors have worshiped for the last 500 years? Dude's breaking the 2nd Commandment so he must be a "disobeyer". Nah, can't be, he didn't know any better. No one ever told him about Jesus so at absolute worst, he's just a "non-believer".

And they're good questions.

The person who disobeys Christ is judged by God, after his death. He gets an entire life to live and is judged by his actions upon the resurrection of the unjust. Revelation Ch 20:11

The distinction between Christians and the Roman Catholic church has to be made. Any objection to what the heretics in Rome was doing was met with death. Why? Because they, the Catholics, are not Christian. They're clearly disobeying Christ's teachings.They killed Christians and believing Jews to cement their own power and they killed Muslims in geo-political warfare. The people objecting were Christians, who were martyred. They knew Christ's teachings, and no where was there the command to plunder and conquer.

The person who disobeys Mo and Allah are treated to earthly punishment.
Despite the Quran saying : ‘Whosoever will, let him believe, and whosever will, let him disbelieve,’ (Quran18:29) to this day, you get the Grand Mufti of Egypt stating clearly: Islam prohibits a Muslim from changing his religion and it’s a crime that must be punished. He's not simply interpreting his own way, he's quoting Mohammed from the Hadith.

The main difference between disbelief and unbelief for Christians is having heard. Upon hearing, in whatever form, to then disobey is unbelief. But ignorance isn't a lifelong excuse because God will have caused everyone to know at some point through their conscience.

Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,* since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts,* their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them. Romans Ch 2:13-16

God speaks trough the nature of the man and he knows right from wrong, regardless of his place n the world, apart from the reach of ministry. God calls us to ministry and outreach, but He sure isn't going to let the eternal lot of al humanity rest solely on the abilities of mankind.

What of a guy who never heard of Jesus, grew up worshipping the same deity his relatives have for the last 500 years, and who happens to be working on Sunday? What happens to him? Exodus 31:15 tells us:

No differentiate between disobeyer and non-believer here. Just put to death.

You're kind of mixing and matching here, with Jesus and Levitical ordinances.

So to that and my quote of the Quran above and the contradicting statement of the Muf: The idea of interpretation is always brought up and the claim is that that's what goes on with the bible. Interpretation and contradiction. That's not true. The Bible from Old to New Testament is a progression, based on the intellect evolution of mankind. God dealt with man based on the stage man existed in the given time.

The Law and the practical ordinances of Mosaic Judaism handed down in the wilderness were meant for the people of Israel at the time they were living in. By the time of Jesus' arrival on earth, man had a advanced knowledge of psychology, medicines and other sciences. It's why the dietary laws were no longer a restriction and why man was no longer obligated to mete out moral judgment with rocks. Sin did not become not-sin, but mans obligation to it was altered. (Matthew 5:27, and John Ch 8)

Conversely, 600 years after Christ, along comes Mohammed; observes the Haj, recognizes it's political advantages and plunges people back into caveman regulations of throwing rocks and refraining from certain foods, entirely disregarding mans own advancements on these things. While the Old and New Testaments represent the progression of man and his relationship to God, you have Quran saying one thing and the Hadith quoting it's own prophet in contradiction to it. Written after the fact. It's inverse as you'd expect an anti-Christ religion to be.

And they continue to this very day. Apart from the harmless diet restrictions, you won't even find a Jew who claims to be following Mosaic law doing such things. No one is killed for adultery. No one is killed for apostasy. The difference between the religions is so vast you can fit a fleet of 747's between them.


Draft Pick
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And they're good questions.

The person who disobeys Christ is judged by God, after his death. He gets an entire life to live and is judged by his actions upon the resurrection of the unjust. Revelation Ch 20:11

The distinction between Christians and the Roman Catholic church has to be made. Any objection to what the heretics in Rome was doing was met with death. Why? Because they, the Catholics, are not Christian. They're clearly disobeying Christ's teachings.They killed Christians and believing Jews to cement their own power and they killed Muslims in geo-political warfare. The people objecting were Christians, who were martyred. They knew Christ's teachings, and no where was there the command to plunder and conquer.

Do you draw the same line between offshoots of other religions who worship the same God, read the same text, and differ only in tertiary manners?

More specifically, are there both moderate and extreme versions of Islam?

The person who disobeys Mo and Allah are treated to earthly punishment.
Despite the Quran saying : ‘Whosoever will, let him believe, and whosever will, let him disbelieve,’ (Quran18:29) to this day, you get the Grand Mufti of Egypt stating clearly: Islam prohibits a Muslim from changing his religion and it’s a crime that must be punished. He's not simply interpreting his own way, he's quoting Mohammed from the Hadith.

The main difference between disbelief and unbelief for Christians is having heard. Upon hearing, in whatever form, to then disobey is unbelief. But ignorance isn't a lifelong excuse because God will have caused everyone to know at some point through their conscience.

Who's to say that they don't attribute God's acts to a deity they are more familiar with? What of the person who wholeheartedly believes that God's acts are attributable to the God they have known their whole life? Remember the news article about the un-contacted tribe in the the Amazon? Pictures of these guys aiming their bows and arrows at a plane? Now, go back 200 years and how much more common are such groups of people? Go back 500 years, and even 1000 years. These people are everywhere and they've never heard of the Christian God. Why would they attribute any sort of 1st hand experience to something they are not aware of?

Wouldn't it take nearly every person who never heard of Christianity to have had a firsthand experience with God himself to learn of Christianity? In that case, how is there any single person on Earth subscribing to any other religion?

God speaks trough the nature of the man and he knows right from wrong, regardless of his place n the world, apart from the reach of ministry. God calls us to ministry and outreach, but He sure isn't going to let the eternal lot of al humanity rest solely on the abilities of mankind.

So why the mandate to wear a certain jersey? Why not just judge people based on their actions? Can non-believers not act in a manner that appeases this omnipotent being? This is the primary conflict I have with religion in general. We attribute the greatest of powers to a single source, and yet also attribute the pettiest of characteristics to the same source. This being knows everything. He knows if people are naturally good (never mind the question as to why he would make people who are inherently bad), and yet the quality of person's life doesn't count for shit if he isn't waiving the right colors? This isn't omnipotence, it's gang mentality.

You're kind of mixing and matching here, with Jesus and Levitical ordinances.

So to that and my quote of the Quran above and the contradicting statement of the Muf: The idea of interpretation is always brought up and the claim is that that's what goes on with the bible. Interpretation and contradiction. That's not true. The Bible from Old to New Testament is a progression, based on the intellect evolution of mankind. God dealt with man based on the stage man existed in the given time.

The Law and the practical ordinances of Mosaic Judaism handed down in the wilderness were meant for the people of Israel at the time they were living in. By the time of Jesus' arrival on earth, man had a advanced knowledge of psychology, medicines and other sciences. It's why the dietary laws were no longer a restriction and why man was no longer obligated to mete out moral judgment with rocks. Sin did not become not-sin, but mans obligation to it was altered. (Matthew 5:27, and John Ch 8)

Conversely, 600 years after Christ, along comes Mohammed; observes the Haj, recognizes it's political advantages and plunges people back into caveman regulations of throwing rocks and refraining from certain foods, entirely disregarding mans own advancements on these things. While the Old and New Testaments represent the progression of man and his relationship to God, you have Quran saying one thing and the Hadith quoting it's own prophet in contradiction to it. Written after the fact. It's inverse as you'd expect an anti-Christ religion to be.

And they continue to this very day. Apart from the harmless diet restrictions, you won't even find a Jew who claims to be following Mosaic law doing such things. No one is killed for adultery. No one is killed for apostasy. The difference between the religions is so vast you can fit a fleet of 747's between them.

Technically, I may be mixing the two but I was simply using Jesus as a substitute for Christianity in general. If someone hasn't heard of Christianity, how can you say they are disobedient and how can you say they are a non-believer? They don't even know of the option.

The point I was trying to make is that it appears that you are distinguishing between the shitty aspects of both Christianity and Islam by drawing a line between "non-belief" and "disobedience" in that death from one is justified because you disobeyed God while death from other is not because you could have simply subscribed to a different belief system.


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Do you draw the same line between offshoots of other religions who worship the same God, read the same text, and differ only in tertiary manners?

More specifically, are there both moderate and extreme versions of Islam?

I draw the line between the Judaeo-Chrisitian understanding of God and everyone else. I wouldn't say the differences between true Christianity and Catholicism and the false teachers of today are tertiary. They're starkly contrasting and are exactly what Jesus Himself warned against.

As for Islam, you need only look at how it's handled when the restrictions are off. In their own nations. You acknowledge that the U.S. has to deal with the crazies, as you'd called them, but we know they are the exception not the rule. In Islamic nations and in their expansions what and where are moderates? An American Muslim on Fox or CNN in a suit isn't a good barometer, because as it stands, if he acts out as he can in a Muslim nation he'd get the boot or at least ruin the narrative of the poor minority yet again being oppressed by evil Americans.

The Grand Mufti I quoted above was clearing up his Taqiyya to his own people. Taqiyya is lying to the enemy. In English he quoted the Quran: ‘Whosoever will, let him believe, and whosever will, let him disbelieve,’ (Quran18:29), yet to his own, in his own language is when he made the remark about punishing apostasy. This is what goes on. This is what is commanded. In order for a Muslim to disobey, he has to contradict this. Like I'd said, it's an inverse of Christinaity. Not just different, entirely inverted.

Who's to say that they don't attribute God's acts to a deity they are more familiar with? What of the person who wholeheartedly believes that God's acts are attributable to the God they have known their whole life? Remember the news article about the un-contacted tribe in the the Amazon? Pictures of these guys aiming their bows and arrows at a plane? Now, go back 200 years and how much more common are such groups of people? Go back 500 years, and even 1000 years. These people are everywhere and they've never heard of the Christian God. Why would they attribute any sort of 1st hand experience to something they are not aware of?

Wouldn't it take nearly every person who never heard of Christianity to have had a firsthand experience with God himself to learn of Christianity? In that case, how is there any single person on Earth subscribing to any other religion?

The passage from Romans I'd quoted takes care of this. By doing the right things in his heart and living it out among his people, the Amazonian, the unreachable becomes a law unto himself and God judges him on that basis. God doesn't blame him for not hearing the Gospel. In the day of judgement God won't be confused or angry with Christians for missing one. Like I'd said, He wouldn't bank all of civilizations eternal fortunes on the abilities of man, so where man fails God doesn't.

So why the mandate to wear a certain jersey? Why not just judge people based on their actions? Can non-believers not act in a manner that appeases this omnipotent being? This is the primary conflict I have with religion in general. We attribute the greatest of powers to a single source, and yet also attribute the pettiest of characteristics to the same source. This being knows everything. He knows if people are naturally good (never mind the question as to why he would make people who are inherently bad), and yet the quality of person's life doesn't count for shit if he isn't waiving the right colors? This isn't omnipotence, it's gang mentality.

God didn't make us to remain as tree-swingers and cave-dwellers. Advanced humans far outnumber remote tribes, so to the advanced and prosperous man God puts forth His plan of salvation. He knows how humanity behaves when it rises to the top. We have a much greater sense and vulnerability to sin than a simple life affords.

When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me. (Hosea 13:6)

It's recounted repeatedly how easily Israel became apostate once it became prosperous. And they had signs and prophets!

Technically, I may be mixing the two but I was simply using Jesus as a substitute for Christianity in general. If someone hasn't heard of Christianity, how can you say they are disobedient and how can you say they are a non-believer? They don't even know of the option.

The point I was trying to make is that it appears that you are distinguishing between the shitty aspects of both Christianity and Islam by drawing a line between "non-belief" and "disobedience" in that death from one is justified because you disobeyed God while death from other is not because you could have simply subscribed to a different belief system.

The shitty aspects :)lol) of Judaism are ancient history and Jesus and the Apostles make it clear what purpose they served in it's time and the Christians relationship to it. We are not to kill anyone for apostasy; we are not to harass. Nor were ancient Jews. God only told them to punish those who formerly persecuted them, or as a punitive measure against a self-destructive society, before they spread their horrible practices. Never was the reason simply for not believing. God made the distinction between unbelief and disobedience on His terms. It's not recorded how He did, but He did give the Canaanites 400 years and they didn't repent. So God used Israel to punish them, but He did not allow them to attack the Edomites, who also didn't have the law.

We are to study the entire bible and learn from someone else's mistakes. An example being the book of Judges; it's an entire polemic against moral equivocation. We see that going on now in force.

The Quron and the Hadith make no such distinctions. No evolution of intellect and spirituality, just stagnant laws and the compulsive obedience to them.

I sure hope all of this makes you curious enough to start reading the Bible.
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What is your excuse for the great men in history that gave thanks to their religion for taking them so far in life? Was all these great men mentally disturbed? This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and morals. Maybe you should move to an Islamic country so that Christian beliefs won't be shoved in your face. They would behead your ass in an Islamic country and put it on Youtube for us to enjoy. Most Christians don't give a damn if you burn in hell or not. I doubt they push their ideals on you. You just get offended about everything under the sun. If it is not your race, it is religion, if not religion, you will find something else to offend you. Trump is leading in the polls right now due to you and your type that is offended by any and everything. It was s much better world when men where men and didn't wear their feelings on their shoulders.

Not trying to restart this debate that went into bible study mode, but wanted to pass along some info.

The Treaty of Tripoli. November 4, 1796

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Just thought it was worth mentioning because every religious nut mentions how this nation was founded on Christianity. It’s not.
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Well I'd hope the worlds biggest war mongering country wasn't founded on christianity. That isn't saying much for christianity if true.


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Anyone can find any number of quotations going in any direction they wish, depending on their belief, both atheist and religious. Regardless, the U.S. was not founded on any religion as it’s not a theocracy, but it’s morals and ethics were Judaeo-Christianity based.

An appeasing treaty reference to the Barbary states, whose cooperation was necessary for U.S. trade routes doesn’t serve your desire to re-write history any more than the treaty of Paris, written by the same author and prefaced with “In the Name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.” serves the idea that the U.S. was ever a theocracy. That same author yet again wrote “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

So. Is he a two-talking full of shit politician or does anthropology trump cut and paste history? Your history is as bad as your bible study. :lol
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